Virtual Mobility (VM) Rules
VM panel:
VM coordinator: Jacqueline den Hartogh
WGLs (or a nominated substitute, e.g. WG deputy leader),
1 Synergy Agent,
pan-European coordinator,
Action Chair
These grants aim at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate the Action results, etc. These activities may include surveys, questionnaires or preparation of protocols, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, etc.
All Action participants are invited to apply - early career investigators (ECIs - less than PhD + 8 years) are particularly encouraged to apply.
The maximum amount per VM Grant is EUR 1,500, with a maximum of 6 VM Grants per Action per Grant Period (up to 1,500 EUR per grant, max 9,000 EUR). This amount can be reduced depending on the activities included in the grant application (as is standing practice with STSM Grants and ITC Conference Grants).
VMs need to be carried out in their entirety within a single grant period and within the Action's lifetime (before the end of September 2021).
For more details regarding e.g. the regulations related to STSM, please refer to the COST Vademecum, section 10.2: In particular, section 10.2.3 gives examples of VM activities.
See Section 10.2.1 of the Vademecum
Application procedure:
After checking if you are eligible, follow this procedure to apply:
- Fill-in the online application form (
- You can download the application template on the submission system (at the second step or using this link: The Application should contain (hint: state how your application fulfils the evaluation criteria)
- Main objective of the Virtual Mobility Grant.
- Working Plan: Description of the collaborative initiative to be implemented.
- Plan for Participation: List of participants in the collaborative initiative (short description of their expertise and contribution).
- Main expected outputs: results and contribution to the progress towards the MoU objectives (either research coordination and/or capacity building objectives can be tackled) and delivery of the MoU objectives.
- Contribution to the COST Action Strategy: How will the Virtual Mobility contribute to the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy and plans for stakeholder engagement and promoting participation of researchers from NNC and IPC (COST Global Networking) and to the approved virtual networking strategy, if available.
The application process is permanently open. This being said, a first round of evaluation will take place with proposal submitted before or on 10th June. Remember that a VM has to completed within a single grant period.
Once the application is submitted to the VM coordinator;
- The VM coordinator organises the assessment of the VM proposal: the VM panel assesses the proposal (see "VM Evaluation Criteria") - and may seek expert but impartial advice to inform their decision.
- If approved, the VM coordinator sends application and approval to the Grant Holder & Action Chair for final check.
- The Grant Holder activates the application and sends a Grant letter to the applicant. The VM should not be started until this letter has been sent. No further action is required from the applicant until the end of the VM.
Reporting rules and reimbursement:
- After the VM, submit scientific report to Host and STSM coordinator within 30 days of Mission end: The report template from the report can be downloaded using this link: and includes: description of the outcomes and achieved outputs (including any specific Action objective and deliverables, or publications resulting from the Virtual Mobility),
description of the benefits to the COST Action Strategy (what and how),
description of the virtual collaboration (including constructive reflection on activities undertaken, identified successful practices and lessons learned). - The VM coordinator approves the final report and sends approval to the Grant Holder
- The Grant Holder executes the payment to the Applicant
Given that the end of the Action is at the start of October, all reports must be submitted by mid-September.
Evaluation criteria:
- Scientific quality (e.g. proposed outcome) or added value to ChETEC COST Action
- Feasibility of the proposed project (e.g. suitable host/equipment/technique)
- Matching goals, objectives and deliverables of Action (e.g. inclusiveness)
A score will be given for each of the 3 criteria above. Each VM panel member will be asked to score the proposal. Scoring will be finalised after 7 days (a minimum of 5 scores is needed before a decision can be made). The final application score will be the average of the scores of the VM panel members. The score levels are defined as follows:
1 - Not-competitive 2 - Good 3 - Excellent 4 - Outstanding
The final score will be the sum of the 3 individual scores. A threshold for funding is 7. Evaluators may consider the following questions/point to establish their score:
- Does the mission fit into the objectives of the present COST action?
- Does the applicant (or team if work is collaborative) have the competence to make this VM fruitful in the timeframe planned?
- The inclusiveness (ITC/ECIs) and gender balance will be included in the score of criterion 3
- The expertise of or benefits to the applicant will contribute to criteria feasibility (criterion 2) and objectives of the Action (criterion 3), respectively.