NuGrid/JINA-CEE/ChETEC School: Software Tools for Simulations in Nuclear Astrophysics
- NuGrid/JINA-CEE/ChETEC School: Software Tools for Simulations in Nuclear Astrophysics
- 2018-09-17T00:00:00+02:00
- 2018-09-19T23:59:59+02:00
- NuGrid and the EA Milne Centre for Astrophysics in collaboration organize a 3-day training school event on the topic of nuclear astrophysics, the 17th-19st September 2018, at the University of Hull, Hull, UK.
- When 17 Sep, 2018 to 19 Sep, 2018 (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
- Where Hull, United Kingdom
- Contact Name Marco Pignatari
- Add event to calendar iCal
In order to prepare students and post-docs for explorations in these science areas the school will include among others an introduction to:
Running network codes and analysing data, within a flexible framework for nuclear astrophysics simulation experiments;
Tools and examples for nuclear uncertainty studies;
Galactic chemical evolution with NuPyCEE.
The goal of this training school is to document present state of knowledge and discuss key open questions in nuclear astrophysics, and to allow young scientists to practise and actively engage with these different interdisciplinary topics. Trainees will learn how to use software tools that will enhance their research and their exploitation.
The School main webpage is available here.
The school is organized before the meeting of the UK BRIDGCE nuclear astrophysics collaboration, "Stars, Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis, V" (20th-21st September 2018).