README — README document, 1 KB (1372 bytes)
File contents
This folder contains the inlists and numerical results of the simulations presented in "Relative importance of convective uncertainties in massive stars" (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 2, pp.1967-1989, The models are separated into folders with their initial mass. The model files are named mass_metallicity_fcbm_f0_boundaryCriterion. mass: initial mass metallicity: initial metal mass fraction (note that only the file names contain the metallicity. the metallicity is omitted in the folder name) fcbm: The value of the f-value in the exponential decaying convective boundary mixing prescription f0: The value of the f0-parameter. boundaryCriterion: The boundary criterion used in the model, i.e. ledoux or schwarzschild. For the Ledoux models, the semiconvective efficiency parameter is included as well: ledoux_semiconv<string> Each model file contains the evolutionary track ('') and for each burning phase three profile outputs: at ignition (0.3% of the fuel is burn: <stage>, middle of the burning phase (half of the initial fuel is burnt: <stage> and depletion (central mass fraction of the fuel drops below 10^-5: <stage> <stage> indicates the burning phase (hydrogen: H, helium: He).