Welcome to the SHYNE project!
SHYNE stands for Stellar HYdrodynamics Nucleosynthesis and Evolution.
SHYNE is a multi-disciplinary project that will combine 3D hydrodynamics and 1D stellar evolution simulations to further our understanding of the evolution and fate of stars. The project will also use stellar models as virtual nuclear physics laboratory to establish the impact of nuclear reaction rate uncertainties and also guide future nuclear physics experimental and theoretical efforts. The SHYNE team will collaborate with the Norwegian company Numascale to find the best balance between openMP and MPI parallelism. This will thus add an inter-sectoral dimension to this project.
Refereed publications from this project can be found at this NASA ADS link. Full publication list including latest pre-prints is available via this NASA ADS link.New results are regularly uploaded to this Plone. Please visit it again soon for more exciting results.
Key questions that the project will tackle:
- How are the elements we are made of created?
- What are the properties of the most massive stars and what is their fate?
- Do electron-capture supernovae exist?
- What are the most important reaction rates and what precision in nuclear physics experiments is desirable for astrophysics applications?
- How does one improve 1D models using modern computers and multi-D simulations?
Infrastructure: the ERC grant has enabled the purchase of a new cluster, comprising 1000+ cores and part of it uses the high-tech shared-memory hardware from numascale, see http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/shyne/numascale for more details.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 306901 (ERC Starting grant)