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Visualisations (movies, snpashots, ...)

Movies and snapshots of multi-D hydrodynamic simulations of a carbon-burning shell in a 15 solar mass star (Cristini et al 2016, in prep.) using the PROMPI code (Meakin & Arnett 2007, ApJ, 667, 448M)
Image Troff document Carbon shell velocity magnitude snapshot
2D slice of the carbon shell simulation (512x512x512 zones). Shown is the computational domain for the x-y plane, the colormap represents the velocity magnitude. This snapshot is taken near the start of the simulation when turbulence is being initiated.
Image Carbon shell velocity magnitude snapshot
2D slice of the carbon shell simulation (512x512x512 zones). Shown is the computational domain for the x-y plane, the colormap represents the velocity magnitude. This snapshot is taken in the middle of the simulation where turbulence is fully developed.
File SGI video Carbon abundance movie
Movie showing a 2D slice of the carbon abundance at the upper convective boundary region.
File SGI video Average atomic weight movie
Movie showing a 2D slice of the average atomic weight in the convective region.
File SGI video Velocity magnitude movie
Movie showing the evolution of the velocity magnitude of a 512^3 resolution run of Carbon-burning shell. Following inset of turbulence, hot blobs interact with top boundary, slowly but surely push it upwards and induce waves in stable layer above. Gravity wave are also generated in the bottom stable layer. Results from Cristini et al 2016, in prep.
File Very high resolution movie of the C-shell
Movie showing the evolution of the velocity magnitude of a 1024^3 resolution run of Carbon-burning shell. This is the very high resolution follow-up simulation of the 512^3 resolution above. This movie shows the turbulence in the central convective zone and gravity waves in the top and bottom stable regions. In addition, this movie nicely shows the Kelvin-Helmhotz (shear) instability developing at the top boundary due to the fast horizontal motion of the convective flow when it is deflected and "de"celerated by the boundary. Results from Cristini et al 2016, in prep.
File SGI video Carbon shell (1024^3) simulation: fly-through movie
Here is a fly through movie along one of the horizontal dimension of the data cube of one snapshot. This movie shows one vertical slice of the data after the other. It resembles the traditional movie which steps through time for a single vertical slices of the data. The similarity between the two types of movie is due to the isotropy of statistical steady state turbulence in space-time (See e.g. "The Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence", G. K. Batchelor, New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953)