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Ryan Alexander (Univ. Hull)

Inhomogeneous Galactic Chemical Evolution: Modelling Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies of the Large Magellanic Cloud
When Dec 06, 2022
from 12:00 PM to 12:20 PM
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Ultra faint dwarf galaxies are observed to contain no traces of gas within them, providing insight into the nature of star formation and chemical evolution during the early Universe through their small scale structure and high dark matter concentrations.

Understanding the chemical abundance dispersion in such hostile environments could shed light on the stellar properties and chemical abundances of these stars. We present the inhomogeneous chemical evolution model i- GEtool for two ultra faint dwarf galaxies within the orbit of the Large Magellanic Cloud - Reticulum II and Carina II. Using several stellar yields, we compute the chemical abundances of generated stars, each with a mass, metallicity and age. For both models, we predict a star formation period with many stars being enriched from type Ia and core collapse supernovae. We recreate the chemical abundance of these galaxies for several - and odd-z elements in Carina II and Reticulum II. We compute the average mass loading factor for our models ans find relatively high values compared to those predicted in massive galaxies. A synthetic color-magnitude diagram is created comparing the stars within Reticulum II with our model, including a prediction with the Car II model. We found that more gas was removed due to supernova ejecta in our Carina II model than Reticulum II, suggesting that other factors were necessary to remove the gas from these ultra faint dwarfs.