Kate Womack (Hull)
19F, the only stable isotope of fluorine, has many different potential sites and channels of production. As a result, modelling the chemical evolution of fluorine and attempting to narrow down a dominant site of production is particularly challenging. The most commonly discussed sites of fluorine production are: AGB stars, Wolf-Rayet stars, the v-process in core-collapse supernovae, novae and rotating massive stars; with AGB, Wolf-Rayet and rotating massive stars being the most likely to be the dominant source of fluorine. We use the galactic chemical evolution code OMEGA+ to investigate the chemical evolution of fluorine in the Milky Way. We explore the impact of a variety of AGB and massive star yield sets, with a particular focus on varying the prescription for the initial rotational velocity of massive stars. We find models which include rotating massive stars with vrot=300kms-1 provide the best fit to observations, while a combination of initial rotational velocities provides a more physical solution. We also investigate the fluorine abundance of Wolf-Rayet stars and rule them out as a dominant contributor to the galactic fluorine abundance.