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David Hendriks (Surrey)

Recent developments of Binary_c(-python): nested data structures and event based logging
When Dec 06, 2022
from 02:35 PM to 02:55 PM
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In this talk I will show some recent developments of the binary_c framework, a semi-analytic rapid binary stellar evolution code with a focus on nucleosynthetic yields, and /binary_c-python/, the population synthesis wrapper around binary_c. Recently we have implemented methods to generate standardised output of nested data structures that can contain many quantities like transient event rates or chemical yields from different sources and for arbitrary delay times. We are working on generating a suite of simulations and datasets with up-to-date physics and prescription choices for (binary) stellar evolution. These datasets can then be used by other codes or frameworks, giving them access to results of the latest population synthesis results. (see the talk by Rob Yates for an example of this). Another development is the implementation of event-based-logging, which allows the standardised output of specific events, like a mass-transfer event or a supernova, for each binary system. This output type is useful to study specific physics changes and how they affect the evolution of binary systems, and how these events are related to each other in the evolutionary history of the binary. I will conclude with some example use cases like transient event rates over cosmological timescales and outlining future ideas for the code.