DEBCat is a catalogue of the physical properties of well-studied detached eclipsing binaries. It was originally based on the list given by Andersen (1991A&ARv...3...91), and is updated whenever revised results are published for new eclipsing binaries or for ones already in the catalogue. The table below is ordered in decreasing mass of the primary star, and the most important one or two references are given for each system. |
DEBCat is described in a poster presented at the Kopal conference in Litomyšl, Czech Republic, September 2014. This was written up as a conference proceedings which can be found on the NASA ADS service (2015ASPC..496..164S) and in preprint form on the arXiv server (arXiv.1411.1219). Please cite this paper if you use DEBCat in your work.
See here for a machine-readable ascii table. A few missing quantities are indicated using "-9.99" in this table.
See here for plots of these data in mass / radius / Teff / luminosity diagrams.
A log of modifications from 2008 onwards is shown at the bottom of the page. An overhaul of DEBCat is planned in the near future to improve the website and add further information on each catalogued object.
Scope: I have followed Johannes Andersen in selecting eclipsing binaries with mass and radius measurements accurate to 2%, although I have added a few interesting systems which don't quite meet this criterion. The catalogue contains binaries which are representative of single stars: ones whose evolution was/is affected by mass transfer are not included. I also require both stars to have a measurement of their effective temperature.
Words of warning: these studies can not be described as completely homogeneous. Whilst the masses and radii should be reliable, several slightly different effective temperature scales exist, and there are multiple alternatives for the luminosity of the Sun. This should be corrected eventually, but until then please be aware that there may be the slight inconsistencies. If you notice a mistake, or have a new system which is not included, then I would be happy to hear from you.
Metal abundances: a small number of these eclipsing binaries have metal abundance measurements. As of 2009 April this catalogue contains their [M/H] values from abundance analyses of high-resolution spectra. Some eclipsing binaries are members of stellar clusters; in these cases the [M/H] values may be from other cluster members, and this is indicated in the References/Notes column. A few objects have "0.00 ± 0.00" in the [M/H] column - this indicates that spectroscopic abundances are available for one or more chemical elements (typically He, C, N, O) but that a specific [M/H] or [Fe/H] value is not given.
System | Period (days) | V B-V |
Spectral type | Mass (Msun ) | Radius (Rsun) | Surface gravity (cgs) | log Teff (K) | log (L/Lsun) | [M/H] (dex) |
References and notes |
V3903 Sgr | 1.744 | 7.27 0.06 |
O7V(n) B0:V: |
27.27 ± 0.55 19.01 ± 0.44 |
8.088 ± 0.086 6.125 ± 0.060 |
4.058 ± 0.016 4.143 ± 0.013 |
4.580 ± 0.021 4.531 ± 0.021 |
5.087 ± 0.029 4.658 ± 0.032 |
Vaz et al. (1997A&A...327.1094V) |
V467 Vel | 2.753 | 10.90 0.00 |
O6_Vf B1_V |
25.3 ± 0.7 8.25 ± 0.17 |
9.99 ± 0.09 3.49 ± 0.03 |
3.842 ± 0.016 4.268 ± 0.017 |
4.559 ± 0.031 4.402 ± 0.046 |
5.187 ± 0.126 3.649 ± 0.110 |
Michalska et al. (2013MNRAS.429.1354M) |
CC Cas | 3.366 | 7.08 0.48 |
O8.5_III(n B0.5_V |
23.49 ± 0.92 9.95 ± 0.34 |
10.87 ± 0.18 6.84 ± 0.18 |
3.736 ± 0.013 3.766 ± 0.022 |
4.538 ± 0.025 4.452 ± 0.031 |
5.179 ± 0.053 4.474 ± 0.064 |
Southworth & Bowman (2022MNRAS.513.3191S) |
EM Car | 3.414 | 8.38 -0.31 |
O7.5_V((f) O7.5_V((f) |
22.89 ± 0.32 21.43 ± 0.33 |
9.35 ± 0.17 8.34 ± 0.14 |
3.856 ± 0.017 3.926 ± 0.016 |
4.531 ± 0.026 4.531 ± 0.026 |
5.02 ± 0.10 4.92 ± 0.10 |
Andersen & Clausen (1989A&A...213..183A) |
δ Cir | 3.902 | 5.09 -0.06 |
O7_IV((f)) B |
20.00 ± 0.50 11.41 ± 0.24 |
9.256 ± 0.091 5.326 ± 0.091 |
3.806 ± 0.007 4.043 ± 0.014 |
4.574 ± 0.010 4.519 ± 0.013 |
5.184 ± 0.070 4.339 ± 0.090 |
Southworth & Bowman (2022MNRAS.513.3191S) |
DN Cas | 2.311 | 9.93 0.53 |
O8.5_V B0.2_V |
19.04 ± 0.07 13.73 ± 0.05 |
7.22 ± 0.06 5.79 ± 0.06 |
4.000 ± 0.009 4.270 ± 0.010 |
4.507 ± 0.014 4.447 ± 0.017 |
4.70 ± 0.06 4.27 ± 0.08 |
Bakış et al. (2016PASA...33...46B) |
OGLE LMC-ECL-21568 | 3.225 | 14.13 -0.90 |
O9_V O9.5_V |
19.02 ± 0.12 17.50 ± 0.13 |
7.70 ± 0.05 6.64 ± 0.06 |
3.994 ± 0.005 4.035 ± 0.007 |
4.535 ± 0.006 4.528 ± 0.006 |
4.854 ± 0.010 4.700 ± 0.003 |
Taormina et al. (2024ApJ...967...64T) member of the LMC |
V1292 Sco | 4.240 | 7.57 0.14 |
O9.5_III B1-2_IV |
18.64 ± 0.47 7.70 ± 0.12 |
9.40 ± 0.15 3.69 ± 0.06 |
3.762 ± 0.018 4.190 ± 0.016 |
4.490 ± 0.014 4.336 ± 0.020 |
Rosu et al. (2022A&A...664A..98R) |
Y Cyg | 2.996 | 7.32 -0.09 |
O9.5_IV O9.5_IV |
17.72 ± 0.35 17.73 ± 0.30 |
5.785 ± 0.091 5.816 ± 0.063 |
4.161 ± 0.014 4.157 ± 0.010 |
4.521 ± 0.003 4.525 ± 0.003 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Harmanec et al. (2014A&A...563A.120H) |
V1034 Sco | 2.441 | 8.47 -0.22 |
O9.2_IV B1:_V |
17.01 ± 0.14 9.573 ± 0.053 |
7.513 ± 0.075 4.328 ± 0.051 |
3.917 ± 0.009 4.147 ± 0.010 |
4.508 ± 0.007 4.412 ± 0.005 |
4.738 ± 0.028 3.874 ± 0.028 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski et al. (2023A&A...671A.139P) Rosu et al. (2022A&A...664A..98R) |
AH Cep | 1.775 | 6.81 0.30 |
B0.5_V B0.5_V |
16.14 ± 0.26 13.69 ± 0.21 |
6.51 ± 0.10 5.64 ± 0.11 |
4.019 ± 0.012 4.073 ± 0.018 |
4.487 ± 0.008 4.459 ± 0.008 |
4.53 ± 0.03 4.30 ± 0.04 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski, Southworth & Tamajo (2018MNRAS.481.3129P) Holmgren et al. (1990A&A...236..409H) |
GL Car | 2.422 | 9.70 0.17 |
B0.5_V B1_V |
15.86 ± 0.31 14.95 ± 0.30 |
5.242 ± 0.048 4.968 ± 0.051 |
4.199 ± 0.007 4.220 ± 0.008 |
4.491 ± 0.007 4.483 ± 0.007 |
4.357 ± 0.029 4.278 ± 0.030 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski et al. (2023A&A...671A.139P) Gimenez & Clausen (1986A&A...161..275G) |
V478 Cyg | 2.881 | 8.63 -0.29 |
O9.5_II O9.5_III |
15.40 ± 0.38 15.02 ± 0.35 |
7.26 ± 0.09 7.15 ± 0.09 |
3.904 ± 0.009 3.907 ± 0.010 |
4.507 ± 0.007 4.502 ± 0.008 |
4.70 ± 0.03 4.67 ± 0.04 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski, Southworth & Tamajo (2018MNRAS.481.3129P) Popper & Hill (1991AJ....101..600P) |
V573 Car | 1.469 | 9.52 0.11 |
O9.5V_(n) B0.5V_(n) |
15.11 ± 0.13 12.37 ± 0.10 |
5.429 ± 0.043 4.528 ± 0.049 |
4.148 ± 0.007 4.218 ± 0.009 |
4.504 ± 0.005 4.458 ± 0.005 |
4.439 ± 0.023 4.098 ± 0.023 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski et al. (2023A&A...671A.139P) Freyhammer et al. (2001A&A...369..561F) |
V578 Mon | 2.408 | 8.54 0.17 |
B0_V B1:_V |
14.54 ± 0.08 10.29 ± 0.06 |
5.41 ± 0.04 4.29 ± 0.05 |
4.133 ± 0.018 4.185 ± 0.021 |
4.477 ± 0.007 4.411 ± 0.007 |
4.33 ± 0.03 3.86 ± 0.03 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Garcia et al. (2014AJ....148...39G) Pavlovski, Southworth & Tamajo (2018MNRAS.481.3129P) |
V453 Cyg | 3.890 | 8.29 0.18 |
B0.4_IV B0.7_IV |
13.96 ± 0.23 11.10 ± 0.18 |
8.665 ± 0.055 5.250 ± 0.056 |
3.708 ± 0.004 4.044 ± 0.009 |
4.459 ± 0.008 4.442 ± 0.009 |
4.666 ± 0.031 4.163 ± 0.039 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Southworth et al. (2020MNRAS.497L..19S) Pavlovski, Southworth & Tamajo (2018MNRAS.481.3129P) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-22270 | 5.414 | 14.03 -0.02 |
none none |
13.21 ± 0.08 14.44 ± 0.14 |
8.48 ± 0.10 12.95 ± 0.05 |
3.702 ± 0.010 3.374 ± 0.003 |
4.417 ± 0.027 4.376 ± 0.024 |
4.478 ± 0.010 4.681 ± 0.003 |
Taormina et al. (2020ApJ...890..137T) |
CW Cep | 2.729 | 7.59 -0.28 |
B0.5_V B0.5_V |
13.00 ± 0.07 11.94 ± 0.08 |
5.45 ± 0.06 5.09 ± 0.06 |
4.079 ± 0.010 4.102 ± 0.104 |
4.452 ± 0.008 4.440 ± 0.007 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Johnston et al. (2019A&A...628A..25J) Clausen & Gimenez (1991A&A...241...98C) |
V346 Cen | 6.322 | 8.51 -0.06 |
B0_IV B1_V |
11.74 ± 0.12 8.359 ± 0.089 |
8.278 ± 0.079 4.123 ± 0.072 |
3.672 ± 0.008 4.130 ± 0.015 |
4.417 ± 0.005 4.352 ± 0.006 |
4.457 ± 0.022 3.594 ± 0.028 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Pavlovski et al. (2023A&A...671A.139P) Mayer et al (2016A&A...591A.129M) |
VV Ori | 1.485 | 5.38 -0.22 |
B1_V B4_V |
11.56 ± 0.14 4.81 ± 0.06 |
5.11 ± 0.03 2.51 ± 0.02 |
4.08 ± 0.05 4.32 ± 0.06 |
4.426 ± 0.005 4.211 ± 0.011 |
4.07 ± 0.02 2.60 ± 0.06 |
-0.06 ± 0.06 |
Budding et al. (2024MNRAS.527.6389B) Southworth et al. (2021MNRAS.501L..65S) |
V380 Cyg | 12.426 | 5.68 -0.06 |
B1.5_III B2_V |
11.43 ± 0.19 7.00 ± 0.14 |
15.71 ± 0.13 3.819 ± 0.048 |
3.104 ± 0.006 4.120 ± 0.011 |
4.336 ± 0.006 4.356 ± 0.023 |
4.691 ± 0.041 3.626 ± 0.038 |
0.03 ± 0.10 |
Tkachenko et al. (2014MNRAS.438.3093T) Tkachenko et al. (2012MNRAS.424L..21T) |
DW Car | 1.328 | 9.68 0.07 |
B1_V B1_V |
11.34 ± 0.12 10.63 ± 0.14 |
4.558 ± 0.045 4.297 ± 0.055 |
4.175 ± 0.008 4.198 ± 0.011 |
4.446 ± 0.016 4.423 ± 0.016 |
4.055 ± 0.063 3.915 ± 0.067 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Southworth & Clausen (2007A&A...461.1077S) Clausen et al. (2007A&A...461.1065C) |
QX Car | 4.478 | 6.64 -0.23 |
B2_V B2_V |
9.267 ± 0.122 8.480 ± 0.122 |
4.289 ± 0.091 4.051 ± 0.091 |
4.140 ± 0.020 4.151 ± 0.021 |
4.377 ± 0.009 4.354 ± 0.010 |
3.72 ± 0.04 3.58 ± 0.04 |
Andersen et al. (1983A&A...121..271A) |
V1388 Ori | 2.187 | 7.50 -0.06 |
B2.5_IV B3_V |
7.237 ± 0.078 5.028 ± 0.038 |
5.301 ± 0.074 3.144 ± 0.056 |
3.849 ± 0.012 4.144 ± 0.015 |
4.279 ± 0.023 4.230 ± 0.025 |
3.650 ± 0.044 3.018 ± 0.049 |
Southworth (2022Obs...142..161S) Williams (2009AJ....137.3222W) |
V436 Per | 25.936 | 5.52 -0.18 |
B1.5_V B1.5_V |
6.880 ± 0.037 7.348 ± 0.039 |
3.415 ± 0.046 3.745 ± 0.027 |
4.209 ± 0.012 4.157 ± 0.006 |
4.332 ± 0.020 4.342 ± 0.020 |
3.351 ± 0.081 3.471 ± 0.079 |
Southworth & Bowman (2022MNRAS.513.3191S) |
V539 Ara | 3.169 | 5.71 -0.19 |
B3_V B4_V |
6.239 ± 0.066 5.313 ± 0.060 |
4.551 ± 0.019 3.575 ± 0.035 |
3.917 ± 0.003 4.057 ± 0.008 |
4.258 ± 0.012 4.233 ± 0.013 |
3.302 ± 0.048 2.993 ± 0.052 |
Southworth & Bowman (2022MNRAS.513.3191S) Clausen (1996A&A...308..151C) |
CV Vel | 6.889 | 6.69 -0.19 |
B2.5_V B2.5_V |
6.067 ± 0.011 5.952 ± 0.011 |
4.08 ± 0.03 3.94 ± 0.03 |
4.000 ± 0.008 4.021 ± 0.008 |
4.255 ± 0.012 4.250 ± 0.012 |
3.204 ± 0.048 3.137 ± 0.048 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Albrecht et al. (2014ApJ...785...83A) |
DI Her | 10.550 | 8.42 -0.18 |
B5_V B5_V |
5.185 ± 0.108 4.534 ± 0.066 |
2.680 ± 0.046 2.477 ± 0.045 |
4.297 ± 0.018 4.307 ± 0.017 |
4.230 ± 0.020 4.179 ± 0.020 |
2.73 ± 0.08 2.46 ± 0.08 |
Popper (1982ApJ...254..203P) Albrecht et al. (2009Natur.461..373A) |
U Oph | 1.678 | 5.91 -0.18 |
B5_V B6_V |
5.09 ± 0.06 4.58 ± 0.05 |
3.44 ± 0.01 3.05 ± 0.01 |
4.073 ± 0.004 4.131 ± 0.004 |
4.220 ± 0.005 4.183 ± 0.003 |
0.00 ± 0.00 |
Johnston et al. (2019A&A...628A..25J) Vaz, Andersen & Claret (2007A&A...469..285V) |
EP Cru | 11.077 | 8.69 -0.04 |
B5_V B5_V |
5.02 ± 0.13 4.83 ± 0.13 |
3.590 ± 0.035 3.495 ± 0.034 |
4.028 ± 0.008 4.035 ± 0.008 |
4.196 ± 0.014 4.188 ± 0.014 |
Albrecht et al. (2013ApJ...767...32A) |
V760 Sco | 1.731 | 6.99 -0.17 |
B4_V B4_V |
4.980 ± 0.090 4.620 ± 0.073 |
3.013 ± 0.066 2.640 ± 0.053 |
4.177 ± 0.021 4.259 ± 0.019 |
4.228 ± 0.013 4.210 ± 0.013 |
2.82 ± 0.05 2.63 ± 0.06 |
Andersen et al. (1985A&A...151..329A) |
ASAS J180057-2333.8 | 269.496 | 10.34 1.60 |
K1_II K4_II |
4.914 ± 0.021 4.875 ± 0.021 |
52.12 ± 1.38 67.63 ± 1.40 |
1.696 ± 0.023 1.466 ± 0.018 |
3.657 ± 0.008 3.624 ± 0.008 |
3.013 ± 0.038 3.111 ± 0.037 |
-0.14 ± 0.10 |
Suchomska et al. (2015MNRAS.451..651S) |
MU Cas | 9.653 | 10.80 0.32 |
B5_V B5_V |
4.674 ± 0.091 4.586 ± 0.084 |
4.117 ± 0.039 3.653 ± 0.045 |
3.879 ± 0.007 3.974 ± 0.010 |
4.172 ± 0.015 4.174 ± 0.014 |
2.873 ± 0.059 2.778 ± 0.059 |
Southworth (arXiv:2410.23011) Lacy et al. (2004AJ....128.1840L) |
OGLE SMC108.1 14904 | 185.218 | 15.21 0.86 |
F9_II G7_II |
4.416 ± 0.041 4.429 ± 0.037 |
46.95 ± 0.53 64.05 ± 0.50 |
1.740 ± 0.014 1.472 ± 0.010 |
3.754 ± 0.008 3.695 ± 0.008 |
3.313 ± 0.042 3.346 ± 0.038 |
-0.79 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2014ApJ...780...59G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-06575 | 189.994 | 15.81 1.20 |
4.167 ± 0.022 3.989 ± 0.026 |
43.93 ± 0.43 46.75 ± 0.43 |
1.773 ± 0.008 1.699 ± 0.008 |
3.692 ± 0.007 3.667 ± 0.006 |
3.009 ± 0.029 2.963 ± 0.024 |
-0.46 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
OGLE-LMC-CEP-00227 | 309.669 | 15.2 0.6 |
F7_Ib-II G4_II |
4.15 ± 0.03 4.06 ± 0.03 |
34.87 ± 0.12 44.79 ± 0.14 |
1.970 ± 0.004 1.743 ± 0.003 |
3.778 ± 0.012 3.708 ± 0.010 |
3.15 ± 0.05 3.09 ± 0.04 |
Pilecki et al. (2018ApJ...862...43P) Pilecki et al. (2013MNRAS.436..953P) |
GG Lup | 1.850 | 5.59 -0.16 |
B7_V B9_V |
4.116 ± 0.040 2.509 ± 0.024 |
2.379 ± 0.025 1.725 ± 0.019 |
4.301 ± 0.011 4.364 ± 0.010 |
4.169 ± 0.013 4.041 ± 0.024 |
2.38 ± 0.05 1.59 ± 0.10 |
Andersen et al. (1993A&A...277..439A) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-13360 | 262.439 | 15.82 1.07 |
3.950 ± 0.024 4.060 ± 0.024 |
30.46 ± 0.38 39.46 ± 0.35 |
2.067 ± 0.011 1.854 ± 0.008 |
3.740 ± 0.007 3.706 ± 0.007 |
2.882 ± 0.031 2.972 ± 0.028 |
-0.30 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
ζ Phe | 1.670 | 3.95 -0.15 |
B6_V B8_V |
3.908 ± 0.057 2.536 ± 0.031 |
2.835 ± 0.019 1.885 ± 0.011 |
4.125 ± 0.005 4.292 ± 0.004 |
4.158 ± 0.024 4.079 ± 0.022 |
2.49 ± 0.10 1.82 ± 0.09 |
Southworth (2020Obs...140..247S) Andersen (1983A&A...118..255A) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-3678 | 187.843 | 15.56 0.67 |
F2_II G6_II |
3.83 ± 0.02 3.73 ± 0.01 |
31.2 ± 0.5 42.6 ± 0.4 |
2.03 ± 0.01 1.75 ± 0.01 |
3.823 ± 0.008 3.697 ± 0.006 |
3.234 ± 0.037 3.003 ± 0.026 |
-0.78 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-LMC-CEP-01812 | 551.776 | 16.69 0.64 |
F7_II G4_III |
3.76 ± 0.03 2.62 ± 0.02 |
17.85 ± 0.13 11.83 ± 0.08 |
2.509 ± 0.007 2.709 ± 0.007 |
3.787 ± 0.011 3.713 ± 0.010 |
2.61 ± 0.04 1.95 ± 0.04 |
Pilecki et al. (2018ApJ...862...43P) member of the LMC, primary is a Cepheid variable |
V413 Ser | 2.260 | 8.00 0.58 |
B8_V B9_V |
3.68 ± 0.05 3.36 ± 0.04 |
3.21 ± 0.05 2.93 ± 0.05 |
3.9914 ± 0.0028 4.0310 ± 0.0031 |
4.045 ± 0.012 4.015 ± 0.012 |
2.149 ± 0.022 1.949 ± 0.034 |
Çakirli et al. (2008MNRAS.389..205C) |
χ2 Hya | 2.268 | 5.65 -0.09 |
B8_V B8_V |
3.613 ± 0.079 2.638 ± 0.050 |
4.384 ± 0.039 2.165 ± 0.043 |
3.712 ± 0.015 4.188 ± 0.019 |
4.066 ± 0.010 4.041 ± 0.010 |
2.50 ± 0.04 1.79 ± 0.04 |
Clausen & Nordström (1978A&A....67...15C) |
OGLE-LMC-CEP-04506 | 1550.354 | 15.5 0.5 |
F7_Ib F7_Ib-II |
3.61 ± 0.03 3.52 ± 0.03 |
28.5 ± 0.2 26.4 ± 0.2 |
2.087 ± 0.007 2.142 ± 0.006 |
3.787 ± 0.011 3.783 ± 0.011 |
3.01 ± 0.05 2.93 ± 0.05 |
Pilecki et al. (2018ApJ...862...43P) Gieren et al. (2015ApJ...815...28G) |
OGLE-LMC-SC9-230659 | 772.638 | 16.63 1.09 |
3.598 ± 0.038 3.429 ± 0.030 |
32.83 ± 0.22 23.40 ± 0.31 |
1.962 ± 0.005 2.235 ± 0.011 |
3.699 ± 0.006 3.702 ± 0.009 |
2.783 ± 0.025 2.500 ± 0.036 |
-0.24 ± 0.11 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL26122 | 771.781 | 16.63 0.82 |
none none |
3.593 ± 0.055 3.411 ± 0.047 |
32.71 ± 0.51 22.99 ± 0.48 |
1.964 ± 0.014 2.248 ± 0.018 |
3.698 ± 0.007 3.699 ± 0.007 |
-0.15 ± +0.10 |
Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) Member of the LMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-01866 | 251.247 | 16.13 1.17 |
G3_III K1.5_III |
3.560 ± 0.020 3.550 ± 0.031 |
26.79 ± 0.52 47.11 ± 0.50 |
2.134 ± 0.017 1.642 ± 0.009 |
3.724 ± 0.007 3.653 ± 0.006 |
2.708 ± 0.032 2.912 ± 0.025 |
-0.49 ± 0.17 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
IQ Per | 1.744 | 7.73 -0.05 |
B8_V A6_V |
3.516 ± 0.050 1.738 ± 0.023 |
2.476 ± 0.015 1.503 ± 0.016 |
4.197 ± 0.004 4.324 ± 0.009 |
4.090 ± 0.006 3.885 ± 0.006 |
2.102 ± 0.025 0.849 ± 0.022 |
Southworth (arXiv:2410.23010) Lacy & Frueh (1985ApJ...295..569L) |
OGLE SMC113.3 4007 | 371.768 | 15.81 0.88 |
3.504 ± 0.028 3.561 ± 0.025 |
45.8 ± 0.7 48.4 ± 0.7 |
1.660 ± 0.017 1.620 ± 0.016 |
3.681 ± 0.009 3.682 ± 0.009 |
3.000 ± 0.033 3.053 ± 0.030 |
-0.50 ± 0.00 |
Graczyk et al. (2012ApJ...750..144G) [Fe/H] comes from its membership of the SMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-10567 | 117.975 | 16.43 1.09 |
3.333 ± 0.029 3.184 ± 0.026 |
24.60 ± 0.29 36.64 ± 0.25 |
2.179 ± 0.010 1.813 ± 0.006 |
3.705 ± 0.009 3.673 ± 0.007 |
2.555 ± 0.036 2.777 ± 0.028 |
-0.70 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-09114 | 214.366 | 16.71 1.03 |
3.304 ± 0.023 3.205 ± 0.025 |
26.33 ± 0.34 18.79 ± 0.37 |
2.116 ± 0.011 2.396 ± 0.017 |
3.719 ± 0.005 3.734 ± 0.009 |
2.669 ± 0.023 2.439 ± 0.040 |
-0.38 ± 0.12 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
OGLE_LMC-ECL-29293 | 194.517 | 16.53 0.93 |
3.267 ± 0.028 3.229 ± 0.029 |
23.62 ± 0.42 25.10 ± 0.43 |
2.205 ± 0.016 2.148 ± 0.015 |
3.712 ± 0.006 3.704 ± 0.006 |
2.550 ± 0.028 2.569 ± 0.028 |
-0.60 ± 0.15 |
Rojas García et al. (2024A&A...692A.110G) |
V906 Sco | 2.786 | 5.96 -0.01 |
B9_V B9_V |
3.253 ± 0.069 3.378 ± 0.071 |
3.515 ± 0.039 4.521 ± 0.035 |
3.858 ± 0.013 3.656 ± 0.012 |
4.029 ± 0.020 4.017 ± 0.021 |
2.162 ± 0.082 2.330 ± 0.084 |
Alencar et al. (1997A&A...326..709A) |
ψ Cen | 38.813 | 4.05 0.03 |
A0_IV none |
3.187 ± 0.031 1.961 ± 0.015 |
3.814 ± 0.007 1.896 ± 0.004 |
3.779 ± 0.003 4.175 ± 0.004 |
4.019 ± 0.012 3.944 ± 0.015 |
2.147 ± 0.050 1.244 ± 0.059 |
Gallenne et al. (2019A&A...632A..31G) Bruntt et al. (2006A&A...456..651B) |
α Dra | 51.417 | 3.68 0.04 |
A0_III none |
3.186 ± 0.044 2.431 ± 0.019 |
4.932 ± 0.036 2.326 ± 0.052 |
3.555 ± 0.006 4.090 ± 0.019 |
4.010 ± 0.004 3.997 ± 0.014 |
2.380 ± 0.018 1.667 ± 0.059 |
0.01 ± 0.05 |
Pavlovski et al. (2022A&A...658A..92P) Hey et al. (2022MNRAS.511.2648H) |
OGLE-IV-LMC554.19.81 | 133.173 | 16.77 0.94 |
3.165 ± 0.020 3.184 ± 0.020 |
18.86 ± 0.26 19.64 ± 0.26 |
2.387 ± 0.012 2.355 ± 0.012 |
3.736 ± 0.010 3.734 ± 0.010 |
2.450 ± 0.042 2.476 ± 0.042 |
-0.45 ± 0.16 |
Rojas García et al. (2024A&A...692A.110G) |
V414 Pup | 4.749 | 8.81 -0.05 |
ApSi Am |
3.155 ± 0.059 1.751 ± 0.039 |
2.781 ± 0.034 1.390 ± 0.042 |
4.049 ± 0.011 4.395 ± 0.021 |
4.114 ± 0.010 3.954 ± 0.007 |
Kochukhov et al. (2018MNRAS.478.1749K) Niemczura et al. (2017NatSR...7.5906N) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-21873 | 144.188 | 16.79 1.06 |
2.984 ± 0.021 3.093 ± 0.024 |
20.26 ± 0.22 24.67 ± 0.24 |
2.300 ± 0.009 2.144 ± 0.008 |
3.721 ± 0.006 3.704 ± 0.007 |
2.453 ± 0.026 2.554 ± 0.029 |
-0.28 ± 0.12 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-09660 | 167.796 | 16.27 1.19 |
2.981 ± 0.013 2.997 ± 0.012 |
23.66 ± 0.21 44.40 ± 0.26 |
2.165 ± 0.008 1.620 ± 0.005 |
3.720 ± 0.005 3.671 ± 0.009 |
2.583 ± 0.023 2.932 ± 0.036 |
-0.46 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
OGLE_LMC-ECL-25304 | 123.169 | 16.90 1.09 |
2.898 ± 0.031 3.153 ± 0.038 |
19.43 ± 0.31 19.30 ± 0.31 |
2.323 ± 0.015 2.365 ± 0.015 |
3.711 ± 0.007 3.715 ± 0.007 |
2.375 ± 0.031 2.384 ± 0.032 |
-0.37 ± 0.15 |
Rojas García et al. (2024A&A...692A.110G) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-18836 | 182.553 | 17.43 1.29 |
2.858 ± 0.031 2.784 ± 0.036 |
15.95 ± 0.25 30.87 ± 0.33 |
2.489 ± 0.013 1.904 ± 0.009 |
3.712 ± 0.008 3.663 ± 0.008 |
2.210 ± 0.038 2.587 ± 0.032 |
-0.40 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-13529 | 49.467 | 17.36 1.01 |
2.857 ± 0.016 2.810 ± 0.016 |
17.03 ± 0.21 15.98 ± 0.22 |
2.432 ± 0.011 2.480 ± 0.012 |
3.724 ± 0.006 3.721 ± 0.007 |
2.312 ± 0.028 2.246 ± 0.032 |
-0.18 ± 0.14 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
V348 And | 27.703 | 6.60 0.11 |
B9_V none |
2.81 ± 0.04 2.69 ± 0.04 |
2.42 ± 0.03 2.34 ± 0.03 |
4.12 ± 0.02 4.13 ± 0.02 |
4.02 ± 0.02 4.02 ± 0.02 |
Zasche et al. (2019AJ....158...95Z) |
V402 Lac | 3.782 | 6.73 -0.04 |
B8_V B8_V |
2.80 ± 0.05 2.78 ± 0.05 |
2.38 ± 0.03 2.36 ± 0.03 |
4.132 ± 0.013 4.136 ± 0.014 |
4.054 ± 0.010 4.052 ± 0.009 |
1.93 ± 0.04 1.91 ± 0.04 |
Baroch et al. (2022A&A...665A..13B) |
V451 Oph | 2.197 | 7.87 -0.08 |
B9_V A0_V |
2.776 ± 0.063 2.356 ± 0.052 |
2.640 ± 0.031 2.028 ± 0.028 |
4.038 ± 0.015 4.196 ± 0.015 |
4.033 ± 0.032 3.991 ± 0.022 |
1.93 ± 0.13 1.53 ± 0.09 |
Clausen et al. (1986A&A...167..287C) |
PV Cas | 1.750 | 9.74 0.17 |
B9.5_V B9.5_V |
2.76 ± 0.06 2.81 ± 0.05 |
2.256 ± 0.016 2.297 ± 0.021 |
4.17 ± 0.02 4.17 ± 0.02 |
4.008 ± 0.010 4.008 ± 0.010 |
1.69 ± 0.04 1.71 ± 0.04 |
Barembaum & Etzel (1995AJ....109.2680B) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-24887 | 94.844 | 17.68 1.16 |
2.747 ± 0.047 2.976 ± 0.045 |
16.43 ± 0.26 17.83 ± 0.30 |
2.446 ± 0.014 2.409 ± 0.014 |
3.710 ± 0.007 3.705 ± 0.007 |
2.225 ± 0.031 2.276 ± 0.032 |
-0.22 ± 0.12 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-1421 | 102.834 | 17.18 0.77 |
2.72 ± 0.02 2.85 ± 0.02 |
17.7 ± 0.3 23.8 ± 0.2 |
2.37 ± 0.01 2.14 ± 0.01 |
3.732 ± 0.008 3.701 ± 0.008 |
2.380 ± 0.034 2.512 ± 0.033 |
-1.05 ± 0.11 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Graczyk et al. (2014ApJ...780...59G) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-05430 | 505.183 | 16.61 1.20 |
2.717 ± 0.017 3.374 ± 0.018 |
28.99 ± 0.36 34.64 ± 0.28 |
1.948 ± 0.011 1.887 ± 0.007 |
3.673 ± 0.006 3.678 ± 0.006 |
2.572 ± 0.028 2.744 ± 0.025 |
-0.37 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-0727 | 316.572 | 18.11 1.04 |
2.68 ± 0.04 2.57 ± 0.04 |
14.6 ± 0.2 20.4 ± 0.3 |
2.53 ± 0.01 2.23 ± 0.01 |
3.724 ± 0.008 3.684 ± 0.008 |
2.182 ± 0.034 2.310 ± 0.034 |
-0.89 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
HD 96609 | 8.192 | 8.61 0.02 |
B9 none |
2.66 ± 0.02 1.84 ± 0.01 |
2.740 ± 0.006 1.697 ± 0.005 |
3.987 ± 0.001 4.243 ± 0.002 |
3.985 ± 0.011 3.952 ± 0.012 |
1.76 ± 0.04 1.22 ± 0.04 |
0.02 ± 0.06 |
Özdarcan (2022MNRAS.509.1912O) Metallicity comes from membership of NGC 3532 |
V4089 Sgr | 4.627 | 6.00 0.09 |
A2_IV A3_V |
2.584 ± 0.012 1.607 ± 0.008 |
3.964 ± 0.020 1.605 ± 0.007 |
3.654 ± 0.005 4.233 ± 0.004 |
3.926 ± 0.005 3.867 ± 0.006 |
Graczyk et al. (2017ApJ...837....7G) Veramundi & González (2015NewA...34..266V) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-1859 | 75.544 | 17.69 0.92 |
2.58 ± 0.03 2.48 ± 0.02 |
16.2 ± 0.3 18.7 ± 0.3 |
2.43 ± 0.02 2.29 ± 0.01 |
3.744 ± 0.008 3.695 ± 0.009 |
2.350 ± 0.035 2.276 ± 0.037 |
-0.21 ± 0.22 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-2876 | 120.867 | 17.49 0.50 |
2.56 ± 0.04 2.51 ± 0.03 |
16.5 ± 0.4 17.3 ± 0.4 |
2.41 ± 0.02 2.36 ± 0.02 |
3.745 ± 0.008 3.712 ± 0.008 |
2.371 ± 0.037 2.279 ± 0.034 |
-0.43 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
AR Aur | 4.135 | 6.17 0.04 |
B9_V B9_V |
2.544 ± 0.009 2.358 ± 0.008 |
1.799 ± 0.013 1.834 ± 0.019 |
4.333 ± 0.008 4.284 ± 0.010 |
4.039 ± 0.012 4.015 ± 0.013 |
1.61 ± 0.05 1.53 ± 0.05 |
Hubrig et al. (2012A&A...547A..90H) Nordström & Johansen (1994A&A...282..787N) |
WX Cep | 3.378 | 9.03 0.11 |
A2_V A5_V |
2.539 ± 0.050 2.329 ± 0.045 |
3.994 ± 0.030 2.711 ± 0.023 |
3.640 ± 0.011 3.939 ± 0.011 |
3.911 ± 0.012 3.949 ± 0.012 |
1.80 ± 0.05 1.62 ± 0.05 |
Popper (1987AJ.....93..672P) |
TZ Men | 8.570 | 6.19 -0.06 |
A0_V A8_V |
2.487 ± 0.025 1.504 ± 0.010 |
2.016 ± 0.020 1.432 ± 0.015 |
4.225 ± 0.011 4.303 ± 0.009 |
4.017 ± 0.017 3.857 ± 0.018 |
1.63 ± 0.07 0.69 ± 0.07 |
Andersen et al. (1987A&A...175...60A) |
V1031 Ori | 3.406 | 6.02 0.18 |
A3_V A6_V |
2.473 ± 0.018 2.286 ± 0.016 |
4.321 ± 0.034 2.977 ± 0.064 |
3.560 ± 0.008 3.850 ± 0.019 |
3.895 ± 0.028 3.924 ± 0.026 |
1.80 ± 0.11 1.60 ± 0.11 |
Andersen et al. (1990A&A...228..365A) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-2761 | 150.364 | 17.30 0.82 |
2.44 ± 0.04 2.38 ± 0.03 |
17.3 ± 0.3 17.5 ± 0.4 |
2.35 ± 0.01 2.33 ± 0.02 |
3.751 ± 0.009 3.747 ± 0.009 |
2.431 ± 0.040 2.428 ± 0.042 |
-0.73 ± 0.09 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-09678 | 114.450 | 17.22 1.20 |
2.400 ± 0.029 2.549 ± 0.031 |
13.77 ± 0.16 30.60 ± 0.28 |
2.540 ± 0.010 1.873 ± 0.008 |
3.719 ± 0.007 3.673 ± 0.008 |
2.107 ± 0.027 2.616 ± 0.035 |
-0.38 ± 0.16 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
V396 Cas | 5.505 | 9.56 0.06 |
A1_V A3_V |
2.398 ± 0.022 1.901 ± 0.016 |
2.592 ± 0.013 1.779 ± 0.010 |
3.990 ± 0.004 4.216 ± 0.005 |
3.965 ± 0.007 3.932 ± 0.006 |
1.642 ± 0.028 1.183 ± 0.024 |
Lacy et al. (2004AJ....128.3005L) |
β Aur | 3.960 | 1.89 0.04 |
A1_Vm A1_Vm |
2.376 ± 0.027 2.291 ± 0.027 |
2.762 ± 0.017 2.568 ± 0.017 |
3.932 ± 0.005 3.979 ± 0.005 |
3.971 ± 0.009 3.964 ± 0.009 |
1.721 ± 0.038 1.630 ± 0.038 |
Southworth et al. (2007A&A...467.1215S) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-3529 | 234.326 | 17.12 0.80 |
2.36 ± 0.03 2.48 ± 0.05 |
12.6 ± 0.4 21.1 ± 0.3 |
2.61 ± 0.03 2.18 ± 0.01 |
3.766 ± 0.007 3.723 ± 0.015 |
2.220 ± 0.042 2.498 ± 0.061 |
-0.93 ± 0.10 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
GG Ori | 6.631 | 10.43 0.49 |
A2_V A2_V |
2.342 ± 0.016 2.338 ± 0.017 |
1.852 ± 0.025 1.830 ± 0.025 |
4.272 ± 0.012 4.282 ± 0.012 |
3.998 ± 0.009 3.998 ± 0.009 |
1.480 ± 0.037 1.470 ± 0.037 |
Torres et al. (2000AJ....120.3226T) |
V541 Cyg | 15.338 | 10.44 -0.06 |
B9.5_V B9.5_V |
2.335 ± 0.015 2.260 ± 0.015 |
1.859 ± 0.011 1.808 ± 0.014 |
4.2675 ± 0.0051 4.2770 ± 0.0064 |
4.027 ± 0.008 4.015 ± 0.008 |
1.601 ± 0.033 1.528 ± 0.035 |
Torres et al. (2017ApJ...836..177T) |
V364 Lac | 7.352 | 8.36 0.18 |
A7_m A7_m |
2.333 ± 0.015 2.296 ± 0.025 |
3.307 ± 0.038 2.985 ± 0.035 |
3.767 ± 0.010 3.849 ± 0.011 |
3.917 ± 0.008 3.929 ± 0.008 |
1.657 ± 0.033 1.620 ± 0.032 |
Torres et al. (1999AJ....118.1831T) |
AK Lac | 36.837 | 11.96 1.25 |
none none |
2.316 ± 0.006 2.312 ± 0.009 |
11.24 ± 0.02 11.22 ± 0.02 |
2.701 ± 0.002 2.702 ± 0.002 |
3.749 3.734 |
0.15 | Rowan et al. (arXiv:2409.02983) |
V624 Her | 3.895 | 6.20 0.14 |
A3_Vm A7_V |
2.282 ± 0.015 1.881 ± 0.013 |
3.030 ± 0.034 2.209 ± 0.034 |
3.834 ± 0.010 4.024 ± 0.014 |
3.911 ± 0.008 3.900 ± 0.008 |
1.56 ± 0.03 1.24 ± 0.04 |
Popper (1984AJ.....89.1057P) |
V1229 Tau | 2.460 | 6.84 0.08 |
A0_V A_Vm |
2.273 ± 0.011 1.595 ± 0.008 |
1.799 ± 0.019 1.410 ± 0.021 |
4.285 ± 0.009 4.342 ± 0.013 |
4.009 ± 0.004 3.885 ± 0.005 |
1.499 ± 0.018 0.792 ± 0.023 |
+0.06 ± 0.05 |
Southworth et al. (2023MNRAS.520L..53S) quoted metallicity is for the Pleiades open cluster |
SZ Cen | 4.108 | 8.48 0.22 |
A7_V A7_V |
2.271 ± 0.028 2.311 ± 0.029 |
3.634 ± 0.015 4.494 ± 0.020 |
3.674 ± 0.004 3.497 ± 0.003 |
3.930 ± 0.010 3.886 ± 0.005 |
0.00 ± 0.06 |
Hełminiak et al. (2024A&A...691A.170H) Grønbech et al. (1977A&A....55..401G) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-0439 | 279.266 | 18.06 0.90 |
2.27 ± 0.03 2.29 ± 0.03 |
14.5 ± 0.5 15.4 ± 0.5 |
2.47 ± 0.03 2.42 ± 0.03 |
3.720 ± 0.008 3.721 ± 0.008 |
2.158 ± 0.042 2.215 ± 0.043 |
-1.25 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
YZ Cas | 4.467 | 5.64 0.03 |
A1_Vm F2_V |
2.263 ± 0.012 1.325 ± 0.007 |
2.525 ± 0.011 1.331 ± 0.006 |
3.988 ± 0.004 4.311 ± 0.004 |
3.979 ± 0.005 3.838 ± 0.015 |
1.672 ± 0.022 0.552 ± 0.061 |
+0.10 ± 0.06 |
Pavlovski et al. (2014MNRAS.438..590P) |
OT And | 20.853 | 7.89 0.38 |
A0_V F5_V |
2.253 ± 0.014 2.147 ± 0.011 |
3.167 ± 0.013 2.649 ± 0.015 |
3.79 ± 0.01 3.92 ± 0.01 |
3.903 ± 0.011 3.911 ± 0.011 |
1.568 ± 0.046 1.447 ± 0.047 |
Fekel et al. (2022AJ....164..224F) |
CoRoT 105906206 | 3.695 | 11.78 0.7 |
none none |
2.25 ± 0.04 1.29 ± 0.03 |
4.24 ± 0.02 1.34 ± 0.01 |
3.53 ± 0.01 4.30 ± 0.02 |
3.829 ± 0.010 3.789 ± 0.011 |
1.53 ± 0.04 0.36 ± 0.05 |
+0.0 ± 0.1 |
da Silva et al. (2014A&A...565A..55D) The primary star is a δ Scuti pulsator |
SW CMa | 10.092 | 9.72 0.13 |
A4_m A5_m |
2.239 ± 0.014 2.104 ± 0.018 |
3.014 ± 0.020 2.495 ± 0.042 |
3.8298 ± 0.0065 3.967 ± 0.015 |
3.914 ± 0.008 3.908 ± 0.008 |
1.566 ± 0.032 1.380 ± 0.035 |
+0.55 ± 0.15 |
Torres et al. (2012A&A...537A.117T) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-25658 | 192.789 | 17.00 1.17 |
2.231 ± 0.024 2.230 ± 0.023 |
21.40 ± 0.15 27.61 ± 0.19 |
2.126 ± 0.006 1.904 ± 0.006 |
3.685 ± 0.006 3.674 ± 0.007 |
2.354 ± 0.027 2.533 ± 0.028 |
-0.48 ± 0.13 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
GZ CMa | 4.801 | 7.98 0.06 |
A3_Vm A4:_V |
2.206 ± 0.019 2.005 ± 0.018 |
2.492 ± 0.032 2.131 ± 0.037 |
3.989 ± 0.012 4.083 ± 0.016 |
3.945 ± 0.017 3.931 ± 0.017 |
1.53 ± 0.07 1.33 ± 0.07 |
Popper et al. (1985AJ.....90.1324P) |
EG Ser | 9.947 | 9.24 0.17 |
A2_V A4_V |
2.20 ± 0.05 1.99 ± 0.05 |
1.761 ± 0.013 1.634 ± 0.013 |
4.29 ± 0.01 4.31 ± 0.01 |
3.944 ± 0.010 3.920 ± 0.010 |
1.22 ± 0.030 1.06 ± 0.046 |
Thurman (2023MNRAS.522.1310T) Popper (1986PASP...98.1312P) |
PT Vel | 1.802 | 7.03 0.05 |
A0_V A8_V |
2.198 ± 0.016 1.626 ± 0.009 |
2.094 ± 0.020 1.559 ± 0.020 |
4.138 ± 0.008 4.263 ± 0.011 |
3.966 ± 0.007 3.883 ± 0.010 |
1.461 ± 0.038 0.875 ± 0.025 |
Bakis et al. (2008MNRAS.384.1657B) Wolf et al. (arXiv:2408.06910) |
V1647 Sgr | 3.283 | 6.94 -0.01 |
A1_V A1_V |
2.189 ± 0.037 1.972 ± 0.033 |
1.831 ± 0.018 1.666 ± 0.017 |
4.253 ± 0.012 4.289 ± 0.012 |
3.982 ± 0.014 3.959 ± 0.014 |
1.41 ± 0.05 1.23 ± 0.06 |
Andersen & Giménez (1985A&A...145..206A) |
HD 190585 | 171.277 | 9.58 1.05 |
none none |
2.1869 ± 0.0033 2.1598 ± 0.0032 |
8.49 ± 0.12 8.20 ± 0.09 |
2.920 ± 0.013 2.945 ± 0.009 |
3.689 ± 0.004 3.691 ± 0.005 |
1.567 ± 0.022 1.543 ± 0.022 |
+0.01 ± 0.03 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) Rawls et al. (2016ApJ...818..108R) |
FT Ori | 3.150 | 9.26 0.10 |
A0_Vm A2_Vm |
2.182 ± 0.022 1.783 ± 0.020 |
1.860 ± 0.013 1.616 ± 0.013 |
4.237 ± 0.006 4.272 ± 0.007 |
3.982 ± 0.018 3.935 ± 0.015 |
1.486 ± 0.023 1.179 ± 0.025 |
Sabby et al. (2011AJ....141..195S) |
V889 Aql | 11.121 | 8.58 0.19 |
B9.5_V B9.5_V |
2.17 ± 0.02 2.13 ± 0.02 |
1.87 ± 0.04 1.85 ± 0.04 |
4.23 ± 0.02 4.23 ± 0.02 |
3.964 ± 0.005 3.958 ± 0.005 |
1.354 ± 0.027 1.320 ± 0.029 |
Baroch et al. (2022A&A...665A..13B) |
EE Peg | 2.628 | 6.97 0.08 |
A3_m F5_V |
2.151 ± 0.024 1.332 ± 0.011 |
2.090 ± 0.025 1.312 ± 0.013 |
4.131 ± 0.010 4.327 ± 0.008 |
3.940 ± 0.010 3.810 ± 0.020 |
1.352 ± 0.041 0.427 ± 0.082 |
Lacy & Popper (1984ApJ...281..268L) Torres et al. (2010A&ARv..18...67T) |
V335 Ser | 3.450 | 7.49 0.14 |
A1_V A3_V |
2.147 ± 0.014 1.906 ± 0.008 |
2.03 ± 0.03 1.73 ± 0.04 |
4.155 ± 0.011 4.241 ± 0.017 |
3.955 ± 0.007 3.930 ± 0.008 |
1.39 ± 0.03 1.15 ± 0.04 |
Lacy et al. (2012AJ....144...63S) |
V596 Pup | 4.596 | 6.58 0.00 |
A1_V A1_V |
2.101 ± 0.022 2.099 ± 0.019 |
2.167 ± 0.020 2.167 ± 0.020 |
4.089 ± 0.009 4.088 ± 0.009 |
3.978 ± 0.009 3.978 ± 0.009 |
1.54 ± 0.04 1.54 ± 0.04 |
Andersen et al. (1984A&A...134..147A) |
TZ For | 75.666 | 6.88 0.97 |
2.057 ± 0.001 1.958 ± 0.001 |
8.34 ± 0.11 3.97 ± 0.08 |
2.915 ± 0.023 3.539 ± 0.037 |
3.693 ± 0.003 3.803 ± 0.005 |
1.57 ± 0.02 1.36 ± 0.03 |
+0.02 ± 0.05 |
Gallenne et al. (2016A&A...586A..35G) Andersen et al. (1991A&A...246...99A) |
TV Nor | 8.524 | 9.00 0.30 |
none none |
2.053 ± 0.022 1.665 ± 0.018 |
1.839 ± 0.012 1.550 ± 0.014 |
4.221 ± 0.010 4.278 ± 0.012 |
3.960 ± 0.007 3.892 ± 0.006 |
1.325 ± 0.034 0.902 ± 0.035 |
North et al. (1997A&A...324..137N) |
OGLE-BLG-ECL-123903 | 118.531 | 16.90 0.99 |
2.045 ± 0.027 2.074 ± 0.023 |
9.540 ± 0.049 9.052 ± 0.060 |
2.790 ± 0.011 2.841 ± 0.012 |
3.679 ± 0.012 3.680 ± 0.016 |
1.633 ± 0.071 1.591 ± 0.067 |
+0.24 ± 0.18 |
Suchomska et al. (2019A&A...621A..93S) |
EK Cep | 4.428 | 7.87 0.04 |
A2_V G5_Vp |
2.029 ± 0.023 1.124 ± 0.012 |
1.579 ± 0.007 1.315 ± 0.006 |
4.349 ± 0.010 4.251 ± 0.006 |
3.954 ± 0.010 3.756 ± 0.015 |
1.17 ± 0.04 0.21 ± 0.06 |
+0.07 ± 0.05 |
Popper (1987ApJ...313L..81P) Martín & Rebolo (1993A&A...274..274M) |
V459 Cas | 8.458 | 10.37 0.20 |
A1_m A1_m |
2.02 ± 0.03 1.96 ± 0.03 |
2.009 ± 0.013 1.965 ± 0.013 |
4.136 ± 0.006 4.144 ± 0.006 |
3.961 ± 0.014 3.959 ± 0.014 |
1.41 ± 0.05 1.38 ± 0.06 |
Lacy et al. (2004AJ....128.1340L) |
V885 Cyg | 1.695 | 10.03 0.15 |
A3_m A4_m |
2.005 ± 0.029 2.234 ± 0.026 |
2.345 ± 0.012 3.385 ± 0.026 |
4.000 ± 0.007 3.728 ± 0.008 |
3.923 ± 0.008 3.911 ± 0.008 |
1.38 ± 0.03 1.66 ± 0.03 |
Lacy et al. (2004AJ....128.1324L) |
VV Crv | 3.145 | 5.27 0.42 |
F5_IV F5_V |
1.978 ± 0.010 1.513 ± 0.008 |
3.375 ± 0.010 1.650 ± 0.008 |
3.678 ± 0.006 4.183 ± 0.009 |
3.813 ± 0.013 3.822 ± 0.013 |
1.261 ± 0.054 0.676 ± 0.054 |
Fekel, Henry & Sowell (2013AJ....146..146F) |
KW Hya | 7.750 | 6.11 0.17 |
A5_Vm F0_V |
1.975 ± 0.028 1.487 ± 0.013 |
2.124 ± 0.015 1.439 ± 0.022 |
4.079 ± 0.013 4.270 ± 0.010 |
3.903 ± 0.011 3.843 ± 0.013 |
1.221 ± 0.044 0.640 ± 0.054 |
Gallenne et al. (2019A&A...632A..31G) Andersen & Vaz (1984A&A...130..102A) |
V2365 Oph | 4.866 | 8.859 0.257 |
A1_V none |
1.965 ± 0.017 1.056 ± 0.010 |
2.190 ± 0.009 0.934 ± 0.004 |
4.051 ± 0.003 4.521 ± 0.004 |
3.978 ± 0.009 3.806 ± 0.014 |
1.544 ± 0.050 0.121 ± 0.010 |
Ibanoglu et al. (2008MNRAS.384..331I) |
WW Aur | 2.525 | 5.87 0.14 |
A4_Vm A5_Vm |
1.964 ± 0.007 1.814 ± 0.007 |
1.927 ± 0.011 1.841 ± 0.011 |
4.162 ± 0.007 4.167 ± 0.007 |
3.901 ± 0.024 3.885 ± 0.024 |
1.129 ± 0.092 1.023 ± 0.093 |
Southworth et al. (2005MNRAS.363..529S) |
V788 Cen | 4.966 | 5.74 0.25 |
A7_IV A9_V |
1.9621 ± 0.0070 1.5463 ± 0.0034 |
2.733 ± 0.010 1.642 ± 0.011 |
3.858 ± 0.004 4.197 ± 0.009 |
3.893 ± 0.006 3.870 ± 0.007 |
1.401 ± 0.024 0.864 ± 0.029 |
+0.5 ± 0.2 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
AI Hya | 8.290 | 9.36 0.36 |
F2_m F0_V |
1.950 ± 0.033 2.096 ± 0.035 |
2.754 ± 0.015 3.863 ± 0.021 |
3.848 ± 0.003 3.586 ± 0.003 |
3.886 ± 0.006 3.856 ± 0.014 |
1.381 ± 0.034 1.554 ± 0.035 |
+0.14 ± 0.14 |
Kahraman Aliçavus et al. (2023MNRAS.520.1601K) Lee et al. (2020PASJ...72...37L) |
RR Lyn | 9.945 | 5.54 0.22 |
A6_IVm F0_Vm: |
1.9394 ± 0.0065 1.5100 ± 0.0033 |
2.564 ± 0.019 1.613 ± 0.013 |
3.9078 ± 0.0063 4.2017 ± 0.0071 |
3.890 ± 0.012 3.856 ± 0.012 |
1.334 ± 0.035 0.795 ± 0.049 |
Southworth (2021Obs...141..282S) Tomkin & Fekel (2006AJ....131.2652T) |
V362 Pav | 2.748 | 7.40 0.18 |
A4_V K |
1.936 ± 0.018 0.8767 ± 0.0051 |
2.1931 ± 0.0093 0.8428 ± 0.0056 |
4.043 ± 0.004 4.530 ± 0.006 |
3.914 ± 0.004 3.695 ± 0.018 |
1.292 ± 0.016 -0.409 ± 0.067 |
+0.02 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
WW Cam | 2.274 | 10.14 0.47 |
A4_Vm A4_Vm |
1.920 ± 0.013 1.873 ± 0.018 |
1.911 ± 0.016 1.808 ± 0.014 |
4.159 ± 0.008 4.196 ± 0.009 |
3.922 ± 0.007 3.916 ± 0.007 |
1.20 ± 0.03 1.13 ± 0.03 |
Lacy et al. (2002AJ....123.1013L) |
HO Tel | 1.613 | 8.31 0.28 |
A7_V A8_V |
1.906 ± 0.031 1.751 ± 0.034 |
2.296 ± 0.027 2.074 ± 0.028 |
3.996 ± 0.009 4.048 ± 0.012 |
3.896 ± 0.011 3.882 ± 0.011 |
1.261 ± 0.045 1.118 ± 0.047 |
Southworth (arXiv:2408.12955) Sürgit et al. (2017NewA...54..109S) |
AY Cam | 2.735 | 9.90 0.36 |
none none |
1.901 ± 0.040 1.705 ± 0.036 |
2.771 ± 0.020 2.025 ± 0.015 |
3.832 ± 0.015 4.057 ± 0.016 |
3.860 ± 0.015 3.869 ± 0.020 |
1.280 ± 0.006 1.042 ± 0.006 |
Williamon et al. (2004AJ....128.1319W) |
V392 Car | 3.175 | 9.48 0.21 |
A2_V A2_V |
1.900 ± 0.024 1.853 ± 0.024 |
1.625 ± 0.030 1.601 ± 0.031 |
4.286 ± 0.017 4.310 ± 0.024 |
3.947 ± 0.010 3.937 ± 0.010 |
Debernardi & North (2001A&A...374..204D) |
KIC 4851217 | 2.470 | 11.24 0.02 |
A7_V A7_IV |
1.899 ± 0.008 2.156 ± 0.007 |
2.195 ± 0.030 3.077 ± 0.039 |
4.034 ± 0.011 3.796 ± 0.011 |
3.894 ± 0.004 3.886 ± 0.004 |
1.214 ± 0.018 1.477 ± 0.018 |
-0.02 ± 0.09 |
Jennings et al. (2024MNRAS.533.2705J) Liakos (2020A&A...642A..91L) |
KIC 3858884 | 25.952 | 9.45 0.61 |
none none |
1.88 ± 0.03 1.86 ± 0.04 |
3.45 ± 0.01 3.05 ± 0.01 |
3.63 ± 0.01 3.74 ± 0.01 |
3.833 ± 0.004 3.820 ± 0.005 |
Maceroni et al. (2014A&A...563A..59M) |
KIC 4076952 | 9.762 | 13.88 0.82 |
none none |
1.86 ± 0.03 1.37 ± 0.02 |
3.078 ± 0.016 1.451 ± 0.008 |
3.742 ± 0.011 4.251 ± 0.011 |
3.819 ± 0.015 3.825 ± 0.015 |
Hambleton et al. (2022ApJ...931...75H) |
V456 Cyg | 0.892 | 10.85 0.31 |
A2m F3_V |
1.859 ± 0.041 1.576 ± 0.037 |
1.588 ± 0.015 1.507 ± 0.016 |
4.306 ± 0.006 4.279 ± 0.008 |
3.889 ± 0.006 3.860 ± 0.007 |
Van Reeth et al. (2022A&A...659A.177V) Bakis et al. (2014AJ....147..149B) |
RS Cha | 1.670 | 6.03 0.20 |
A8_V A8_V |
1.858 ± 0.016 1.821 ± 0.018 |
2.137 ± 0.055 2.338 ± 0.055 |
4.047 ± 0.023 3.961 ± 0.021 |
3.906 ± 0.010 3.886 ± 0.010 |
1.24 ± 0.05 1.24 ± 0.05 |
+0.17 ± 0.07 |
Clausen & Nordström (1980A&A....83..339C) Alecian et al. (2005A&A...442..993A) |
OGLE SMC130.5 4296 | 120.468 | 16.78 1.10 |
1.854 ± 0.025 1.805 ± 0.027 |
25.44 ± 0.25 46.00 ± 0.35 |
1.895 ± 0.014 1.369 ± 0.013 |
3.691 ± 0.007 3.655 ± 0.007 |
2.529 ± 0.036 2.898 ± 0.036 |
-0.88 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2014ApJ...780...59G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-12669 | 749.632 | 17.21 1.20 |
K0.5_III G9_III |
1.843 ± 0.029 1.962 ± 0.030 |
24.17 ± 0.34 23.36 ± 0.30 |
1.937 ± 0.012 1.994 ± 0.011 |
3.666 ± 0.008 3.673 ± 0.009 |
2.384 ± 0.034 2.386 ± 0.038 |
-0.30 ± 0.14 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
HY Vir | 2.732 | 7.81 0.42 |
F0m F5_V |
1.838 ± 0.009 1.404 ± 0.006 |
2.806 ± 0.008 1.519 ± 0.008 |
3.806 ± 0.003 4.222 ± 0.004 |
3.836 ± 0.008 3.816 ± 0.008 |
1.20 ± 0.04 0.58 ± 0.04 |
Lacy & Fekel (2011AJ....142..185L) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-12875 | 152.850 | 17.32 1.39 |
G8_III K2.5_III |
1.831 ± 0.020 1.858 ± 0.023 |
15.62 ± 0.13 40.82 ± 0.32 |
2.313 ± 0.007 1.486 ± 0.006 |
3.685 ± 0.009 3.642 ± 0.011 |
2.083 ± 0.036 2.744 ± 0.044 |
-0.48 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
MY Cyg | 4.005 | 8.31 0.30 |
F0_Vm F0_Vm |
1.82 ± 0.03 1.80 ± 0.03 |
2.22 ± 0.02 2.28 ± 0.02 |
4.01 ± 0.01 3.98 ± 0.01 |
3.851 ± 0.012 3.847 ± 0.012 |
1.05 ± 0.04 1.06 ± 0.05 |
Tucker et al. (2009AJ....137.2949T) |
HD 97329 | 7.736 | 8.31 0.40 |
A3m none |
1.808 ± 0.005 1.933 ± 0.005 |
2.585 ± 0.009 3.239 ± 0.008 |
3.871 ± 0.003 3.703 ± 0.002 |
3.829 ± 0.005 3.847 ± 0.004 |
-0.08 ± 0.06 |
Pawar et al. (2024A&A...691A.101P) |
GW Eri | 3.659 | 5.80 0.18 |
A4_Vm A4_Vm |
1.7936 ± 0.0057 1.7768 ± 0.0054 |
1.828 ± 0.016 1.796 ± 0.015 |
4.168 ± 0.007 4.179 ± 0.007 |
3.923 ± 0.004 3.913 ± 0.004 |
1.149 ± 0.018 1.114 ± 0.020 |
+0.51 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-03160 | 150.154 | 17.13 1.31 |
1.792 ± 0.016 1.802 ± 0.018 |
17.03 ± 0.28 37.42 ± 0.24 |
2.229 ± 0.014 1.548 ± 0.005 |
3.693 ± 0.009 3.648 ± 0.007 |
2.188 ± 0.040 2.695 ± 0.028 |
-0.68 ± 0.18 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
IM Per | 2.254 | 11.28 0.70 |
A8_V A8_V |
1.7831 ± 0.0094 1.7741 ± 0.0097 |
2.409 ± 0.018 2.366 ± 0.017 |
3.9258 ± 0.0067 3.9394 ± 0.0068 |
3.880 ± 0.009 3.879 ± 0.009 |
1.235 ± 0.035 1.217 ± 0.036 |
Lacy et al. (2015AJ....149...34L) |
XY Cet | 2.781 | 8.80 0.29 |
A8_Vm F0_Vm |
1.773 ± 0.016 1.615 ± 0.014 |
1.873 ± 0.035 1.773 ± 0.029 |
4.142 ± 0.016 4.149 ± 0.014 |
3.896 ± 0.006 3.882 ± 0.007 |
1.082 ± 0.030 0.978 ± 0.032 |
Southworth et al. (2011MNRAS.414.3740S) |
EI Cep | 8.439 | 7.61 0.33 |
F3_IV F1_V |
1.772 ± 0.007 1.680 ± 0.006 |
2.896 ± 0.048 2.329 ± 0.044 |
3.763 ± 0.014 3.929 ± 0.016 |
3.829 ± 0.007 3.842 ± 0.006 |
1.193 ± 0.030 1.055 ± 0.030 |
Torres & Latham (2000AJ....119.1942T) |
HR 2214 | 23.810 | 5.86 0.30 |
A6m none |
1.768 ± 0.005 2.103 ± 0.008 |
2.020 ± 0.007 2.852 ± 0.005 |
4.075 ± 0.003 3.851 ± 0.002 |
3.851 ± 0.018 3.892 ± 0.014 |
-0.23 ± 0.15 |
Pawar et al. (2024A&A...691A.101P) |
V572 Per | 1.213 | 6.71 0.08 |
A0_V none |
1.76 ± 0.03 1.39 ± 0.03 |
1.68 ± 0.03 1.29 ± 0.04 |
4.23 ± 0.02 4.36 ± 0.03 |
3.90 ± 0.03 3.82 ± 0.04 |
Zasche et al. (2019AJ....158...95Z) |
KIC 9851944 | 2.164 | 11.42 0.47 |
F1_V F1_IV |
1.749 ± 0.010 1.866 ± 0.010 |
2.533 ± 0.026 2.981 ± 0.044 |
3.874 ± 0.009 3.760 ± 0.013 |
3.843 ± 0.003 3.835 ± 0.002 |
1.133 ± 0.014 1.244 ± 0.016 |
Jennings et al. (2024MNRAS.527.4052J) Guo et al. (2016ApJ...826...69G) |
HD 188872 | 8.590 | 9.56 0.45 |
none none |
1.741 ± 0.009 1.798 ± 0.013 |
2.590 ± 0.020 3.027 ± 0.014 |
3.852 ± 0.006 3.731 ± 0.004 |
3.852 ± 0.007 3.835 ± 0.007 |
1.185 ± 0.027 1.254 ± 0.027 |
-0.11 ± 0.08 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-0019 | 143.393 | 17.92 0.99 |
1.73 ± 0.03 1.69 ± 0.03 |
16.8 ± 0.4 18.8 ± 0.6 |
2.23 ± 0.02 2.12 ± 0.03 |
3.716 ± 0.008 3.708 ± 0.009 |
2.270 ± 0.040 2.334 ± 0.044 |
-0.56 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
HW CMa | 21.118 | 10.00 0.19 |
A7_Vm A7_Vm |
1.721 ± 0.011 1.781 ± 0.012 |
1.643 ± 0.018 1.662 ± 0.021 |
4.242 ± 0.010 4.247 ± 0.011 |
3.879 ± 0.009 3.886 ± 0.008 |
0.898 ± 0.036 0.940 ± 0.035 |
+0.33 ± 0.15 |
Torres et al. (2012A&A...537A.117T) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
BD +37 410 | 15.535 | 9.94 0.38 |
F4_III none |
1.717 ± 0.011 1.175 ± 0.005 |
2.899 ± 0.013 1.186 ± 0.005 |
3.748 ± 0.004 4.360 ± 0.003 |
3.821 ± 0.013 3.801 ± 0.014 |
-0.03 ± 0.02 |
Sandquist et al (2023AJ....165....6S) [Fe/H] comes from membership of NGC 752 |
Tyc 1321-16-1 | 2.121 | 11.93 0.58 |
none none |
1.716 ± 0.022 1.697 ± 0.028 |
2.048 ± 0.010 2.008 ± 0.011 |
4.050 ± 0.003 4.062 ± 0.004 |
3.870 ± 0.025 3.870 ± 0.022 |
-0.12 ± 0.31 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
DS And | 1.011 | 10.44 0.39 |
F1_III G2_V |
1.692 ± 0.011 1.184 ± 0.003 |
2.185 ± 0.009 1.200 ± 0.006 |
3.987 ± 0.017 4.353 ± 0.004 |
3.849 ± 0.009 3.796 ± 0.014 |
0.957 ± 0.003 0.225 ± 0.003 |
-0.03 ± 0.02 |
Sandquist et al (2023AJ....165....6S) [Fe/H] comes from membership of NGC 752 |
HD 69735 | 5.390 | 8.77 0.30 |
none none |
1.69 ± 0.02 1.59 ± 0.02 |
1.66 ± 0.02 1.53 ± 0.02 |
4.226 ± 0.010 4.270 ± 0.011 |
3.870 ± 0.015 3.844 ± 0.016 |
0.875 ± 0.010 0.703 ± 0.013 |
Panchal et al. (2023MNRAS.521..677P) |
BD +47 378 | 2.145 | 10.11 0.49 |
F0_V K4_V |
1.69 ± 0.03 0.80 ± 0.02 |
2.00 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.01 |
4.068 ± 0.003 4.552 ± 0.006 |
3.854 ± 0.006 3.664 ± 0.009 |
0.968 ± 0.025 -0.600 ± 0.038 |
Hong et al. (2022AJ....164..121H) |
KIC 2557430 | 1.298 | 11.63 0.58 |
F2_V F9_V |
1.69 ± 0.03 1.35 ± 0.02 |
1.88 ± 0.02 1.23 ± 0.03 |
4.116 ± 0.009 4.386 ± 0.019 |
3.848 ± 0.011 3.782 ± 0.050 |
0.899 ± 0.038 0.249 ± 0.075 |
-0.02 ± 0.11 |
Hoyman et al. (2020MNRAS.491.5980H) |
OGLE SMC126.1 210 | 634.999 | 16.77 1.20 |
1.674 ± 0.037 1.669 ± 0.039 |
43.52 ± 1.02 39.00 ± 0.98 |
1.385 ± 0.029 1.479 ± 0.031 |
3.651 ± 0.007 3.654 ± 0.007 |
2.836 ± 0.047 2.752 ± 0.049 |
-0.87 ± 0.15 |
Graczyk et al. (2014ApJ...780...59G) Member of the SMC |
CoRoT 102918586 | 4.391 | 12.45 0.42 |
none none |
1.66 ± 0.02 1.49 ± 0.03 |
1.64 ± 0.01 1.48 ± 0.01 |
4.23 ± 0.01 4.27 ± 0.01 |
3.868 ± 0.005 3.851 ± 0.007 |
+0.11 ± 0.05 |
Maceroni et al. (2013A&A...552A..60M) The primary star is a γ Dor pulsator |
KIC 9850387 | 2.748 | 13.67 0.48 |
F1_V none |
1.66 ± 0.01 1.062 ± 0.004 |
2.154 ± 0.003 1.081 ± 0.003 |
3.992 ± 0.003 4.396 ± 0.003 |
3.865 ± 0.005 3.790 ± 0.005 |
-0.20 ± 0.05 |
Sekaran et al. (2020A&A...643A.162S) |
V501 Mon | 7.021 | 12.32 0.57 |
A6m F0 |
1.6455 ± 0.0043 1.4588 ± 0.0025 |
1.888 ± 0.029 1.592 ± 0.028 |
4.103 ± 0.013 4.199 ± 0.016 |
3.876 ± 0.006 3.845 ± 0.006 |
1.007 ± 0.027 0.743 ± 0.043 |
+0.01 ± 0.06 |
Torres et al. (2015AJ....150..154T) |
FS Mon | 1.906 | 9.60 0.9 |
F2_V F4_V |
1.632 ± 0.012 1.462 ± 0.010 |
2.051 ± 0.012 1.629 ± 0.012 |
4.026 ± 0.005 4.179 ± 0.006 |
3.827 ± 0.006 3.816 ± 0.007 |
0.888 ± 0.026 0.644 ± 0.026 |
Lacy et al. (2000AJ....119.1389L) |
V1022 Cas | 12.156 | 5.56 0.47 |
F6_V F6_V |
1.626 ± 0.001 1.607 ± 0.001 |
2.570 ± 0.021 2.445 ± 0.022 |
3.83 ± 0.02 3.87 ± 0.01 |
3.803 ± 0.010 3.808 ± 0.010 |
0.985 ± 0.049 0.961 ± 0.046 |
Fekel et al. (2022AJ....164..224F) Southworth (2021Obs...141...52S) |
KIC 9777062 | 19.230 | 12.26 0.37 |
Am none |
1.603 ± 0.017 1.419 ± 0.009 |
1.744 ± 0.004 1.544 ± 0.003 |
4.160 ± 0.003 4.213 ± 0.002 |
3.886 ± 0.008 3.854 ± 0.006 |
-0.03 ± 0.13 |
Sandquist et al (2016ApJ...831...11S) Member of NGC 6811. [Fe/H] comes from secondary star. |
V Cir | 4.409 | 10.76 0.67 |
none none |
1.578 ± 0.005 1.642 ± 0.014 |
2.357 ± 0.006 3.968 ± 0.009 |
3.892 ± 0.002 3.456 ± 0.001 |
3.735 ± 0.017 3.799 ± 0.010 |
-0.11 ± 0.12 |
Pawar et al. (2024A&A...691A.101P) |
IO Aqr | 2.368 | 8.86 0.48 |
F5_V-IV F6_V-IV |
1.569 ± 0.004 1.655 ± 0.004 |
2.191 ± 0.015 2.493 ± 0.017 |
3.952 ± 0.006 3.863 ± 0.006 |
3.811 ± 0.009 3.802 ± 0.009 |
0.880 ± 0.032 0.954 ± 0.031 |
Graczyk et al. (2015A&A...581A.106G) |
CW Eri | 2.728 | 8.43 0.36 |
F2_V F5_V |
1.568 ± 0.016 1.314 ± 0.010 |
2.1048 ± 0.0074 1.4812 ± 0.0052 |
3.9869 ± 0.0026 4.2156 ± 0.0022 |
3.835 ± 0.006 3.817 ± 0.006 |
0.941 ± 0.022 0.564 ± 0.026 |
Overall & Southworth (arXiv:2401.13397) Popper (1983AJ.....88.1242P) |
PV Pup | 1.661 | 6.89 0.32 |
A8_V A8_V |
1.565 ± 0.011 1.554 ± 0.013 |
1.542 ± 0.018 1.499 ± 0.018 |
4.257 ± 0.010 4.278 ± 0.011 |
3.840 ± 0.019 3.841 ± 0.019 |
0.69 ± 0.08 0.67 ± 0.08 |
Vaz & Andersen (1984A&A...132..219V) |
V442 Cyg | 2.386 | 9.72 0.32 |
F1_V F2_V |
1.564 ± 0.024 1.410 ± 0.023 |
2.072 ± 0.034 1.662 ± 0.033 |
3.999 ± 0.016 4.146 ± 0.019 |
3.839 ± 0.006 3.833 ± 0.006 |
0.94 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.03 |
Lacy & Frueh (1987AJ.....94..712L) |
ZZ Boo | 4.992 | 6.78 0.36 |
F3_V F3_V |
1.5572 ± 0.0080 1.599 ± 0.012 |
2.0626 ± 0.0057 2.2050 ± 0.0062 |
4.0016 ± 0.0019 3.9550 ± 0.0023 |
3.827 ± 0.006 3.825 ± 0.006 |
0.893 ± 0.026 0.943 ± 0.026 |
Southworth (2023Obs...143...19S) |
TYC 459-771-1 | 2.161 | 10.77 0.61 |
F5 none |
1.546 ± 0.011 1.100 ± 0.006 |
1.4861 ± 0.0092 1.0485 ± 0.0031 |
4.283 ± 0.005 4.438 ± 0.002 |
3.883 ± 0.004 |
0.04 ± 0.04 |
Hełminiak et al. (2024A&A...691A.170H) |
BT Vul | 1.141 | 11.69 0.31 |
F0_V F7_V |
1.5439 ± 0.0098 1.2196 ± 0.0080 |
1.536 ± 0.018 1.151 ± 0.029 |
4.254 ± 0.011 4.403 ± 0.022 |
3.862 ± 0.009 3.797 ± 0.012 |
0.772 ± 0.038 0.260 ± 0.055 |
Torres et al. (2020ApJ...894...96T) |
KIC 11285625 | 10.790 | 10.16 0.39 |
early_F early_F |
1.543 ± 0.013 1.200 ± 0.016 |
2.123 ± 0.010 1.472 ± 0.014 |
3.973 ± 0.006 4.18 ± 0.01 |
3.843 ± 0.006 3.857 ± 0.012 |
-0.58 ± 0.15 |
Debosscher et al. (2013A&A...556A..56D) Contains a γ Doradus pulsating component |
HD 32129 | 16.412 | 9.09 0.54 |
F3_V G2_V |
1.5388 ± 0.0036 1.0687 ± 0.0020 |
1.8726 ± 0.0050 0.9875 ± 0.0049 |
4.080 ± 0.003 4.478 ± 0.006 |
3.827 ± 0.004 3.760 ± 0.007 |
0.806 ± 0.016 -0.013 ± 0.031 |
+0.19 ± 0.07 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
EY Cep | 7.971 | 9.80 0.27 |
F0_V F0_V |
1.523 ± 0.008 1.498 ± 0.014 |
1.463 ± 0.008 1.468 ± 0.010 |
4.290 ± 0.006 4.280 ± 0.006 |
3.851 ± 0.010 3.843 ± 0.010 |
0.69 ± 0.04 0.66 ± 0.04 |
Lacy et al. (2006AJ....131.2664L) |
RZ Cha | 2.832 | 8.10 0.47 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.518 ± 0.021 1.509 ± 0.027 |
2.264 ± 0.017 2.264 ± 0.017 |
3.909 ± 0.009 3.907 ± 0.010 |
3.810 ± 0.010 3.810 ± 0.010 |
0.90 ± 0.04 0.90 ± 0.04 |
Andersen et al. (1975A&A....44..349A) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-12933 | 125.395 | 17.38 1.37 |
1.516 ± 0.019 1.514 ± 0.017 |
17.32 ± 0.22 36.41 ± 0.31 |
2.142 ± 0.011 1.496 ± 0.007 |
3.690 ± 0.018 3.650 ± 0.015 |
2.193 ± 0.073 2.679 ± 0.059 |
-0.38 ± 0.13 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) member of the LMC |
KIC 5640750 | 987.398 | 11.88 1.24 |
none none |
1.515 ± 0.033 1.292 ± 0.017 |
14.06 ± 0.12 1.853 ± 0.023 |
2.323 ± 0.007 4.014 ± 0.010 |
3.656 ± 0.007 3.767 ± 0.015 |
1.871 ± 0.029 0.555 ± 0.060 |
-0.29 ± 0.09 |
Themeßl et al. (2018MNRAS.478.4669T) |
KIC 6778289 | 30.130 | 13.09 0.45 |
none none |
1.512 ± 0.022 1.092 ± 0.019 |
1.748 ± 0.009 0.998 ± 0.005 |
4.133 ± 0.008 4.479 ± 0.010 |
3.834 ± 0.010 3.861 ± 0.026 |
Cunningham et al. (2019AJ....158..106C) |
EPIC 219552514 | 2.754 | 10.34 0.50 |
none none |
1.509 ± 0.059 0.649 ± 0.015 |
2.505 ± 0.029 0.652 ± 0.013 |
3.822 ± 0.009 4.624 ± 0.012 |
3.791 ± 0.007 3.603 ± 0.018 |
0.913 ± 0.030 -1.018 ± 0.075 |
+0.07 ± 0.03 |
Torres et al. (2020ApJ...896..162T) Metallicity comes from membership of Ruprecht 147 |
HD 71636 | 5.013 | 7.89 0.38 |
F2_V F5_V |
1.506 ± 0.002 1.282 ± 0.002 |
1.583 ± 0.024 1.314 ± 0.030 |
4.22 ± 0.01 4.31 ± 0.02 |
3.842 ± 0.009 3.809 ± 0.009 |
0.721 ± 0.036 0.428 ± 0.041 |
Fekel et al. (2022AJ....164..224F) Henry et al. (2006AJ....132.2489H) |
HD 187669 | 88.387 | 8.88 1.24 |
K0_III K2.5_III |
1.504 ± 0.003 1.505 ± 0.004 |
11.33 ± 0.28 22.62 ± 0.50 |
2.507 ± 0.020 1.907 ± 0.019 |
3.667 ± 0.007 3.636 ± 0.007 |
1.732 ± 0.031 2.207 ± 0.035 |
-0.25 ± 0.10 |
Hełminiak et al. (2015MNRAS.448.1945H) |
GX Gem | 4.038 | 11.33 0.61 |
F7_V F7_V |
1.488 ± 0.011 1.467 ± 0.010 |
2.327 ± 0.012 2.238 ± 0.012 |
3.877 ± 0.004 3.904 ± 0.005 |
3.792 ± 0.007 3.790 ± 0.007 |
0.86 ± 0.03 0.82 ± 0.03 |
-0.12 ± 0.10 |
Lacy, Torres & Claret (2008AJ....135.1757L) |
HIP 7666 | 2.372 | 9.64 0.40 |
A5 none |
1.478 ± 0.027 1.152 ± 0.018 |
2.039 ± 0.012 1.195 ± 0.011 |
3.988 ± 0.001 4.435 ± 0.016 |
3.851 ± 0.006 3.780 ± 0.005 |
0.99 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.04 |
-0.13 ± 0.05 |
Pawar et al. (2024A&A...691A.101P) Feng et al. (2021MNRAS.508..529F) |
V943 Mon | 2.868 | 14.65 0.39 |
none none |
1.478 ± 0.007 1.250 ± 0.010 |
2.300 ± 0.014 1.534 ± 0.019 |
3.884 ± 0.007 4.163 ± 0.012 |
3.834 ± 0.006 3.834 ± 0.006 |
-0.36 ± 0.10 |
Knudstrup et al. (2020MNRAS.499.1312K) Metallicity comes from membership of NGC 2506 |
KIC 8410637 | 408.324 | 11.33 0.85 |
G_III none |
1.472 ± 0.017 1.309 ± 0.014 |
10.596 ± 0.049 1.556 ± 0.010 |
2.556 ± 0.003 4.171 ± 0.005 |
3.663 ± 0.008 3.783 ± 0.014 |
1.656 ± 0.030 0.468 ± 0.058 |
+0.02 ± 0.08 |
Themeßl et al. (2018MNRAS.478.4669T) Frandsen et al. (2013A&A...556A.138F) |
DM Vir | 4.669 | 8.73 0.47 |
F7_V F7_V |
1.454 ± 0.008 1.448 ± 0.008 |
1.763 ± 0.017 1.763 ± 0.017 |
4.108 ± 0.009 4.106 ± 0.009 |
3.813 ± 0.007 3.813 ± 0.007 |
0.70 ± 0.03 0.70 ± 0.03 |
Latham et al. (1996A&A...314..864L) (the uncertainty on Teff(2) should be 100K not 300K) |
HD 60637 | 1.446 | 9.32 0.45 |
F5_V none |
1.452 ± 0.034 0.808 ± 0.013 |
1.635 ± 0.012 0.819 ± 0.011 |
4.173 ± 0.005 4.519 ± 0.010 |
3.806 ± 0.007 3.640 ± 0.011 |
0.60 ± 0.03 -0.66 ± 0.05 |
-0.27 ± 0.08 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019A&A...622A.114H) |
OGLE-LMC-ECL-15260 | 157.469 | 16.92 1.36 |
1.449 ± 0.018 1.422 ± 0.016 |
23.22 ± 0.43 42.20 ± 0.92 |
1.868 ± 0.016 1.340 ± 0.019 |
3.682 ± 0.012 3.645 ± 0.008 |
2.415 ± 0.050 2.787 ± 0.038 |
-0.63 ± 0.12 |
Graczyk et al. (2018ApJ...860....1G) Pietrzynski et al. (2013Natur.495...76P) |
V570 Per | 1.901 | 8.09 0.46 |
F3_V F5_V |
1.4489 ± 0.0063 1.3495 ± 0.0062 |
1.538 ± 0.035 1.349 ± 0.032 |
4.225 ± 0.020 4.308 ± 0.021 |
3.835 ± 0.003 3.817 ± 0.003 |
0.669 ± 0.023 0.483 ± 0.024 |
0.02 ± 0.03 |
Southworth (2023Obs...143..165S) Tomasella et al. (2008A&A...483..263T) |
NN Del | 99.269 | 8.40 0.54 |
F8 none |
1.4445 ± 0.0029 1.3266 ± 0.0021 |
2.194 ± 0.015 1.608 ± 0.014 |
3.915 ± 0.006 4.148 ± 0.007 |
3.809 ± 0.014 3.813 ± 0.013 |
0.868 ± 0.054 0.615 ± 0.054 |
Gallenne et al. (2019A&A...632A..31G) |
CD Tau | 3.435 | 6.77 0.44 |
F6_V F6_V |
1.442 ± 0.016 1.368 ± 0.016 |
1.798 ± 0.017 1.584 ± 0.020 |
4.087 ± 0.010 4.174 ± 0.012 |
3.792 ± 0.004 3.792 ± 0.004 |
+0.08 ± 0.15 |
Ribas et al. (1999MNRAS.309..199R) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-0970 | 191.551 | 17.93 1.06 |
1.44 ± 0.02 1.42 ± 0.01 |
18.4 ± 0.3 21.1 ± 0.2 |
2.07 ± 0.01 1.94 ± 0.01 |
3.686 ± 0.006 3.679 ± 0.006 |
2.228 ± 0.028 2.322 ± 0.027 |
-0.83 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
ASAS J090232-5653.4 | 20.822 | 10.63 0.36 |
none none |
1.436 ± 0.016 1.372 ± 0.018 |
1.527 ± 0.007 1.392 ± 0.007 |
4.201 ± 0.006 4.244 ± 0.007 |
3.847 ± 0.014 3.825 ± 0.015 |
0.736 ± 0.062 0.585 ± 0.065 |
-0.15 ± 0.13 |
Ratajczak et al. (2021MNRAS.500.4972R) |
BG Ind | 1.464 | 6.13 0.50 |
F F |
1.432 ± 0.020 1.315 ± 0.025 |
2.339 ± 0.019 1.592 ± 0.033 |
3.852 ± 0.008 4.150 ± 0.012 |
3.809 ± 0.002 3.834 ± 0.002 |
0.926 ± 0.009 0.693 ± 0.020 |
-0.19 ± 0.04 |
Borkovits et al. (2021MNRAS.503.3759B) Rozyczka et al. (2011MNRAS.414.2479R) |
GK Dra | 9.974 | 8.77 0.35 |
F1_V F2_IV |
1.421 ± 0.012 1.775 ± 0.028 |
1.775 ± 0.028 2.859 ± 0.028 |
4.1642 ± 0.0044 3.7749 ± 0.0083 |
3.851 ± 0.004 3.837 ± 0.004 |
0.786 ± 0.018 1.217 ± 0.017 |
Southworth (arXiv:2401.13396) Griffin & Boffin (2003Obs...123..203G) |
HD 149946 | 23.310 | 9.85 0.59 |
none none |
1.421 ± 0.004 1.141 ± 0.002 |
2.157 ± 0.006 1.224 ± 0.004 |
3.923 ± 0.002 4.320 ± 0.003 |
3.822 ± 0.005 3.819 ± 0.025 |
-0.19 ± 0.16 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
V506 Oph | 1.060 | 11.41 0.21 |
F1_V F1_V |
1.415 ± 0.010 1.402 ± 0.009 |
1.725 ± 0.010 1.692 ± 0.012 |
4.1155 ± 0.0061 4.1284 ± 0.0067 |
3.835 ± 0.010 3.831 ± 0.007 |
0.766 ± 0.039 0.734 ± 0.028 |
Torres et al. (2019ApJ...876...41T) |
BF Dra | 11.211 | 9.76 0.59 |
F6_V F6_V |
1.414 ± 0.003 1.375 ± 0.003 |
2.086 ± 0.012 1.922 ± 0.012 |
3.950 ± 0.005 4.008 ± 0.005 |
3.803 ± 0.011 3.806 ± 0.010 |
0.81 ± 0.04 0.75 ± 0.04 |
Lacy et al. (2012AJ....143..129S) |
AD Boo | 2.069 | 9.38 0.44 |
F6_V G0_V |
1.414 ± 0.009 1.209 ± 0.006 |
1.612 ± 0.014 1.216 ± 0.010 |
4.173 ± 0.008 4.351 ± 0.007 |
3.818 ± 0.008 3.789 ± 0.008 |
0.64 ± 0.03 0.28 ± 0.04 |
+0.10 ± 0.15 |
Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1095C) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
BK Peg | 5.490 | 9.98 0.59 |
F8_V F7_V |
1.414 ± 0.007 1.257 ± 0.005 |
1.988 ± 0.008 1.474 ± 0.017 |
3.992 ± 0.004 4.201 ± 0.010 |
3.797 ± 0.006 3.801 ± 0.006 |
0.74 ± 0.02 0.49 ± 0.03 |
-0.12 ± 0.07 |
Clausen et al. (2010A&A...516A..42C) |
KIC 6864859 | 40.878 | 11.64 0.31 |
none none |
1.411 ± 0.028 1.354 ± 0.028 |
1.655 ± 0.013 1.455 ± 0.012 |
4.150 ± 0.010 4.244 ± 0.012 |
3.813 ± 0.011 3.816 ± 0.019 |
Cunningham et al. (2019AJ....158..106C) |
BN Scl | 3.747 | 5.23 0.49 |
F7_V F8_V |
1.4067 ± 0.0022 1.2439 ± 0.0015 |
1.834 ± 0.007 1.380 ± 0.009 |
4.059 ± 0.003 4.256 ± 0.006 |
3.800 ± 0.003 3.795 ± 0.005 |
0.680 ± 0.015 0.415 ± 0.020 |
-0.23 ± 0.06 |
Graczyk et al., (2021A&A...649A.109G) |
VZ Cep | 1.183 | 9.72 0.47 |
F3_V G4_V |
1.402 ± 0.015 1.1077 ± 0.0083 |
1.534 ± 0.012 1.042 ± 0.039 |
4.2130 ± 0.0080 4.446 ± 0.033 |
3.824 ± 0.010 3.757 ± 0.009 |
0.634 ± 0.041 0.026 ± 0.050 |
Torres & Lacy (2009AJ....137..507T) |
V1200 Cen | 2.483 | 8.50 0.46 |
F5_V none |
1.393 ± 0.018 0.8633 ± 0.0081 |
1.407 ± 0.014 1.154 ± 0.014 |
4.2855 ± 0.0082 4.2496 ± 0.0099 |
3.819 ± 0.004 3.651 ± 0.007 |
0.525 ± 0.013 -0.319 ± 0.025 |
Marcadon et al. (2020MNRAS.499.3019M) |
KIC 9540226 | 175.443 | 12.08 1.21 |
none none |
1.390 ± 0.031 1.015 ± 0.016 |
13.43 ± 0.17 1.034 ± 0.014 |
2.326 ± 0.010 4.416 ± 0.010 |
3.661 ± 0.007 3.765 ± 0.015 |
1.854 ± 0.030 0.042 ± 0.061 |
-0.31 ± 0.09 |
Themeßl et al. (2018MNRAS.478.4669T) Brogaard et al. (2018MNRAS.476.3729B) |
KIC 5193386 | 21.378 | 14.26 0.84 |
none none |
1.386 ± 0.036 1.152 ± 0.020 |
4.505 ± 0.032 1.319 ± 0.009 |
3.272 ± 0.018 4.259 ± 0.014 |
3.679 ± 0.009 3.820 ± 0.010 |
Hambleton et al. (2022ApJ...931...75H) |
AN Cam | 20.998 | 9.69 0.61 |
F9_V G2_IV |
1.380 ± 0.021 1.402 ± 0.025 |
2.159 ± 0.012 2.646 ± 0.014 |
3.9095 ± 0.0030 3.7400 ± 0.0037 |
3.782 ± 0.011 3.760 ± 0.011 |
0.750 ± 0.043 0.839 ± 0.046 |
Southworth (2021Obs...141..122S) |
NGC 7142 V2 | 15.651 | 14.86 0.83 |
none none |
1.377 ± 0.009 1.377 ± 0.009 |
1.616 ± 0.005 1.613 ± 0.005 |
4.160 ± 0.003 4.162 ± 0.003 |
3.782 ± 0.014 3.782 ± 0.014 |
Sandquist et al. (2013AJ....146...40S) |
ASAS J052821+0338.5 | 3.873 | 11.7 0.9 |
1.375 ± 0.011 1.329 ± 0.008 |
1.83 ± 0.01 1.73 ± 0.01 |
4.05 ± 0.01 4.08 ± 0.01 |
3.708 ± 0.009 3.673 ± 0.009 |
0.314 ± 0.034 0.140 ± 0.035 |
-0.15 ± 0.14 |
Stempels et al. (2008A&A...481..747S) |
BW Aqr | 6.720 | 10.3 0.45 |
F7_V F7_V |
1.373 ± 0.018 1.469 ± 0.018 |
1.7332 ± 0.0086 2.0708 ± 0.0040 |
4.0982 ± 0.0040 3.9731 ± 0.0025 |
3.810 ± 0.007 3.802 ± 0.007 |
0.669 ± 0.027 0.796 ± 0.028 |
-0.07 ± 0.11 |
Maxted (2018RNAAS...2b..39M) Clausen et al. (2010A&A...516A..42C) |
TIC 81462274 | 31.752 | 11.05 1.04 |
none none |
1.37 ± 0.02 1.37 ± 0.02 |
11.69 ± 0.05 9.61 ± 0.05 |
2.439 ± 0.004 2.609 ± 0.005 |
3.716 3.712 |
0.07 | Rowan et al. (arXiv:2409.02983) |
V1143 Cyg | 7.641 | 5.89 0.47 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.361 ± 0.004 1.332 ± 0.004 |
1.348 ± 0.016 1.322 ± 0.016 |
4.31 ± 0.03 4.32 ± 0.04 |
3.821 ± 0.013 3.818 ± 0.015 |
0.53 ± 0.06 0.50 ± 0.07 |
Lester et al. (2019AJ....158..218L) Albrecht et al. (2007A&A...474..565A) |
ASAS J171750-1915.3 | 3.137 | 10.99 0.64 |
none none |
1.3571 ± 0.0026 1.3452 ± 0.0032 |
1.676 ± 0.007 1.648 ± 0.006 |
4.122 ± 0.003 4.133 ± 0.003 |
3.815 ± 0.009 3.813 ± 0.009 |
+0.04 ± 0.12 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
RU Cnc | 10.173 | 10.20 0.60 |
none none |
1.347 ± 0.011 1.415 ± 0.007 |
2.188 ± 0.042 4.939 ± 0.073 |
3.888 ± 0.017 3.202 ± 0.013 |
3.817 ± 0.006 3.678 ± 0.013 |
-0.26 ± 0.34 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
AQ Ser | 1.687 | 10.65 0.51 |
F5_IV F6_IV |
1.346 ± 0.024 1.417 ± 0.022 |
2.281 ± 0.014 2.451 ± 0.027 |
3.850 ± 0.009 3.810 ± 0.012 |
3.808 ± 0.007 3.802 ± 0.007 |
0.901 ± 0.027 0.939 ± 0.042 |
Torres et al. (2014AJ....147...36T) |
HD 22064 | 9.135 | 8.81 0.40 |
F2_V none |
1.345 ± 0.031 0.576 ± 0.010 |
1.554 ± 0.014 0.595 ± 0.008 |
4.184 ± 0.006 4.65 ± 0.01 |
3.830 ± 0.003 3.568 ± 0.037 |
0.658 ± 0.006 -1.176 ± 0.012 |
-0.05 ± 0.15 |
Maxted (2023MNRAS.522.2683M) |
LX Mus | 11.751 | 8.78 0.51 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.3433 ± 0.0006 1.3544 ± 0.0007 |
1.3450 ± 0.0085 1.3959 ± 0.0070 |
4.309 ± 0.005 4.280 ± 0.004 |
3.815 ± 0.005 3.817 ± 0.004 |
0.473 ± 0.018 0.513 ± 0.017 |
+0.09 ± 0.05 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
RT CrB | 5.117 | 10.21 0.73 |
G5_IV K0_IV |
1.343 ± 0.010 1.359 ± 0.009 |
2.615 ± 0.044 2.946 ± 0.051 |
3.731 ± 0.014 3.632 ± 0.015 |
3.762 ± 0.008 3.710 ± 0.009 |
0.838 ± 0.032 0.736 ± 0.036 |
Sabby & Lacy (2003AJ....125.1448S) |
UZ Dra | 3.261 | 9.59 0.47 |
F7_V G0_V |
1.34 ± 0.02 1.23 ± 0.02 |
1.31 ± 0.03 1.15 ± 0.02 |
4.33 ± 0.03 4.40 ± 0.03 |
3.793 ± 0.008 3.777 ± 0.008 |
0.35 ± 0.05 0.18 ± 0.05 |
Lacy et al. (1989AJ.....97..822L) |
ASAS J085002+1752.5 | 5.226 | 10.15 0.72 |
none none |
1.326 ± 0.003 1.573 ± 0.003 |
1.571 ± 0.025 3.222 ± 0.042 |
4.168 ± 0.014 3.619 ± 0.011 |
3.817 ± 0.014 3.758 ± 0.018 |
-0.01 ± 0.27 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
IT Cas | 3.897 | 11.15 0.5 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.3244 ± 0.0094 1.3218 ± 0.0080 |
1.5552 ± 0.0044 1.5513 ± 0.0045 |
4.1765 ± 0.0022 4.1778 ± 0.0021 |
3.829 ± 0.007 3.829 ± 0.007 |
0.653 ± 0.027 0.651 ± 0.027 |
Southworth (2023Obs...143..120S) Lacy et al. (1997AJ....114.1206L) |
NP Per | 2.229 | 11.24 0.70 |
F5_V K5_e |
1.3207 ± 0.0087 1.0456 ± 0.0046 |
1.372 ± 0.013 1.229 ± 0.013 |
4.2840 ± 0.0080 4.2779 ± 0.0089 |
3.808 ± 0.006 3.657 ± 0.015 |
0.460 ± 0.025 -0.237 ± 0.058 |
+0.02 ± 0.08 |
Sandberg Lacy et al (2016AJ....152....2S) |
FM Leo | 6.729 | 8.47 0.49 |
F6_V F6_V |
1.3144 ± 0.0005 1.2703 ± 0.0004 |
1.6245 ± 0.0021 1.5082 ± 0.0029 |
4.135 ± 0.001 4.185 ± 0.001 |
3.806 ± 0.004 3.805 ± 0.004 |
0.600 ± 0.015 0.533 ± 0.015 |
-0.11 ± 0.04 |
Graczyk et al., (2021A&A...649A.109G) Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
CPD -54 810 | 26.132 | 10.45 0.41 |
none none |
1.3084 ± 0.0051 1.0896 ± 0.0034 |
1.9288 ± 0.0030 1.1815 ± 0.0037 |
3.9836 ± 0.0012 4.3297 ± 0.0026 |
3.810 ± 0.003 3.801 ± 0.003 |
0.766 ± 0.011 0.305 ± 0.012 |
0.0 ± 0.2 |
Miller et al. (2022MNRAS.517.5129M) Ratajczak et al. (2021MNRAS.500.4972R) |
V338 Vir | 5.985 | 9.15 0.47 |
F5_V F6_IV |
1.3074 ± 0.0020 1.5148 ± 0.0021 |
1.5329 ± 0.0099 2.3651 ± 0.0093 |
4.183 ± 0.006 3.871 ± 0.003 |
3.818 ± 0.006 3.808 ± 0.004 |
0.599 ± 0.024 0.934 ± 0.017 |
-0.10 ± 0.06 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
V1130 Tau | 0.799 | 6.56 0.36 |
F2_V F2_V |
1.306 ± 0.008 1.392 ± 0.008 |
1.489 ± 0.010 1.782 ± 0.011 |
4.208 ± 0.006 4.080 ± 0.006 |
3.822 ± 0.005 3.821 ± 0.005 |
0.59 ± 0.02 0.74 ± 0.02 |
-0.25 ± 0.10 |
Clausen et al. (2010A&A...510A..91C) |
Tyc 3488-463-1 | 1.431 | 11.27 0.67 |
F8_V none |
1.306 ± 0.015 1.189 ± 0.018 |
1.692 ± 0.014 1.304 ± 0.017 |
4.098 ± 0.006 4.245 ± 0.011 |
3.801 ± 0.003 3.785 ± 0.003 |
0.614 ± 0.013 0.323 ± 0.018 |
Borkovits et al. (2022MNRAS.510.1352B) |
CO And | 3.655 | 10.83 0.52 |
F8_V F8_V |
1.2892 ± 0.0073 1.2643 ± 0.0073 |
1.727 ± 0.021 1.694 ± 0.017 |
4.074 ± 0.011 4.0822 ± 0.0089 |
3.788 ± 0.009 3.790 ± 0.009 |
0.580 ± 0.038 0.572 ± 0.038 |
+0.01 ± 0.15 |
Lacy et al. (2010AJ....139.2347L) |
V455 Aur | 3.146 | 7.28 0.43 |
F5_V F6_V |
1.2887 ± 0.0063 1.2316 ± 0.0050 |
1.389 ± 0.011 1.318 ± 0.014 |
4.2626 ± 0.0070 4.2887 ± 0.0089 |
3.813 ± 0.013 3.806 ± 0.013 |
0.492 ± 0.054 0.419 ± 0.055 |
Southworth (2021Obs...141..190S) Griffin (2013Obs...133..156G) |
V375 Cep | 1.910 | 16.12 0.88 |
none none |
1.288 ± 0.017 0.871 ± 0.008 |
1.623 ± 0.006 0.897 ± 0.003 |
4.129 ± 0.007 4.473 ± 0.002 |
3.794 ± 0.003 3.703 ± 0.015 |
+0.09 ± 0.05 |
Sandquist et al. (2013AJ....146...40S) Member of the open cluster NGC 7142 |
V1061 Cyg | 2.347 | 9.24 0.54 |
F9_V G8_V |
1.282 ± 0.015 0.9315 ± 0.0068 |
1.615 ± 0.017 0.974 ± 0.020 |
4.129 ± 0.011 4.430 ± 0.018 |
3.791 ± 0.007 3.724 ± 0.012 |
0.533 ± 0.030 -0.173 ± 0.052 |
Torres et al. (2006ApJ...640.1018T) |
CF Tau | 2.756 | 10.25 0.95 |
K0 G0 |
1.282 ± 0.009 1.251 ± 0.011 |
2.797 ± 0.011 2.048 ± 0.016 |
3.653 ± 0.005 3.913 ± 0.008 |
3.716 ± 0.013 3.778 ± 0.011 |
0.71 ± 0.05 0.69 ± 0.05 |
Lacy et al. (2012AJ....144..167S) |
KIC 7821010 | 24.238 | 10.84 0.56 |
none none |
1.277 ± 0.017 1.221 ± 0.016 |
1.276 ± 0.011 1.210 ± 0.014 |
4.332 ± 0.007 4.359 ± 0.009 |
3.827 ± 0.010 3.817 ± 0.011 |
0.47 ± 0.04 0.39 ± 0.05 |
+0.10 ± 0.08 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) |
AP And | 1.587 | 11.19 0.44 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.2770 ± 0.0044 1.2510 ± 0.0042 |
1.2335 ± 0.0062 1.1954 ± 0.0053 |
4.3623 ± 0.0044 4.3805 ± 0.0038 |
3.817 ± 0.010 3.813 ± 0.010 |
0.403 ± 0.040 0.358 ± 0.039 |
Lacy et al. (2014AJ....147..148L) |
V505 Per | 4.222 | 6.88 0.42 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.2745 ± 0.0036 1.2577 ± 0.0030 |
1.2941 ± 0.0016 1.2637 ± 0.0017 |
4.3194 ± 0.0010 4.3343 ± 0.0010 |
3.814 ± 0.003 3.810 ± 0.013 |
0.434 ± 0.013 0.399 ± 0.013 |
Southworth (2021Obs...141..234S) Tomasella et al. (2008A&A...480..465T) |
VZ Hya | 2.904 | 8.95 0.41 |
F5_V F6_V |
1.271 ± 0.006 1.146 ± 0.007 |
1.314 ± 0.005 1.112 ± 0.007 |
4.305 ± 0.005 4.405 ± 0.006 |
3.809 ± 0.010 3.799 ± 0.010 |
0.48 ± 0.04 0.24 ± 0.04 |
-0.20 ± 0.12 |
Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1095C) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
CQ Ind | 8.974 | 8.36 0.53 |
F6_V F8_V |
1.2694 ± 0.0012 1.1293 ± 0.0012 |
1.4097 ± 0.0039 1.1268 ± 0.0056 |
4.243 ± 0.002 4.387 ± 0.003 |
3.810 ± 0.005 3.788 ± 0.005 |
0.494 ± 0.018 0.212 ± 0.021 |
-0.04 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
V2154 Cyg | 2.631 | 7.83 0.40 |
F3_V K2_V |
1.269 ± 0.017 0.7542 ± 0.0059 |
1.477 ± 0.012 0.7232 ± 0.0091 |
4.2028 ± 0.0089 4.597 ± 0.012 |
3.831 ± 0.010 3.701 ± 0.013 |
0.616 ± 0.039 -0.523 ± 0.039 |
Bright & Torres (2017ApJ...850...10B) |
V501 Her | 8.598 | 10.93 0.93 |
G3_IV G3_V |
1.2690 ± 0.0035 1.2113 ± 0.0032 |
2.0017 ± 0.0031 1.5112 ± 0.0027 |
3.9384 ± 0.0014 4.1623 ± 0.0016 |
3.755 ± 0.008 3.757 ± 0.008 |
0.576 ± 0.030 0.344 ± 0.029 |
Lacy & Fekel (2014AJ....148...71S) |
HS Hya | 1.568 | 8.12 0.41 |
F5_V F5_V |
1.2552 ± 0.0078 1.2186 ± 0.0070 |
1.2747 ± 0.0072 1.2161 ± 0.0071 |
4.3259 ± 0.0056 4.3539 ± 0.0057 |
3.8129 ± 0.0033 3.8062 ± 0.0034 |
0.415 ± 0.014 0.347 ± 0.015 |
Torres et al. (1997AJ....114.2764T) |
KIC 8430105 | 63.327 | 10.67 0.93 |
none none |
1.254 ± 0.014 0.8134 ± 0.0050 |
7.475 ± 0.031 0.7494 ± 0.0041 |
2.7892 ± 0.0033 4.5990 ± 0.0039 |
3.752 ± 0.006 3.756 ± 0.006 |
-0.46 ± 0.10 |
Thomsen et al. (2022MNRAS.517.4187T) Gaulme et al. (2016ApJ...832..121G) |
KIC 5359678 | 6.231 | 14.21 0.70 |
F5 none |
1.252 ± 0.018 1.065 ± 0.013 |
1.449 ± 0.012 1.048 ± 0.017 |
4.214 ± 0.007 4.424 ± 0.013 |
3.813 ± 0.003 3.777 ± 0.005 |
0.555 ± 0.014 0.103 ± 0.025 |
Southworth (2022Obs...142..103S) Wang et al. (2021MNRAS.504.4302W) |
KIC 5288543 | 3.457 | 13.52 0.39 |
none none |
1.251 ± 0.015 0.947 ± 0.010 |
1.6208 ± 0.0033 0.9272 ± 0.0032 |
4.116 ± 0.007 4.480 ± 0.008 |
3.798 ± 0.012 3.748 ± 0.012 |
Hambleton et al. (2022ApJ...931...75H) |
EF Aqr | 2.854 | 9.89 0.72 |
G0_V none |
1.244 ± 0.008 0.946 ± 0.006 |
1.338 ± 0.012 0.956 ± 0.012 |
4.280 ± 0.007 4.453 ± 0.011 |
3.789 ± 0.006 3.715 ± 0.009 |
0.360 ± 0.011 -0.227 ± 0.020 |
+0.00 ± 0.10 |
Vos et al. (2012A&A...540A..64V) |
TIC 172900988 | 19.658 | 10.14 0.55 |
none none |
1.2377 ± 0.0009 1.2021 ± 0.0008 |
1.3827 ± 0.0025 1.3141 ± 0.0013 |
4.2492 ± 0.0016 4.2808 ± 0.0009 |
3.782 ± 0.007 3.777 ± 0.007 |
+0.34 ± +0.34 |
Kostov et al. (2021AJ....162..234K) |
WOCS 40007 | 3.185 | 15.65 0.71 |
none none |
1.236 ± 0.020 1.086 ± 0.018 |
1.399 ± 0.007 1.098 ± 0.004 |
4.240 ± 0.005 4.381 ± 0.004 |
3.795 ± 0.006 3.775 ± 0.011 |
-0.03 ± 0.06 |
Jeffries et al. (2013AJ....146...58J) Member of NGC 6819. [Fe/H] comes from open cluster. |
WZ Oph | 4.184 | 9.10 0.50 |
F8_V F8_V |
1.227 ± 0.007 1.220 ± 0.006 |
1.401 ± 0.012 1.419 ± 0.012 |
4.234 ± 0.008 4.221 ± 0.008 |
3.790 ± 0.007 3.786 ± 0.007 |
0.41 ± 0.03 0.40 ± 0.03 |
-0.27 ± 0.07 |
Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1095C) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
KIC 3439031 | 5.952 | 11.34 0.48 |
none none |
1.2258 ± 0.0024 1.2274 ± 0.0028 |
1.4072 ± 0.0022 1.4030 ± 0.0025 |
4.2300 ± 0.0013 4.2332 ± 0.0015 |
3.815 ± 0.015 3.815 ± 0.015 |
0.45 ± 0.06 0.45 ± 0.06 |
+0.10 ± 0.13 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) |
UX Men | 4.181 | 8.22 0.54 |
F8_V F8_V |
1.2229 ± 0.0015 1.1878 ± 0.0015 |
1.347 ± 0.013 1.274 ± 0.013 |
4.272 ± 0.009 4.306 ± 0.009 |
3.792 ± 0.007 3.789 ± 0.007 |
0.38 ± 0.03 0.32 ± 0.03 |
+0.04 ± 0.10 |
Andersen et al. (1989A&A...211..346A) Hełminiak et al. (2009MNRAS.400..969H) |
Kepler-1647 | 11.259 | 13.70 0.66 |
none none |
1.2207 ± 0.0112 0.9678 ± 0.0039 |
1.7903 ± 0.0055 0.9663 ± 0.0057 |
4.0180 ± 0.0020 4.4534 ± 0.0040 |
3.793 ± 0.007 3.761 ± 0.009 |
-0.14 ± 0.05 |
Kostov et al. (2016ApJ...827...86K) (hosts a transiting planet) |
FL Lyr | 2.178 | 9.33 0.52 |
F8_V G8_V |
1.2102 ± 0.0076 0.9512 ± 0.0039 |
1.244 ± 0.023 0.900 ± 0.024 |
4.331 ± 0.016 4.508 ± 0.023 |
3.796 ± 0.008 3.740 ± 0.019 |
0.330 ± 0.095 -0.180 ± 0.080 |
-0.07 ± 0.09 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) Popper et al. (1986AJ.....91..383P) |
LL Aqr | 20.178 | 9.32 0.54 |
F3_V F8_V |
1.1959 ± 0.0007 1.0337 ± 0.0007 |
1.321 ± 0.006 1.002 ± 0.005 |
4.274 ± 0.004 4.451 ± 0.004 |
3.784 ± 0.003 3.756 ± 0.004 |
0.332 ± 0.014 -0.019 ± 0.016 |
0.02 ± 0.04 |
Graczyk et al. (2016A&A...594A..92G) Southworth (2013A&A...557A.119S) |
KIC 2306740 | 10.307 | 13.70 0.74 |
none none |
1.194 ± 0.008 1.078 ± 0.007 |
1.682 ± 0.004 1.226 ± 0.005 |
4.063 ± 0.002 4.294 ± 0.004 |
3.764 ± 0.018 3.782 ± 0.017 |
0.449 ± 0.075 0.260 ± 0.072 |
Koçak et al. (2021ApJ...910..111K) |
AI Phe | 24.592 | 8.61 0.83 |
K0_IV F7_V |
1.1938 ± 0.0008 1.2438 ± 0.0008 |
1.8050 ± 0.0022 2.9332 ± 0.0023 |
4.0020 ± 0.0011 3.5981 ± 0.0009 |
3.792 ± 0.002 3.707 ± 0.002 |
0.654 ± 0.007 0.736 ± 0.006 |
-0.14 ± 0.10 |
Miller et al. (2020MNRAS.497.2899M) Maxted et al. (2020MNRAS.498..332M) |
LV Her | 18.436 | 11.06 0.78 |
F9_V F9_V |
1.193 ± 0.010 1.1698 ± 0.0081 |
1.358 ± 0.012 1.313 ± 0.011 |
4.2493 ± 0.0082 4.2695 ± 0.0081 |
3.793 ± 0.011 3.780 ± 0.011 |
0.349 ± 0.044 0.311 ± 0.044 |
+0.08 ± 0.21 |
Torres, Lacy & Claret (2009AJ....138.1622T) |
V2080 Cyg | 4.934 | 7.404 0.421 |
F4_V F4_V |
1.191 ± 0.017 1.157 ± 0.017 |
1.596 ± 0.008 1.599 ± 0.008 |
4.108 ± 0.003 4.093 ± 0.003 |
3.778 ± 0.005 3.777 ± 0.005 |
0.474 ± 0.022 0.472 ± 0.022 |
Ibanoglu et al. (2008MNRAS.384..331I) |
KIC 9970396 | 235.299 | 11.75 1.07 |
none none |
1.178 ± 0.015 1.0030 ± 0.0085 |
8.035 ± 0.074 1.1089 ± 0.0052 |
2.699 ± 0.011 4.3493 ± 0.0054 |
3.687 ± 0.007 3.794 ± 0.009 |
-0.35 ± 0.10 |
Brogaard et al. (2018MNRAS.476.3729B) Gaulme et al. (2016ApJ...832..121G) |
HD 135671 | 3.657 | 10.18 0.67 |
none none |
1.175 ± 0.017 0.721 ± 0.009 |
1.7825 ± 0.0096 0.7222 ± 0.0034 |
4.006 ± 0.004 4.579 ± 0.003 |
3.783 ± 0.005 |
-0.18 ± 0.04 |
Hełminiak et al. (2024A&A...691A.170H) |
EW Ori | 6.937 | 9.90 0.57 |
G0_V G2_V |
1.173 ± 0.011 1.123 ± 0.009 |
1.168 ± 0.005 1.097 ± 0.005 |
4.372 ± 0.005 4.408 ± 0.005 |
3.783 ± 0.007 3.771 ± 0.007 |
0.22 ± 0.03 0.12 ± 0.03 |
+0.05 ± 0.09 |
Clausen et al. (2010A&A...511A..22C) Popper et al. (1986AJ.....91..383P) |
KIC 7037405 | 207.108 | 12.22 1.13 |
none none |
1.170 ± 0.020 1.110 ± 0.011 |
14.000 ± 0.093 1.746 ± 0.014 |
2.2131 ± 0.0067 3.9990 ± 0.0071 |
3.653 ± 0.008 3.785 ± 0.010 |
-0.27 ± 0.10 |
Brogaard et al. (2018MNRAS.476.3729B) |
CN Lyn | 1.956 | 9.06 0.43 |
F6_V F6_V |
1.166 ± 0.013 1.143 ± 0.013 |
1.786 ± 0.014 1.651 ± 0.014 |
4.001 ± 0.012 4.061 ± 0.012 |
3.807 ± 0.007 3.807 ± 0.007 |
0.700 ± 0.033 0.619 ± 0.035 |
-0.67 ± 0.12 |
Yücel et al. (arXiv:2412.04540) |
AL Ari | 3.747 | 7.23 0.52 |
F6_V G7_V |
1.1640 ± 0.0013 0.9112 ± 0.0007 |
1.372 ± 0.009 0.905 ± 0.008 |
4.229 ± 0.005 4.458 ± 0.008 |
3.804 ± 0.004 3.745 ± 0.005 |
0.444 ± 0.016 -0.155 ± 0.019 |
-0.42 ± 0.08 |
Graczyk et al., (2021A&A...649A.109G) |
UW LMi | 3.874 | 8.32 0.59 |
G0_V G0_V |
1.1627 ± 0.0018 1.1402 ± 0.0015 |
1.340 ± 0.014 1.275 ± 0.016 |
4.249 ± 0.009 4.284 ± 0.011 |
3.781 ± 0.005 3.778 ± 0.005 |
0.332 ± 0.022 0.279 ± 0.023 |
-0.10 ± 0.06 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
NY Hya | 4.774 | 8.58 0.39 |
G5_V G5_V |
1.161 ± 0.009 1.168 ± 0.010 |
1.407 ± 0.015 1.406 ± 0.017 |
4.206 ± 0.009 4.210 ± 0.011 |
3.748 ± 0.005 3.749 ± 0.005 |
0.243 ± 0.021 0.246 ± 0.022 |
0.07 ± 0.10 |
Hinse et al. (2024A&A...687A.116H) |
Tyc 7091-888-1 | 11.658 | 10.66 0.50 |
F K |
1.1544 ± 0.0043 0.7833 ± 0.0028 |
1.834 ± 0.023 0.7291 ± 0.0081 |
3.974 ± 0.011 4.607 ± 0.010 |
3.801 ± 0.003 3.732 ± 0.006 |
0.685 ± 0.018 -0.392 ± 0.028 |
-0.33 ± 0.10 |
Kirkby-Kent et al. (2018A&A...615A.135K) |
ASAS J061016-3321.3 | 199.857 | 9.71 1.48 |
K5_III K5_V |
1.148 ± 0.031 1.152 ± 0.012 |
12.34 ± 0.19 33.32 ± 0.39 |
2.315 ± 0.014 1.454 ± 0.010 |
3.632 ± 0.019 3.583 ± 0.021 |
1.667 ± 0.074 2.319 ± 0.092 |
0.08 ± 0.10 |
Ratajczak et al. (2021MNRAS.500.4972R) |
HD 219869 | 6.062 | 10.24 0.46 |
none none |
1.136 ± 0.003 1.006 ± 0.002 |
1.640 ± 0.009 1.110 ± 0.023 |
4.064 ± 0.005 4.350 ± 0.018 |
3.797 ± 0.003 3.795 ± 0.007 |
-0.39 ± 0.07 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
ZZ UMa | 2.299 | 10.39 0.54 |
F8_V G6_V |
1.1348 ± 0.0087 0.9652 ± 0.0051 |
1.4367 ± 0.0070 1.0752 ± 0.0046 |
4.178 ± 0.004 4.360 ± 0.003 |
3.775 ± 0.005 3.722 ± 0.007 |
0.370 ± 0.052 -0.095 ± 0.030 |
Southworth (2022Obs...142..267S) |
KX Cnc | 31.220 | 7.19 0.56 |
F9_V F9_V |
1.1345 ± 0.0032 1.1241 ± 0.0045 |
1.0527 ± 0.0056 1.0593 ± 0.0051 |
4.4825 ± 0.0045 4.4388 ± 0.0041 |
3.771 ± 0.007 3.767 ± 0.007 |
0.083 ± 0.030 0.071 ± 0.030 |
+0.07 ± 0.10 |
Southworth (2021Obs...141...22S) Sowell, Henry & Fekel (2012AJ....143....5S) |
HP Dra | 10.762 | 7.94 0.55 |
F9_V F9_V |
1.133 ± 0.005 1.094 ± 0.007 |
1.371 ± 0.012 1.052 ± 0.010 |
4.218 ± 0.010 4.433 ± 0.011 |
3.778 ± 0.011 3.770 ± 0.011 |
0.340 ± 0.044 0.079 ± 0.044 |
Milone et al. (2010AJ....140..129M) |
Tyc 6296-2012-1 | 11.991 | 11.86 0.70 |
F8_V none |
1.121 ± 0.013 0.733 ± 0.005 |
1.178 ± 0.007 0.640 ± 0.017 |
4.346 ± 0.005 4.690 ± 0.022 |
3.788 ± 0.007 3.653 ± 0.010 |
0.248 ± 0.028 -0.818 ± 0.046 |
+0.07 ± 0.03 |
Torres et al. (2019ApJ...887..109T) Metallicity comes from membership of Ruprecht 147 |
WOCS 12009 | 69.728 | 13.99 0.62 |
none none |
1.111 ± 0.015 0.748 ± 0.005 |
1.071 ± 0.009 0.713 ± 0.032 |
4.424 ± 0.002 4.607 ± 0.038 |
3.785 ± 0.007 3.673 ± 0.010 |
+0.03 ± 0.04 |
Sandquist et al. (2018AJ....155..152S) [Fe/H] comes from membership of M67 |
V785 Cep | 6.504 | 14.74 0.6 |
none none |
1.103 ± 0.007 1.081 ± 0.007 |
1.424 ± 0.019 1.373 ± 0.019 |
4.174 ± 0.012 4.196 ± 0.013 |
3.771 ± 0.007 3.769 ± 0.007 |
0.34 ± 0.03 0.30 ± 0.03 |
-0.06 ± 0.06 |
Meibom et al. (2009AJ....137.5086M) quoted metallicity is for the NGC 188 open cluster |
AL Dor | 14.905 | 7.74 0.57 |
F9_V F9_V |
1.1018 ± 0.0006 1.1028 ± 0.0007 |
1.0917 ± 0.0020 1.0983 ± 0.0020 |
4.404 ± 0.002 4.399 ± 0.002 |
3.782 ± 0.005 3.782 ± 0.005 |
0.159 ± 0.018 0.164 ± 0.018 |
-0.10 ± 0.04 |
Graczyk et al., (2021A&A...649A.109G) Gallenne et al. (2019A&A...632A..31G) |
QR Hya | 5.006 | 8.40 0.63 |
G1_V G2_V |
1.1002 ± 0.0018 1.0673 ± 0.0019 |
1.2844 ± 0.0040 1.2028 ± 0.0055 |
4.262 ± 0.003 4.306 ± 0.004 |
3.773 ± 0.005 3.767 ± 0.005 |
0.262 ± 0.021 0.182 ± 0.023 |
-0.01 ± 0.06 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
TOI-1338 | 14.608 | 11.98 0.56 |
none none |
1.098 ± 0.018 0.308 ± 0.003 |
1.321 ± 0.017 0.309 ± 0.004 |
4.24 ± 0.01 4.95 ± 0.01 |
3.780 ± 0.004 3.506 ± 0.018 |
0.32 ± 0.02 -2.04 ± 0.07 |
0.01 ± 0.05 |
Maxted et al. (2024MNRAS.531.4577M) Sebastian et al. (2024MNRAS.530.2572S) |
V1094 Tau | 8.989 | 8.97 0.70 |
G0_V G3_V |
1.0965 ± 0.0040 1.0121 ± 0.0028 |
1.4109 ± 0.0058 1.1063 ± 0.0066 |
4.179 ± 0.004 4.355 ± 0.005 |
3.767 ± 0.007 3.756 ± 0.008 |
0.32 ± 0.03 0.05 ± 0.03 |
Maxted et al. (2015A&A...578A..25M) |
OGLE-BLG-ECL-296596 | 155.658 | 15.48 1.26 |
1.093 ± 0.015 1.125 ± 0.014 |
18.06 ± 0.28 29.80 ± 0.33 |
1.963 ± 0.013 1.541 ± 0.011 |
3.625 ± 0.014 3.599 ± 0.013 |
1.964 ± 0.067 2.297 ± 0.060 |
-0.07 ± 0.15 |
Suchomska et al. (2019A&A...621A..93S) |
Tyc 1243-402-1 | 8.074 | 11.37 0.59 |
none none |
1.09 ± 0.01 0.96 ± 0.02 |
1.25 ± 0.01 0.94 ± 0.01 |
4.286 ± 0.021 4.473 ± 0.033 |
3.775 ± 0.009 3.745 ± 0.012 |
0.245 ± 0.028 -0.118 ± 0.038 |
+0.00 ± 0.05 |
Hoyman & Cakırlı (2020MNRAS.493.2329H) |
V568 Lyr | 14.470 | 17.34 0.94 |
none none |
1.0868 ± 0.0039 0.8276 ± 0.0022 |
1.397 ± 0.013 0.7813 ± 0.0053 |
4.1840 ± 0.0078 4.5698 ± 0.0059 |
3.752 ± 0.007 3.683 ± 0.013 |
+0.28 ± 0.05 |
Brogaard et al. (2011A&A...525A...2B) Grundahl et al. (2008A&A...492..171G) |
V963 Cen | 15.269 | 8.60 0.64 |
G1_IV-V G1_IV-V |
1.0812 ± 0.0029 1.0753 ± 0.0030 |
1.4456 ± 0.0052 1.4215 ± 0.0068 |
4.152 ± 0.003 4.164 ± 0.004 |
3.764 ± 0.004 3.765 ± 0.005 |
0.332 ± 0.018 0.320 ± 0.021 |
-0.06 ± 0.05 |
Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G) |
V432 Aur | 3.082 | 8.15 0.70 |
none none |
1.080 ± 0.014 1.200 ± 0.018 |
1.230 ± 0.006 2.460 ± 0.020 |
4.290 ± 0.008 3.740 ± 0.010 |
3.825 ± 0.006 3.784 ± 0.006 |
-0.60 ± 0.05 |
Siviero et al. (2004A&A...417.1083S) |
Tyc 6296-96-1 | 6.527 | 11.34 0.64 |
G G |
1.0782 ± 0.0019 1.0661 ± 0.0024 |
1.055 ± 0.011 1.042 ± 0.012 |
4.4247 ± 0.0094 4.4303 ± 0.0097 |
3.773 ± 0.007 3.769 ± 0.007 |
0.091 ± 0.031 0.066 ± 0.031 |
+0.07 ± 0.03 |
Torres et al. (2018ApJ...866...67T) [Fe/H] comes from membership of Ruprecht 147 |
OGLE-BLG-ECL-305487 | 176.655 | 18.20 1.7 |
1.060 ± 0.020 0.991 ± 0.018 |
19.27 ± 0.28 29.99 ± 0.24 |
1.893 ± 0.013 1.480 ± 0.005 |
3.628 ± 0.042 3.600 ± 0.027 |
2.03 ± 0.17 2.31 ± 0.11 |
0.05 ± 0.35 |
Suchomska et al. (2022A&A...668A..30S) |
TIC 71877648 | 32.394 | 12.18 1.10 |
none none |
1.053 ± 0.008 1.047 ± 0.007 |
4.38 ± 0.01 2.219 ± 0.006 |
3.177 ± 0.002 3.766 ± 0.002 |
3.703 3.715 |
0.09 | Rowan et al. (arXiv:2409.02983) |
V636 Cen | 4.284 | 8.70 0.62 |
G0_V none |
1.052 ± 0.005 0.854 ± 0.003 |
1.018 ± 0.004 0.830 ± 0.004 |
4.444 ± 0.004 4.532 ± 0.005 |
3.771 ± 0.006 3.699 ± 0.009 |
0.05 ± 0.03 -0.41 ± 0.04 |
-0.20 ± 0.08 |
Clausen et al. (2009A&A...502..253C) Clausen et al. (2008A&A...487.1081C) |
Kepler-34 | 27.796 | 15.04 0.63 |
none none |
1.0479 ± 0.0032 1.0208 ± 0.0022 |
1.1618 ± 0.0029 1.0927 ± 0.0030 |
4.3284 ± 0.0021 4.3703 ± 0.0022 |
3.772 ± 0.009 3.768 ± 0.010 |
0.173 ± 0.033 0.107 ± 0.036 |
-0.07 ± 0.15 |
Welsh et al. (2012Natur.481..475W) (hosts a transiting planet) |
KIC 7177553 | 17.996 | 11.54 0.52 |
G2_V G2_V |
1.043 ± 0.014 0.986 ± 0.015 |
0.940 ± 0.005 0.941 ± 0.005 |
4.517 ± 0.008 4.491 ± 0.008 |
3.763 ± 0.010 3.759 ± 0.011 |
-0.055 ± 0.040 -0.071 ± 0.041 |
-0.05 ± 0.09 |
Lehmann et al. (2016ApJ...819...33L) |
KIC 6525196 | 3.421 | 10.22 0.52 |
none none |
1.0351 ± 0.0055 0.9712 ± 0.0039 |
1.0719 ± 0.0020 1.0101 ± 0.0017 |
4.3927 ± 0.0024 4.4166 ± 0.0019 |
3.812 ± 0.009 3.806 ± 0.008 |
-0.46 ± 0.10 |
Moharana et al. (2023MNRAS.521.1908M) Hełminiak et al. (2017MNRAS.468.1726H) |
V454 Aur | 27.020 | 7.65 0.57 |
F8_V G1-2_V |
1.0336 ± 0.0059 1.1612 ± 0.0081 |
0.9787 ± 0.0027 1.2105 ± 0.0025 |
4.4711 ± 0.0020 4.3370 ± 0.0014 |
3.770 ± 0.007 3.790 ± 0.007 |
0.016 ± 0.029 0.281 ± 0.028 |
Southworth (arXiv:2404.19443) Griffin (2001Obs...121..315G) |
CV Boo | 0.847 | 10.8 0.5 |
G2_V G3_V |
1.032 ± 0.013 0.968 ± 0.012 |
1.262 ± 0.023 1.173 ± 0.023 |
4.294 ± 0.016 4.285 ± 0.017 |
3.760 ± 0.011 3.754 ± 0.011 |
0.197 ± 0.048 0.107 ± 0.049 |
Torres, Vaz & Lacy (2008AJ....136.2158T) |
EBLM J0113+31 | 14.277 | 10.12 0.50 |
G0_V none |
1.029 ± 0.025 0.197 ± 0.003 |
1.417 ± 0.014 0.215 ± 0.002 |
4.148 ± 0.006 5.068 ± 0.006 |
3.787 ± 0.003 3.528 ± 0.005 |
0.406 ± 0.014 -2.267 ± 0.024 |
-0.3 ± 0.1 |
Maxted et al. (2022MNRAS.513.6042M) Gómez Maqueo Chew et al. (2014A&A...572A..50G) |
V818 Tau | 5.609 | 8.32 0.76 |
G8_V K4_V |
1.0245 ± 0.0024 0.7426 ± 0.0016 |
0.923 ± 0.015 0.739 ± 0.026 |
4.518 ± 0.014 4.571 ± 0.032 |
3.752 ± 0.004 3.633 ± 0.010 |
0.05 ± 0.05 |
Brogaard et al. (2021A&A...645A..25B) Member of the Hyades |
V1174 Ori | 2.635 | 13.95 1.24 |
K4.5_V M1.5_V |
1.009 ± 0.015 0.731 ± 0.008 |
1.339 ± 0.015 1.065 ± 0.011 |
4.19 ± 0.01 4.25 ± 0.01 |
3.650 ± 0.012 3.558 ± 0.012 |
-0.193 ± 0.048 -0.761 ± 0.058 |
Stassun et al. (2004ApJS..151..357S) |
V530 Ori | 6.111 | 9.96 0.49 |
G1_V M1_V |
1.0038 ± 0.0066 0.5955 ± 0.0022 |
0.980 ± 0.013 0.5873 ± 0.0067 |
4.457 ± 0.012 4.676 ± 0.010 |
3.777 ± 0.007 3.589 ± 0.013 |
0.016 ± 0.032 -1.154 ± 0.053 |
-0.12 ± 0.08 |
Torres et al. (2014ApJ...797...31T) |
V565 Lyr | 18.799 | 17.71 0.93 |
none none |
0.9955 ± 0.0033 0.9293 ± 0.0032 |
1.1011 ± 0.0068 0.9708 ± 0.0053 |
4.3524 ± 0.0053 4.4319 ± 0.0080 |
3.748 ± 0.007 3.735 ± 0.010 |
+0.28 ± 0.05 |
Brogaard et al. (2011A&A...525A...2B) |
KIC 8736245 | 5.069 | 13.95 0.71 |
G2_V none |
0.987 ± 0.009 0.782 ± 0.009 |
1.311 ± 0.006 0.804 ± 0.004 |
4.197 ± 0.006 4.521 ± 0.008 |
3.764 ± 0.009 3.702 ± 0.011 |
Fetherolf et al. (2019AJ....158..198F) |
KIC 10987439 | 10.675 | 10.69 9.62 |
F3_V none |
0.9864 ± 0.0034 1.4215 ± 0.0045 |
0.932 ± 0.015 1.512 ± 0.031 |
4.493 ± 0.014 4.232 ± 0.018 |
3.710 ± 0.018 3.812 ± 0.006 |
0.550 ± 0.030 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019MNRAS.484..451H) |
IM Vir | 1.309 | 9.57 0.66 |
G7_V K7_V |
0.981 ± 0.012 0.6644 ± 0.0048 |
1.061 ± 0.016 0.681 ± 0.013 |
4.379 ± 0.014 4.594 ± 0.017 |
3.754 ± 0.008 3.628 ± 0.013 |
-0.012 ± 0.034 -0.867 ± 0.056 |
-0.10 ± 0.25 |
Morales et al. (2009ApJ...707..671M) |
KIC 6147573 | 25.837 | 13.50 0.66 |
none none |
0.98 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.01 |
1.013 ± 0.005 1.007 ± 0.005 |
4.417 ± 0.003 4.422 ± 0.003 |
3.757 ± 0.008 3.756 ± 0.008 |
-0.01 ± 0.05 -0.02 ± 0.05 |
Özdarkan et al. (2024MNRAS.531.4714O) |
OGLE-SMC-ECL-1492 | 73.715 | 17.71 1.03 |
0.97 ± 0.01 0.97 ± 0.01 |
15.9 ± 0.6 25.1 ± 0.3 |
2.02 ± 0.03 1.63 ± 0.01 |
3.697 ± 0.009 3.679 ± 0.006 |
2.149 ± 0.046 2.468 ± 0.028 |
-0.88 ± 0.09 |
Graczyk et al. (2020ApJ...904...13G) Member of the SMC |
OGLE-BLG-ECL-116218 | 80.586 | 17.59 1.6 |
0.969 ± 0.012 0.983 ± 0.012 |
16.73 ± 0.28 22.06 ± 0.26 |
1.978 ± 0.015 1.744 ± 0.009 |
3.627 ± 0.021 3.611 ± 0.015 |
1.91 ± 0.08 2.08 ± 0.06 |
-0.46 ± 0.20 |
Suchomska et al. (2022A&A...668A..30S) |
Kepler-47 | 7.448 | 15.38 0.85 |
none none |
0.957 ± 0.014 0.342 ± 0.003 |
0.936 ± 0.005 0.338 ± 0.002 |
4.476 ± 0.005 4.914 ± 0.005 |
3.751 ± 0.008 3.526 ± 0.013 |
-0.076 ± 0.035 -1.854 ± 0.062 |
-0.25 ± 0.08 |
Orosz et al. (2019AJ....157..174O) Orosz et al. (2012Sci...337.1511O) |
Tyc 5962-2159-1 | 8.220 | 9.83 0.83 |
G none |
0.956 ± 0.012 0.674 ± 0.005 |
0.997 ± 0.004 0.690 ± 0.007 |
4.421 ± 0.003 4.589 ± 0.009 |
3.740 ± 0.008 3.599 ± 0.012 |
-0.09 ± 0.03 -0.96 ± 0.05 |
+0.09 ± 0.13 |
Hełminiak et al. (2019A&A...622A.114H) |
Tyc 5227-1023-1 | 4.306 | 11.86 0.55 |
none none |
0.956 ± 0.016 0.839 ± 0.012 |
1.388 ± 0.010 0.977 ± 0.010 |
4.13 ± 0.01 4.38 ± 0.01 |
3.803 ± 0.014 3.773 ± 0.016 |
-0.63 ± 0.11 |
Traven et al. (2017ApJ...839...52T) |
KIC 4054905 | 274.729 | 13.22 1.04 |
none none |
0.9544 ± 0.0094 0.9566 ± 0.0059 |
8.364 ± 0.027 3.0911 ± 0.0094 |
2.5730 ± 0.0026 3.4385 ± 0.0019 |
3.686 ± 0.006 3.721 ± 0.019 |
1.542 ± 0.025 0.819 ± 0.081 |
-0.60 ± 0.02 |
Brogaard et al (2022A&A...668A..82B) |
HP Aur | 1.423 | 11.17 0.68 |
G2_V K1_V |
0.9543 ± 0.0041 0.8094 ± 0.0036 |
1.0278 ± 0.0042 0.7758 ± 0.0034 |
4.3942 ± 0.0040 4.5669 ± 0.0043 |
3.764 ± 0.009 3.713 ± 0.010 |
0.036 ± 0.035 -0.414 ± 0.039 |
Lacy et al. (2014AJ....147....1L) |
Kepler-453 | 27.322 | 13.70 0.75 |
none none |
0.944 ± 0.010 0.1951 ± 0.0020 |
0.833 ± 0.011 0.2150 ± 0.0014 |
4.571 ± 0.015 5.0630 ± 0.0050 |
3.742 ± 0.008 3.509 ± 0.013 |
+0.09 ± 0.10 |
Welsh et al. (2015ApJ...809...26W) (hosts a transiting planet) |
KIC 6131659 | 17.528 | 12.76 0.92 |
none none |
0.942 ± 0.010 0.703 ± 0.008 |
0.903 ± 0.003 0.616 ± 0.003 |
4.496 ± 0.005 4.705 ± 0.006 |
3.716 ± 0.008 3.617 ± 0.050 |
-0.23 ± 0.20 |
Cunningham et al. (2019AJ....158..106C) Bass et al. (2012ApJ...761..157B) |
CG Cyg | 0.631 | 10.08 0.86 |
G9_V K3_V |
0.94 ± 0.012 0.81 ± 0.013 |
0.89 ± 0.013 0.84 ± 0.014 |
4.512 ± 0.014 4.505 ± 0.016 |
3.721 ± 0.015 3.674 ± 0.006 |
-0.26 ± 0.06 -0.51 ± 0.03 |
Popper (1994AJ....108.1091P) |
HD 284753 | 1.653 | 10.26 0.73 |
none none |
0.934 ± 0.017 0.409 ± 0.005 |
1.058 ± 0.023 0.408 ± 0.009 |
4.360 ± 0.018 4.829 ± 0.019 |
3.753 ± 0.005 3.555 ± 0.012 |
-0.26 ± 0.26 |
Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H) |
RW Lac | 10.369 | 10.63 0.5 |
G5_V G7_V |
0.928 ± 0.006 0.870 ± 0.004 |
1.186 ± 0.004 0.964 ± 0.004 |
4.257 ± 0.003 4.409 ± 0.004 |
3.760 ± 0.008 3.745 ± 0.012 |
0.14 ± 0.03 -0.10 ± 0.05 |
-0.3 | Lacy et al. (2005AJ....130.2838L) |
EPIC 219511354 | 1.622 | 13.16 0.94 |
K2_V K4_V |
0.912 ± 0.013 0.822 ± 0.016 |
0.920 ± 0.016 0.851 ± 0.016 |
4.470 ± 0.016 4.494 ± 0.017 |
3.702 ± 0.013 3.671 ± 0.012 |
-0.310 ± 0.053 -0.500 ± 0.052 |
+0.07 ± 0.03 |
Torres et al. (2021ApJ...921..133T) Metallicity comes from membership of Ruprecht 147 |
HS Aur | 9.815 | 10.16 0.77 |
G8_V K0_V |
0.900 ± 0.019 0.879 ± 0.017 |
1.004 ± 0.024 0.873 ± 0.024 |
4.389 ± 0.023 4.500 ± 0.025 |
3.728 ± 0.006 3.716 ± 0.006 |
-0.13 ± 0.03 -0.30 ± 0.03 |
Popper et al. (1986AJ.....91..383P) |
Kepler-35 | 20.734 | 15.96 0.66 |
none none |
0.8877 ± 0.0052 0.8094 ± 0.0044 |
1.0284 ± 0.0020 0.7861 ± 0.0021 |
4.3623 ± 0.0020 4.5556 ± 0.0016 |
3.749 ± 0.011 3.716 ± 0.008 |
-0.027 ± 0.043 -0.387 ± 0.020 |
-0.34 ± 0.20 |
Welsh et al. (2012Natur.481..475W) (hosts a transiting planet) |
47 Tuc V69 | 29.540 | 16.84 0.56 |
none none |
0.8762 ± 0.0048 0.8588 ± 0.0060 |
1.3148 ± 0.0051 1.1616 ± 0.0062 |
4.143 ± 0.003 4.242 ± 0.003 |
3.775 ± 0.003 3.777 ± 0.003 |
0.292 ± 0.013 0.193 ± 0.014 |
-0.71 ± 0.10 |
Thompson et al. (2020MNRAS.492.4254T) Brogaard et al. (2017MNRAS.468..645B) |
47 Tuc E32 | 40.913 | 17.15 0.56 |
none none |
0.8617 ± 0.0047 0.8268 ± 0.0045 |
1.1834 ± 0.0034 1.0045 ± 0.0040 |
4.227 ± 0.002 4.352 ± 0.003 |
3.780 ± 0.003 3.775 ± 0.003 |
0.217 ± 0.013 0.057 ± 0.015 |
-0.71 ± 0.10 |
Thompson et al. (2020MNRAS.492.4254T) Metallicity comes from membership of 47 Tuc |
Tyc 4749-560-1 | 1.622 | 11.24 0.63 |
K2_V K4_V |
0.8338 ± 0.0036 0.8280 ± 0.0040 |
0.848 ± 0.005 0.833 ± 0.005 |
4.503 ± 0.005 4.515 ± 0.005 |
3.726 ± 0.016 3.708 ± 0.017 |
-0.278 ± 0.065 -0.365 ± 0.068 |
Hełminiak & Konacki (2011A&A...526A..29H) |
NGC 6362 V40 | 5.296 | 18.22 0.55 |
none none |
0.8337 ± 0.0063 0.7947 ± 0.0048 |
1.3253 ± 0.0077 0.997 ± 0.013 |
4.550 ± 0.005 4.361 ± 0.011 |
3.789 ± 0.009 3.785 ± 0.011 |
0.356 ± 0.035 0.093 ± 0.046 |
-1.07 ± 0.05 |
Kaluzny et al. (2015AJ....150..155K) [Fe/H] comes from cluster membership |
ASAS J212954-5620.1 | 0.702 | 11.93 1.17 |
none none |
0.833 ± 0.017 0.703 ± 0.013 |
0.845 ± 0.012 0.718 ± 0.017 |
4.506 ± 0.012 4.574 ± 0.020 |
3.677 ± 0.014 3.625 ± 0.019 |
-0.482 ± 0.057 -0.840 ± 0.076 |
Hełminiak et al. (2011A&A...527A..14H) |
NGC 6362 V41 | 17.889 | 18.77 0.57 |
none none |
0.8215 ± 0.0058 0.7280 ± 0.0047 |
1.0739 ± 0.0048 0.7307 ± 0.0046 |
4.311 ± 0.004 4.593 ± 0.006 |
3.787 ± 0.009 3.759 ± 0.009 |
0.164 ± 0.033 -0.281 ± 0.036 |
-1.07 ± 0.05 |
Kaluzny et al. (2015AJ....150..155K) [Fe/H] comes from cluster membership |
NGC 3201 V139 | 8.789 | 18.08 0.74 |
none none |
0.806 ± 0.007 0.684 ± 0.003 |
1.215 ± 0.012 0.687 ± 0.004 |
4.175 ± 0.006 4.599 ± 0.003 |
3.793 ± 0.005 3.745 ± 0.006 |
0.294 ± 0.022 -0.387 ± 0.021 |
-1.47 ± 0.04 |
Rozyczka et al. (2022MNRAS.517.2485R) Metallicity comes from membership of NGC 3201 |
NGC 3201 V142 | 27.693 | 17.25 0.78 |
none none |
0.804 ± 0.005 0.664 ± 0.002 |
2.212 ± 0.023 0.693 ± 0.004 |
3.654 ± 0.005 4.588 ± 0.003 |
3.772 ± 0.012 3.744 ± 0.012 |
0.731 ± 0.049 -0.24 ± 0.11 |
-1.47 ± 0.04 |
Rozyczka et al. (2022MNRAS.517.2485R) Metallicity comes from membership of NGC 3201 |
M4 V65 | 2.293 | 17.03 0.90 |
none none |
0.8035 ± 0.0086 0.6050 ± 0.0044 |
1.1470 ± 0.0104 0.6110 ± 0.0092 |
4.221 ± 0.014 4.645 ± 0.017 |
3.785 ± 0.008 3.682 ± 0.011 |
0.210 ± 0.032 -0.747 ± 0.046 |
-1.2 ± 0.1 |
Kaluzny et al. (2013AJ....145...43K) [Fe/H] comes from membership of globular cluster M4 |
V1236 Tau | 2.588 | 18.1 1.37 |
K7_V K7_V |
0.787 ± 0.012 0.770 ± 0.009 |
0.788 ± 0.015 0.817 ± 0.010 |
4.54 ± 0.02 4.50 ± 0.01 |
3.623 ± 0.020 3.618 ± 0.025 |
-0.76 ± 0.10 -0.75 ± 0.09 |
Bayless & Orosz (2006ApJ...651.1155B) |
M4 V66 | 8.111 | 16.84 0.88 |
none none |
0.7842 ± 0.0045 0.7443 ± 0.0042 |
0.9347 ± 0.0048 0.8298 ± 0.0053 |
4.388 ± 0.077 4.469 ± 0.085 |
3.790 ± 0.007 3.774 ± 0.008 |
0.053 ± 0.028 -0.115 ± 0.031 |
-1.2 ± 0.1 |
Kaluzny et al. (2013AJ....145...43K) [Fe/H] comes from membership of globular cluster M4 |
TIC 56913729 | 0.462 | 15.10 1.08 |
K3_V K3_V |
0.7822 ± 0.0054 0.7532 ± 0.0052 |
0.7891 ± 0.0021 0.7468 ± 0.0021 |
4.58 ± 0.10 4.56 ± 0.12 |
3.695 ± 0.010 3.686 ± 0.016 |
-0.04 ± 0.12 |
Pan et al. (2024AJ....168..253P) |
M4 V69 | 48.188 | 17.01 0.90 |
none none |
0.7665 ± 0.0053 0.7278 ± 0.0048 |
0.8655 ± 0.0097 0.8074 ± 0.0080 |
4.444 ± 0.132 4.483 ± 0.119 |
3.784 ± 0.009 3.772 ± 0.010 |
-0.036 ± 0.036 -0.146 ± 0.041 |
-1.2 ± 0.1 |
Kaluzny et al. (2013AJ....145...43K) [Fe/H] comes from membership of globular cluster M4 |
V441 UMa | 1.306 | 9.84 0.88 |
K1_V K5_V |
0.766 ± 0.014 0.644 ± 0.012 |
0.757 ± 0.008 0.743 ± 0.010 |
4.564 ± 0.012 4.505 ± 0.014 |
3.699 ± 0.017 3.627 ± 0.021 |
-0.49 ± 0.07 -0.80 ± 0.08 |
Koo et al. (2014AJ....147..104K) |
2MASS J12220147-5737565 | 3.072 | 12.85 1.5 |
M2e M2e |
0.7354 ± 0.0057 0.6680 ± 0.0044 |
0.976 ± 0.013 0.942 ± 0.015 |
4.330 ± 0.011 4.310 ± 0.013 |
3.574 ± 0.004 3.562 ± 0.004 |
-0.772 ± 0.021 -0.851 ± 0.022 |
Stassun et al. (2022ApJ...941..125S) |
V404 CMa | 0.452 | 17.45 1.17 |
none none |
0.733 ± 0.005 0.662 ± 0.005 |
0.72 ± 0.01 0.68 ± 0.02 |
4.608 ± 0.012 4.614 ± 0.025 |
3.623 ± 0.010 3.596 ± 0.012 |
-0.867 ± 0.044 -1.028 ± 0.054 |
Rozyczka et al. (2009AcA....59..385R) Rozyczka et al. (2007AcA....57..323R) |
M55 V54 | 9.269 | 18.30 0.56 |
none none |
0.726 ± 0.015 0.555 ± 0.008 |
1.006 ± 0.009 0.528 ± 0.005 |
4.294 ± 0.010 4.737 ± 0.010 |
3.796 ± 0.005 3.701 ± 0.008 |
0.140 ± 0.021 -0.799 ± 0.033 |
-1.86 ± 0.15 |
Kaluzny et al. (2014AcA....64...11K) Member of the cluster cluster M55 |
ASAS J082552-1622.8 | 1.528 | 11.45 1.16 |
K7_V M0_V |
0.7029 ± 0.0045 0.6872 ± 0.0049 |
0.694 ± 0.009 0.699 ± 0.013 |
4.600 ± 0.016 4.585 ± 0.016 |
3.624 ± 0.021 3.611 ± 0.021 |
-0.808 ± 0.082 -0.909 ± 0.087 |
Hełminiak & Konacki (2011A&A...526A..29H) |
TIC 97729372 | 0.854 | 13.28 1.38 |
K5_V K5_V |
0.6410 ± 0.0059 0.6480 ± 0.0058 |
0.6537 ± 0.0069 0.6418 ± 0.0062 |
4.59 ± 0.10 4.60 ± 0.13 |
3.648 ± 0.014 3.649 ± 0.014 |
-0.03 ± 0.14 |
Pan et al. (2024AJ....168..253P) |
NSVS 10653195 | 0.561 | 12.50 1.17 |
K6_V K7_V |
0.6402 ± 0.0052 0.6511 ± 0.0052 |
0.687 ± 0.021 0.672 ± 0.020 |
4.570 ± 0.027 4.597 ± 0.027 |
3.628 ± 0.010 3.613 ± 0.012 |
-0.863 ± 0.050 -0.939 ± 0.055 |
Iglesias-Marzoa et al. (2019A&A...627A.153I) |
GU Boo | 0.489 | 13.70 1.50 |
M1_V M1_V |
0.610 ± 0.007 0.599 ± 0.006 |
0.623 ± 0.016 0.620 ± 0.020 |
4.634 ± 0.023 4.630 ± 0.028 |
3.593 ± 0.014 3.581 ± 0.015 |
-1.09 ± 0.06 -1.14 ± 0.08 |
López-Morales & Ribas (2005ApJ...631.1120L) Windmiller, Orosz & Etzel (2010ApJ...712.1003W) |
YY Gem | 0.814 | 9.07 1.49 |
M1_Ve M1_Ve |
0.5975 ± 0.0047 0.6009 ± 0.0047 |
0.6196 ± 0.0057 0.6036 ± 0.0057 |
4.630 ± 0.008 4.655 ± 0.051 |
3.582 ± 0.011 3.582 ± 0.011 |
-1.134 ± 0.009 -1.134 ± 0.009 |
Torres & Ribas (2002ApJ...567.1140T) |
LP 819-72 | 11.000 | 10.54 1.76 |
K5_V K5_V |
0.59 ± 0.02 0.65 ± 0.02 |
0.60 ± 0.01 0.58 ± 0.01 |
4.65 ± 0.02 4.72 ± 0.02 |
3.605 ± 0.006 3.626 ± 0.006 |
-1.07 ± 0.03 -1.01 ± 0.03 |
Maxted & Hutcheon (2018A&A...616A..38M) |
MG1-506664 | 1.548 | 16.0 1.4 |
M1_V M2_V |
0.584 ± 0.002 0.544 ± 0.002 |
0.560 ± 0.005 0.513 ± 0.008 |
4.708 ± 0.008 4.753 ± 0.013 |
3.572 ± 0.012 3.558 ± 0.012 |
-1.26 ± 0.05 -1.40 ± 0.05 |
Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K) |
MG1-116309 | 0.827 | 16.1 1.4 |
K8_V M0_V |
0.567 ± 0.002 0.532 ± 0.002 |
0.552 ± 0.013 0.532 ± 0.009 |
4.708 ± 0.020 4.712 ± 0.015 |
3.593 ± 0.011 3.581 ± 0.011 |
-1.19 ± 0.04 -1.27 ± 0.05 |
Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K) |
MG1-78457 | 1.586 | 17.7 1.5 |
M3_V M4_V |
0.527 ± 0.002 0.491 ± 0.002 |
0.505 ± 0.011 0.471 ± 0.012 |
4.753 ± 0.019 4.783 ± 0.022 |
3.522 ± 0.013 3.515 ± 0.013 |
-1.55 ± 0.05 -1.64 ± 0.05 |
Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K) |
MG1-646680 | 1.638 | 17.3 1.4 |
M1_V M2_V |
0.499 ± 0.002 0.443 ± 0.002 |
0.457 ± 0.007 0.427 ± 0.006 |
4.816 ± 0.013 4.824 ± 0.013 |
3.572 ± 0.006 3.560 ± 0.006 |
-1.44 ± 0.03 -1.55 ± 0.03 |
Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K) |
THOR 42 | 0.859 | 15.17 1.53 |
M3.5 none |
0.497 ± 0.005 0.205 ± 0.002 |
0.659 ± 0.003 0.424 ± 0.002 |
4.496 ± 0.003 4.496 ± 0.004 |
3.518 ± 0.003 3.478 ± 0.003 |
-1.337 ± 0.013 -1.879 ± 0.013 |
Murphy et al. (2020MNRAS.491.4902M) Pre-main-sequence |
MG1-2056316 | 1.722 | 16.2 1.5 |
M2_V M3_V |
0.469 ± 0.002 0.382 ± 0.002 |
0.441 ± 0.003 0.374 ± 0.003 |
4.820 ± 0.006 4.874 ± 0.007 |
3.539 ± 0.022 3.521 ± 0.022 |
-1.60 ± 0.09 -1.82 ± 0.09 |
Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K) |
HAT-TR-318-007 | 3.343 | 16.13 1.32 |
M4_V M5_V |
0.448 ± 0.001 0.2721 ± 0.0042 |
0.4548 ± 0.0036 0.2913 ± 0.0024 |
4.7740 ± 0.0057 4.9442 ± 0.0039 |
3.504 ± 0.015 3.491 ± 0.015 |
-1.715 ± 0.060 -2.151 ± 0.062 |
+0.30 ± 0.11 |
Hartman et al. (2018AJ....155..114H) |
CU Cnc | 2.771 | 11.80 1.56 |
M3.5_Ve M3.5_Ve |
0.4358 ± 0.0008 0.3998 ± 0.0014 |
0.4317 ± 0.0052 0.3908 ± 0.0094 |
4.804 ± 0.011 4.854 ± 0.021 |
3.500 ± 0.021 3.495 ± 0.021 |
-1.778 ± 0.083 -1.884 ± 0.086 |
Hahlin et al. (2024A&A...684A.175H) Ribas (2003A&A...398..239R) |
NGTS 0002-29 | 1.098 | 17.64 1.28 |
M M |
0.3978 ± 0.0033 0.2245 ± 0.0018 |
0.4037 ± 0.0048 0.2759 ± 0.0055 |
4.826 ± 0.010 4.908 ± 0.017 |
3.528 ± 0.005 3.509 ± 0.006 |
-1.72 ± 0.02 -2.12 ± 0.03 |
+0.04 ± 0.04 |
Smith et al. (2021MNRAS.507.5991S) Metallicity comes from membership of Blanco 1 |
PTFEB 132.707+19.810 | 6.016 | 17.89 1.66 |
M3.5_V M4.3_V |
0.3953 ± 0.0020 0.2098 ± 0.0014 |
0.363 ± 0.008 0.272 ± 0.012 |
4.915 ± 0.019 4.891 ± 0.039 |
3.513 ± 0.012 3.494 ± 0.015 |
-1.863 ± 0.032 -2.30 ± 0.13 |
+0.14 ± 0.04 |
Kraus et al. (2017ApJ...845...72K) [Fe/H] comes from membership of the Praesepe cluster |
LSPM J1112+7626 | 41.033 | 14.85 1.49 |
M4_V none |
0.3946 ± 0.0023 0.2745 ± 0.0012 |
0.3860 ± 0.0054 0.2978 ± 0.0048 |
4.861 ± 0.012 4.929 ± 0.014 |
3.486 ± 0.024 3.470 ± 0.023 |
-1.92 ± 0.08 -2.21 ± 0.09 |
Irwin et al. (2011ApJ...742..123I) |
UScoCTIO 5 | 34.001 | 16.19 1.62 |
M4.5_V M4.5_V |
0.3393 ± 0.0020 0.3263 ± 0.0020 |
0.8733 ± 0.0024 0.8376 ± 0.0024 |
4.0859 ± 0.0021 4.1053 ± 0.0021 |
3.515 ± 0.013 3.513 ± 0.013 |
-1.105 ± 0.053 -1.146 ± 0.059 |
David et al. (2019ApJ...872..161D) Kraus et al. (2015ApJ...807....3K) |
KOI-126 BC | 1.722 | -1 -1 |
M M |
0.2352 ± 0.0006 0.2073 ± 0.0006 |
0.2545 ± 0.0008 0.2315 ± 0.0007 |
4.998 ± 0.003 5.026 ± 0.003 |
3.510 ± 0.005 3.501 ± 0.005 |
-2.194 ± 0.020 -2.312 ± 0.020 |
0.15 ± 0.08 |
Yenawine et al. (2022ApJ...924...66Y) Carter et al. (2011Sci...331..562C) |
CM Dra | 1.268 | 12.9 1.6 |
M4.5_V M4.5_V |
0.2250 ± 0.0003 0.2101 ± 0.0003 |
0.2510 ± 0.0002 0.2375 ± 0.0002 |
4.9908 ± 0.0008 5.0091 ± 0.0007 |
3.496 ± 0.010 3.494 ± 0.014 |
-2.258 ± 0.038 -2.313 ± 0.056 |
-0.30 ± 0.12 |
Martin et al. (2024MNRAS.528..963M) Terrien et al. (2012ApJ...760L...9T) |
TOI-450 | 10.715 | 15.2 1.5 |
M4.5_V M4.5_V |
0.1768 ± 0.0004 0.1767 ± 0.0003 |
0.345 ± 0.006 0.346 ± 0.006 |
4.610 ± 0.015 4.607 ± 0.015 |
3.492 ± 0.014 3.492 ± 0.014 |
Tofflemire et al. (2023AJ....165...46T) |
NGTS J052218.2-250710.4 | 1.748 | 16.88 1.49 |
M5_V M5_V |
0.1739 ± 0.0013 0.1742 ± 0.0013 |
0.2045 ± 0.0048 0.2168 ± 0.0048 |
5.057 ± 0.021 5.007 ± 0.020 |
3.476 ± 0.014 3.477 ± 0.012 |
Casewell et al. (2018MNRAS.481.1897C) |
EPIC 203710387 | 2.809 | 14.3 1.8 |
M4.5V M5V |
0.1158 ± 0.0031 0.1056 ± 0.0027 |
0.4317 ± 0.0055 0.4236 ± 0.0056 |
4.231 ± 0.010 4.207 ± 0.010 |
3.483 ± 0.011 3.483 ± 0.011 |
-1.842 ± 0.047 -1.861 ± 0.047 |
David et al. (2019ApJ...872..161D) David et al. (2016ApJ...816...21D) |
Adopted names: these are generally the ones used in the papers cited. However, as ever, there are exceptions. When a GCVS designation is available I will use that. If a GCVS name is not available and the published name is in relatively unusual format, the following designations will be adopted: Bayer, Flamsteed, HR, HD, TIC, Tycho. Care has been taken that all names are resolved by Simbad and also the astropy SkyCoord routine.
In some cases a Gaia DR3 name has been given because it works well with SkyCoord, but has subsequently been found not to work with Simbad; in this case the Simbad link is modified but the Gaia DR3 name is still given in the text file.
Log of updates: the catalogue now contains 351 systems
2024/12/23: added TIC 56913729 and TIC 97729372 (Pan et al., 2024AJ....168..253P)
2024/12/09: added CN Lyn (Yücel et al, arXiv:2412.04540)
2024/10/31: new physical properties for MU Cas (Southworth, arXiv:2410.23011)
2024/10/31: new physical properties for IQ Per (Southworth, arXiv:2410.23010)
2024/10/28: added OGLE_LMC-ECL-25304, OGLE_LMC-ECL-29293 and OGLE-IV-LMC554.19.81 (Rojas García et al, 2024A&A...692A.110G)
2024/10/03: added HD 97329, V Cir and HR 2214 plus new results for HIP 7666 (Pawar et al., 2024A&A...691A.101P)
2024/10/02: added HD 135671 and TYC 459-771-1 plus new results for SZ Cen (Hełminiak et al., 2024A&A...691A.170H)
2024/09/16: added TIC 71877648 (J1108), TIC 81462274 (J1109) and AK Lac (J2236) from Rowan et al. (arXiv:2409.02983)
2024/08/26: added HO Tel (Southworth, arXiv:2408.12955)
2024/08/02: added KIC 4851217 (Jennings et al., 2024MNRAS.533.2705J)
2024/07/09: added KIC 6147573 (Özdarkan et al., 2024MNRAS.531.4714O)
2024/06/19: Some names have been modified so they are resolved both by Simbad and the astropy SkyCoord routine.
2024/06/19: new physical properties for TOI-1338 (Maxted et al., 2024MNRAS.531.4577M)
2024/05/27: added OGLE_LMC-ECL-21568 (Taormina et al., 2024ApJ...967...64T)
2024/05/01: added V454 Aur (Southworth, arXiv:2404.19443)
2024/04/15: added NY Hya (Hinse et al., 2024A&A...687A.116H)
2024/02/12: added TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 as it now has a mass measurement to 2% (Sebastian et al., 2024MNRAS.530.2572S)
2024/02/02: new mass measurements for CU Cnc (Hahlin et al., 2024A&A...684A.175H)
2024/01/25: added CW Eri (Overall & Southworth, arXiv:2401.13397)
2024/01/25: added GK Dra (Southworth, arXiv:2401.13396)
2023/11/15: added VV Ori (Budding et al., 2024MNRAS.527.6389B)
2023/11/06: added KIC 9851944 (Jennings et al., 2024MNRAS.527.4052J)
2023/09/28: added V570 Per (Southworth, 2023Obs...143..165S)
2023/08/01: added KIC 10987439 (Hełminiak et al., 2019MNRAS.484..451H)
2023/07/03: updated spectral type for V578 Mon (Maíz Apellániz et al., 2022A&A...657A.131M)
2023/07/03: updated spectral types for CC Cas, DN Cas and V478 Cyg (Maíz Apellániz et al., 2019A&A...626A..20M)
2023/07/03: updated spectral types for EM Car, δ Cir and V1034 Sco (Maíz Apellániz et al., 2016ApJS..224....4M)
2023/07/03: updated spectral types for V3903 Sgr and V573 Car (Sota et al., 2014ApJS..211...10S)
2023/07/03: updated spectral type for Y Cyg (Sota et al., 2011ApJS..193...24S)
2023/06/19: revised properties for IT Cas (Southworth, 2023Obs...143..120S)
2023/05/01: added EG Ser (Thurman, 2023MNRAS.522.1310T)
2023/04/03: added HD 22064 (Maxted, 2023MNRAS.522.2683M)
2023/03/13: added KIC 6525196 (Moharana et al., 2023MNRAS.521.1908M)
2023/01/26: revised properties for CM Dra (Martin et al., 2024MNRAS.528..963M)
2023/01/23: revised properties for KIC 8430105 (Thomsen et al., 2022MNRAS.517.4187T)
2023/01/18: added EPIC 211982753 (Panchal et al., 2023MNRAS.521..677P)
2023/01/14: revised properties for AI Hya (Kahraman Aliçavus et al., 2023MNRAS.520.1601K)
2023/01/13: revised properties for V1229 Tau (Southworth et al., 2023MNRAS.520L..53S)
2023/01/12: added V1034 Sco, GL Car, V573 Car and V346 Cen (Pavlovski et al., 2023A&A...671A.139P)
2022/12/10: added OT And and revised properties for HD 71636 and V1022 Cas (Fekel et al., 2022AJ....164..224F)
2022/12/07: added ZZ Boo (Southworth, 2023Obs...143...19S)
2022/12/01: added 2MASS J12220147-5737565 (Stassun et al., 2022ApJ...941..125S)
2022/11/07: added NGC 3201 V139 and NGC 3201 V142 (Rozyczka et al., 2022MNRAS.517.2485R)
2022/10/26: added OGLE-BLG-ECL-305487 and OGLE-BLG-ECL-116218 (Suchomska et al., 2022A&A...668A..30S)
2022/10/24: new properties for DS And and added BD +37 410 (Sandquist et al., 2023AJ....165....6S)
2022/10/21: added TOI-450 (Tofflemire et al., 2023AJ....165...46T)
2022/10/13: revised properties for CPD -54 810 (Miller et al., 2022MNRAS.517.5129M) — previously called ASAS J051753-5406.0
2022/10/07: added KIC 4054905 (Brogaard et al., 2022A&A...668A..82B)
2022/10/04: added BD +47 378 (Hong et al., 2022AJ....164..121H)
2022/09/22: revised properties for ZZ UMa (Southworth, 2022Obs...142..267S)
2022/08/19: added ten new eclipsing binaries from Graczyk et al. (2022A&A...666A.128G)
2022/08/17: added KIC 4076952, KIC 5193386 and KIC 5288543 (Hambleton et al., 2022ApJ...931...75H)
2022/06/28: added V889 Aql and V402 Lac (Baroch et al., 2022A&A...665A..13B)
2022/05/19: revised properties for V1388 Ori (Southworth, 2022Obs...142..161S)
2022/05/19: added KIC 5359678 (Southworth, 2022Obs...142..103S)
2022/05/06: added EBLM J0113+31 (Maxted et al., 2022MNRAS.513.6042M)
2022/03/30: arXiv references for twenty papers replaced with final journal references
2022/03/30: added δ Cir, CC Cas and V346 Per, plus revised properties for V539 Ara (Southworth & Bowman, 2022MNRAS.513.3191S)
2022/03/19: added TIC 193993801 (Borkovits et al., 2022MNRAS.510.1352B)
2022/02/07: added V1292 Sco (Rosu et al., 2022A&A...664A..98R)
2022/01/17: added V456 Cyg (Van Reeth et al., 2022A&A...659A.177V)
2021/11/15: added α Dra (Pavlovski et al., 2022A&A...658A..92P)
2021/11/01: added KOI-126 BC (Yenawine et al., 2022ApJ...924...66Y)
2021/10/28: added HD 96609 (Özdarcan, 2022MNRAS.509.1912O)
2021/10/27: added HIP 7666 (Feng et al., 2021MNRAS.508..529F)
2021/10/18: added seven new systems from Hełminiak et al. (2021MNRAS.508.5687H)
2021/09/22: revised properties for RR Lyn (Southworth, 2021Obs...141..282S)
2021/09/06: added NGTS 0002-29 (Smith et al., 2021MNRAS.507.5991S)
2021/08/31: added EPIC 219511354 (Torres et al., 2021ApJ...921..133T)
2021/08/07: revised properties for HS Hya (Torres et al., 1997AJ....114.2764T; discussed by Davenport et al., 2021AJ....162..189D)
2021/06/10: added TIC 172900988, an eclipsing system with a transiting circumbinary planet (Kostov et al., 2021AJ....162..234K)
2021/06/09: added V505 Per (Southworth, 2021Obs...141..234S)
2021/06/09: added V455 Aur (Southworth, 2021Obs...141..190S)
2021/03/08: added AN Cam (Southworth, 2021Obs...141..122S)
2021/03/05: revised properties for BG Ind (Borkovits et al., 2021MNRAS.503.3759B)
2021/03/02: added AL Ari and BN Scl, and revised properties for AL Dor and FM Leo (Graczyk et al., 2021A&A...649A.109G)
2021/02/08: added KIC 2306740 (Koçak et al., 2021ApJ...910..111K)
2020/12/14: added V1022 Cas = HR 9059 = HD 224355 (Southworth, 2021Obs...141...52S)
2020/12/14: revised properties for KX Cnc (Southworth, 2021Obs...141...22S)
2020/12/11: revised properties for ζ Phe (Southworth, 2020Obs...140..247S)
2020/12/02: added ASAS J051753-5406.0, ASAS J061016-3321.3 and ASAS J090232-5653.4 (Ratajczak et al., 2021MNRAS.500.4972R)
2020/11/07: We now have passed the 250-system mark!
2020/11/07: added ten new SMC giant-star systems and revised properties for OGLE-SMC-ECL-1421 (Graczyk et al., 2020ApJ...904...13G)
2020/11/07: added V818 Tau = HD 27130 (Brogaard et al., 2021A&A...645A..25B)
2020/11/07: added KIC 9850387 (Sekaran et al., 2020A&A...643A.162S)
2020/11/07: added V1200 Cen (Marcadon et al., 2020MNRAS.499.3019M)
2020/11/07: added NGC 2506 V4 (Knudstrup et al., 2020MNRAS.499.1312K)
2020/11/07: arXiv references for five papers replaced with final journal references
2020/05/19: revised properties for V453 Cyg (Southworth et al., 2020MNRAS.497L..19S)
2020/05/18: added 47 Tuc E32 (Thompson et al., 2020MNRAS.492.4254T)
2020/05/18: revised temperatures and luminosities for 47 Tuc V69 (Thompson et al., 2020MNRAS.492.4254T)
2020/04/30: added EPIC 219552514 (Torres et al., 2020ApJ...896..162T)
2020/04/15: new and exceptionally precise temperature and luminosities for AI Phe (Miller et al., 2020MNRAS.497.2899M)
2020/04/03: added BT Vul (Torres et al., 2020ApJ...894...96T)
2020/03/23: new and exceptionally precise results for AI Phe (Maxted et al., 2020MNRAS.498..332M)
2020/03/17: added EPIC 210822691 (Hoyman & Çakırlı, 2020MNRAS.493.2329H)
2020/03/10: arXiv references for nine papers replaced with final journal references
2020/03/10: new results for AI Hya (Lee et al., 2020PASJ...72...37L)
2020/03/10: added KIC 2557430 (Hoyman et al., 2020MNRAS.491.5980H)
2019/11/15: added THOR 42 (Murphy et al., 2020MNRAS.491.4902M)
2019/11/11: added EPIC 219568666 (Torres et al., 2019ApJ...887..109T)
2019/10/21: added OGLE-LMC-ECL-22270 (Taormina et al., 2020ApJ...890..137T)
2019/10/10: new results for AI Phe, AL Dor, KW Hya, NN Del and ψ Cen (Gallenne et al., 2019A&A...632A..31G)
2019/09/25: added KIC 8736245 (Fetherolf et al., 2019AJ....158..198F)
2019/09/23: revised properties for V1143 Cyg (Lester et al., 2019AJ....158..198F)
2019/08/22: revised properties for CW Cep and U Oph (Johnston et al., 2019A&A...628A..25J)
2019/08/12: removed OGLE-LMC-ECL-18365 because its properties suggested an episode of past mass transfer (Graczyk et al., 2018ApJ...860....1G)
2019/08/05: added DS And (Milone et al., 2019AJ....158...82M)
2019/08/05: added V348 And and V572 Per (Zasche et al., 2019AJ....158...95Z)
2019/07/03: added KIC 6864859 and KIC 6778289, and updated parameters for KIC 6131659 (Cunningham et al., 2019AJ....158..106C)
2019/06/24: added NSVS 10653195 (Iglesias-Marzoa et al., 2019A&A...627A.153I)
2019/06/09: revised properties for KIC 9246715 and FL Lyr = KIC 9641031 (Hełminiak et al., 2019MNRAS.484..451H)
2019/06/09: added KIC 3439031, KIC 7821010 and KIC 10031808 (Hełminiak et al., 2019MNRAS.484..451H)
2019/06/08: revised properties for UScoCTIO 5 and EPIC 203710387 (David et al., 2019ApJ...872..161D)
2019/06/07: added NGTS J052218.2-250710.4 (Casewell et al., 2018MNRAS.481.1897C)
2019/06/06: added OGLE-BLG-ECL-123903 and OGLE-BLG-ECL-296596 (Suchomska et al., 2019A&A...621A..93S)
2019/04/25: added Kepler-47 (Orosz et al., 2019AJ....157..174O)
2019/03/29: added V506 Oph (Torres et al., 2019ApJ...876...41T)
2019/02/05: added FM Leo and LP 819-72 (Maxted & Hutcheon, 2018A&A...616A..38M)
2018/12/12: added ASAS J065134-2211.5 and ASAS J073507-0905.7 (Hełminiak et al., 2019A&A...622A.114H)
2018/09/18: added one new system plus revised properties for two systems containing Cepheid variables (Pilecki et al., 2018ApJ...862...43P)
2018/09/17: added 12 systems plus revised properties for 8 systems in the LMC (Graczyk et al., 2018ApJ...860....1G)
2018/09/13: added the eclipsing binary EPIC 219394517 (Torres et al., 2018ApJ...866...67T)
2018/09/12: revised properties for V478 Cyg, AH Cep, V453 Cyg and V578 Mon (Pavlovski, Southworth & Tamajo, 2018MNRAS.481.3129P)
2018/06/04: revised properties for BW Aqr (Maxted, 2018RNAAS...2b..39M)
2018/05/01: added KIC 5640750 and revised the properties of KIC 8410637 and KIC 9540226 (Themeßl et al., 2018MNRAS.478.4669T)
2018/04/30: added the chemically-peculiar system V414 Pup = HD 66051 (Kochukhov et al., 2018MNRAS.478.1749K)
2018/04/20: added the eclipsing binary WASP 0639-32 (Kirkby-Kent et al., 2018A&A...615A.135K)
2018/04/20: WASP 0639-32 is our 200th system!
2018/02/22: added the eclipsing binary WOCS 12009 (Sandquist et al., 2018AJ....155..152S)
2018/01/26: added KIC 7037405 and KIC 9540226, plus revised properties for KIC 9970396 (Brogaard et al., 2018MNRAS.476.3729B)
2018/01/12: added the eclipsing binary HAT-TR-318-007 (Hartman et al., 2018AJ....155..114H)
2017/10/10: added the eclipsing binary V2154 Cyg (Bright & Torres, 2017ApJ...850...10B)
2017/06/30: added the eclipsing binary DN Cas (Bakış et al., 2016PASA...33...46B)
2017/06/29: added the eclipsing binary PTFEB 132.707+19.810 (Kraus et al., 2017ApJ...845...72K)
2017/06/29: renamed KOI-2939 to Kepler 1647 (Kostov et al., 2016ApJ...827...86K)
2017/04/28: revised properties for V4089 Sgr (Graczyk et al., 2017ApJ...837....7G)
2017/04/18: added the eclipsing binary Tyc 5227-1023-1 (Traven et al., 2017ApJ...839...52T)
2016/12/09: added the eclipsing binary V541 Cyg (Torres et al., 2017ApJ...836..177T)
2016/09/22: added the eclipsing binaries KIC 8430105 and KIC 9970396 (Gaulme et al., 2016ApJ...832..121G)
2016/08/16: added the eclipsing binary KIC 9777062 (Sandquist et al., 2016ApJ...831...11S)
2016/08/04: revised properties for LL Aqr (Graczyk et al., 2016A&A...594A..92G)
2016/07/11: added the eclipsing binary NP Per (Sandberg Lacy et al., 2016AJ....152....2L)
2016/06/15: added the eclipsing binary in a quadruple system KIC 7177553 (Lehmann et al., 2016ApJ...819...33L)
2016/05/24: revised properties for AI Phe (Kirkby-Kent et al., 2016A&A...591A.124K)
2016/05/04: added the red-giant eclipsing binary OGLE-LMC-ECL-25658 (Elgueta et al., 2016AJ....152...29E)
2016/03/15: slight format change in the debs.dat file and plots redone, to allow for longer-period and lower-mass systems
2016/02/26: added the red-giant eclipsing binary KIC 9246715 (Rawls et al., 2016ApJ...818..108R)
2015/12/14: changed the radius measurements for TZ For to be those quoted in Section 4 rather than Table 4 of Gallenne et al. (2016A&A...586A..35G)
2015/12/02: added the eclipsing binary with a transiting circumbinary planet KOI-2939 (Kostov et al., 2016ApJ...827...86K)
2015/11/26: revised properties for TZ For (Gallenne et al., 2016A&A...586A..35G); I have kept this important system in DEBCat even though the radii are not now known to 2% precision.
2015/11/10: added the classical Cepheid system OGLE-LMC562.05.9009 (Gieren et al., 2015ApJ...815...28G)
2015/10/29: added the pre-main-sequence system EPIC 203710387 (David et al., 2016ApJ...816...21D)
2015/10/29: revised properties for USco-CTIO 5 (David et al., 2016ApJ...816...21D)
2015/10/27: added Kepler-453, an eclipsing binary hosting a transiting circumbinary planet (Welsh et al., 2015ApJ...809...26W)
2015/09/29: added V501 Mon (Torres et al., 2015AJ....150..154T)
2015/09/14: removed η Mus as recent work (Budding et al., 2013PASA...30...37B) has revised the uncertainties of the radii up to 3-4%
2015/08/21: spectral types previously estimated from Teff and logg have been removed; these database fields now contain the word "none"
2015/08/21: added NGC 6362 V40 and V41 (Kaluzny et al., 2015AJ....150..155K)
2015/08/14: added IO Aqr (Graczyk et al., 2015A&A...581A.106G)
2015/05/12: added UScoCTIO 5 (Kraus et al., 2015ApJ...807....3K)
2015/05/05: added ASAS J180057-2333.8 (Suchomska et al., 2015MNRAS.451..651S)
2015/04/10: reinstated V1094 Tau with the corrected information on its physical properties (Maxted et al., 2015A&A...578A..25M)
2015/03/27: temporarily removed V1094 Tau whilst a problem with the photometric data is fixed
2015/03/19: added V1094 Tau (Maxted et al., 2015A&A...578A..25M)
2015/02/05: corrected the luminosities for ASAS J052821+0338.5 and EE Peg (my thanks to Onno Pols)
2015/01/08: added IM Per (Lacy et al., 2015AJ....149...34L)
2014/12/17: added HD 187669 (Hełminiak et al., 2015MNRAS.448.1945H)
2014/11/06: A description of DEBCat was given at the Kopal conference in Litomyšl and is now available in poster and proceedings format (see above)
2014/10/24: added V530 Ori (Torres et al., 2014ApJ...797...31T)
2014/07/04: added V501 Her (Lacy & Fekel, 2014AJ....148...71S)
2014/06/25: added 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.5 from Koo et al. (2014AJ....147..104K)
2014/06/24: revised the physical properties of AR Aur using the study by Hubrig et al. (2012A&A...547A..90H)
2014/06/23: added V4089 Sgr (Veramundi & González, 2015NewA...34..266V) but with doubled mass and radius errors and my own calculation of logg
2014/06/22: revised the physical properties of Y Cyg using the study by Harmanec et al. (2014A&A...563A.120H)
2014/06/21: revised the physical properties of CV Vel using the study by Albrecht et al. (2014ApJ...785...83A)
2014/05/16: revised the physical properties of V578 Mon using the study by Garcia et al. (2014AJ....148...39G)
2014/05/16: added the system ASAS J212954-5620.1 (Hełminiak et al., 2011A&A...527A..14H)
2014/05/16: added the system ASAS J045304-0700.4 (TYC 4749-560-1) from Hełminiak & Konacki (2011A&A...526A..29H)
2014/05/16: added the system ASAS J082552-1622.8 (BD -15 2429) from Hełminiak & Konacki (2011A&A...526A..29H)
2014/04/03: added AP And (Lacy et al., 2014AJ....147..148L)
2014/03/27: added M55 V54 (Kaluzny et al., 2014AcA....64...11K)
2014/03/13: added CoRoT 105906206 (da Silva et al., 2014A&A...565A..55D)
2014/01/15: added KIC 3858884 (Maceroni et al., 2014A&A...563A..59M)
2013/12/16: revised the physical properties of V380 Cyg using the study by Tkachenko et al. (2014MNRAS.438.3093T)
2013/12/06: added AQ Ser (Torres et al., 2014AJ....147...36T)
2013/11/28: added VV Crv (Fekel, Henry & Sowell, 2013AJ....146..146F)
2013/11/15: removed OGLE 0510-6858 as this is the same system as OGLE-LMC-ECL09114. I thank Dariusz Graczyk for pointing this out.
2013/11/15: revised the physical properties of OGLE-LMC-CEP0227 using the study by Pilecki et al. (2013MNRAS.436..953P)
2013/11/15: revised the physical properties of YZ Cas using the study by Pavlovski et al. (2014MNRAS.438..590P)
2013/11/12: added four new giant systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud (Graczyk et al., 2014ApJ...780...59G)
2013/11/04: added KIC 11285625, which contains a γ Dor pulsator (Debosscher et al., 2013A&A...556A..56D)
2013/10/26: The object names now link to their Simbad pages. Some had to be manually added to the big sed command to do this.
2013/10/25: changed the names of NSV 24512 to V413 Ser, VV Pyx to V596 Pup (see IBVS 5721), and HD 74057 to KX Cnc
2013/10/25: changed the names of ASAS J0528+0338 to ASAS J052821+0338.5 and NGC 188 V12 to V785 Cep
2013/10/25: changed the names of 2MASS J0516+2607 to V1236 Tau and NGC 2204 S892 to V404 CMa
2013/10/23: added V375 Cep,a member of the open cluster NGC 7142, and NGC 7142 V1 (Sandquist et al., 2013AJ....146...40S)
2013/10/22: The bibcodes now link to the paper on ADS. All bibcodes have been checked. I thank Pierre Maxted for constructing the sed command.
2013/10/21: added HP Aur (Lacy et al., 2014AJ....147....1L)
2013/10/20: removed NSVS 01031772 as the preprint (López-Morales et al., astro-ph/0610225) was not published
2013/10/19: added WOCS 40007, a member of the open cluster NGC 6819 (Jeffries et al., 2013AJ....146...58J)
2013/08/11: added KIC 8410637 (Frandsen et al., 2013A&A...556A.138F)
2013/08/06: LL Aqr is our 150th system!
2013/08/06: added LL Aqr (Southworth, 2013A&A...557A.119S)
2013/04/16: added eight(!) giant eclipsing binaries in the LMC (Pietrzynski et al., 2013Natur.495...76P)
2013/02/15: added KIC 6131659 (Bass et al., 2012ApJ...761..157B)
2013/02/14: added ALS 1135 (Michalska et al., 2013MNRAS.429.1354M)
2013/02/13: added CoRoT 102918586 (Maceroni et al., 2013A&A...552A..60M)
2013/02/12: added V65, V66 and V69 in globular cluster M4 (Kaluzny et al. 2013AJ....145...43K)
2013/02/11: added EP Cru (Albrecht et al. 2013ApJ...767...32A)
2013/02/08: added a new [Fe/H] determination for CM Dra from Terrien et al. (2012ApJ...760L...9T)
2012/10/18: added CF Tau (Lacy et al., 2012AJ....144..167S)
2012/07/17: added V335 Ser (Lacy et al., 2012AJ....144...63S)
2012/07/06: updated the properties of HS Hya from Torres et al. (1997AJ....114.2764T) based on the new results by Zasche et al (2012A&A...542L..23Z)
2012/05/16: added BF Dra (Lacy et al., 2012AJ....143..129S)
2012/03/13: corrected spectral types of OGLE SMC113.3 4007 and identification of the Cepheid in OGLE-LMC-CEP0227
2012/03/13: added OGLE SMC113.3 4007 (Graczyk et al., 2012ApJ...750..144G)
2012/02/23: added EF Aqr (Vos et al., 2012A&A...540A..64V)
2012/01/26: added Kepler-34 and Kepler-35 (Welsh et al., 2012Natur.481..475W), both of which also host transiting planets
2011/12/20: added SW CMa and HW CMa (Torres et al., 2012A&A...537A.117T; Clausen et al., 2008A&A...487.1081C)
2011/12/19: added HD 74057 (Sowell, Henry & Fekel, 2012AJ....143....5S)
2011/11/16: added HY Vir (Lacy & Fekel, 2011AJ....142..185L)
2011/09/20: added LSPM J1112+7626 (Irwin et al., 2011ApJ...742..123I)
2011/06/08: added spectral types to the ascii table and made minor HTML format changes
2011/05/16: added FT Ori (Sabby et al., 2011AJ....141..195S)
2011/03/18: removed SW CMa because there are no Teff measurements available for the system
2011/03/18: removed MG1-1719499 and V505 Per because the radii are uncertain by more than 4%
2011/03/08: added XY Cet (Southworth et al., 2011MNRAS.414.3740S)
2011/01/11: added OGLE-LMC-CEP0227 (Pietrzynski et al., 2010Natur.468..542P)
2010/11/16: added six(!) new low-mass systems from Kraus et al. (2011ApJ...728...48K)
2010/10/08: added BG Ind (Rozyczka et al., 2011MNRAS.414.2479R)
2010/09/29: added V565 Lyr and updated the values for V568 Lyr (Brogaard et al., 2011A&A...525A...2B)
2010/08/20: added ψ Cen (Mantegazza et al., 2010A&A...512A..42M) but with tripled uncertainties in the velocity amplitudes
2010/06/21: added HP Dra (Milone et al., 2010AJ....140..129M)
2010/05/17: added CO And (Lacy et al., 2010AJ....139.2347S)
2010/04/13: added BK Peg (Clausen et al., 2010A&A...516A..42C)
2010/04/13: new Teff and [Fe/H] values for BW Aqr (Clausen et al., 2010A&A...516A..42C)
2010/03/30: corrected the log(L2) of KW Hya from 1.22±0.04 to 0.65±0.05 (thanks to Pierre Maxted for this correction)
2009/12/18: new results for EW Ori (Clausen et al., 2010A&A...510A..91C)
2009/12/17: added V1130 Tau (Clausen et al., 2010A&A...510A..91C)
2009/11/09: new reference for DI Her (Albrecht et al., 2009Natur.461..373A)
2009/10/29: added NGC 2204 S892 (not a cluster member) (Rozyczka et al., 2009AcA....59..385R)
2009/10/28: added IM Vir (Morales et al., 2009ApJ...707..671M)
2009/10/27: added 47 Tuc V69 (Thompson et al., 2010AJ....139..329T)
2009/10/26: new masses for UX Men (Hełminiak et al., 2009MNRAS.400..969H)
2009/09/29: added LV Her (Torres, Lacy & Claret, 2009AJ....138.1622T)
2009/08/05: new results for V380 Cyg (Pavlovski et al., 2009MNRAS.400..791P)
2009/07/24: changed error for the Teff(2) of DM Vir from 300K to 100K, on advice of J.V.Clausen
2009/05/21: added V636 Cen (Clausen et al., 2009A&A...502..253C)
2009/04/24: revised catalogue includes [M/H] measurements and additional references
2009/04/20: new Teffs and luminosities for V453 Cyg (Pavlovski & Southworth, 2009MNRAS.394.1519P)
2009/03/25: added NGC 188 V12 (Meibom et al., 2009AJ....137.5086M)
2009/03/22: revised handling of period, B-V and unavailable data
2009/03/20: added OGLE 051019-685812 (Pietrzynski et al., 2009ApJ...697..862P)
2009/02/23: new results for MY Cyg (Tucker et al., 2009AJ....137.2949T)
2009/01/25: added V568 Lyr (NGC 6791 V20) from Grundahl et al. (2008A&A...492..171G)
2009/01/13: added HD 42401 (since named V1388 Ori) (Williams, 2009AJ....137.3222W)
2008/10/30: VZ Cep is our 100th system!
2008/10/30: added VZ Cep (Torres & Lacy, 2009AJ....137..507T)
2008/10/10: new results for CM Dra (Morales et al., 2009ApJ...691.1400M)
2008/09/27: added CV Boo (Torres et al., 2008AJ....136.2158T)
2008/09/20: corrected typographical error in the value for the radius of CM Dra B
2008/09/01: added AD Boo, VZ Hya and WZ Oph (Clausen et al., 2008A&A...487.1095C)
2008/08/27: added NSV 24512 (Çakirli et al., 2008MNRAS.389..205C)
2008/08/22: added PT Vel (Bakis et al., 2008MNRAS.384.1657B)
2008/05/05: added GX Gem (Lacy et al., 2008AJ....135.1757L)
2008/02/26: added ASAS J052821+0338.5 (Stempels et al., 2008A&A...481..747S)
2008/02/06: added V2080 Cyg and V2365 Oph (Ibanoglu et al., 2008MNRAS.384..331I)