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2023 CeNAM Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting

which will take place at the FRIB Laboratory, on the campus of Michigan State University on May 21-25 2023.
When May 20, 2023 11:00 PM to
May 24, 2023 11:00 PM
Where Michigan, USA
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This meeting continues the series of former JINA and JINA-CEE Frontiers meetings under the new Center for Nuclear Astrophysics across Messengers (CeNAM). The CeNAM collaboration has received support from the US DOE Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics to bring together the CeNAM participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers in nuclear physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and other relevant fields to discuss progress and future directions in the understanding of the origin of the elements and the physics of neutron stars in the multi-messenger era.
CeNAM Frontiers is jointly organized with the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) and will offer opportunities to connect across the participating networks. As usual, the first two days will be dedicated to the Junior Workshop for professional development of early career researchers.

Also, based on the success of the First Frontiers Summer School, which preceded the 2019 Frontiers meeting, a group on enthusiastic Jr researchers will host the Second Frontiers Summer School in 2023, also at MSU on May 15-19. A formal announcement of the school will be sent out soon.

Please mark these dates on your calendar! The first Frontiers circular will be sent out soon, and we look forward to seeing you all in East Lansing next year!

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