Optical/infrared telescopes available to UK astronomers (2008 March)

This is a list and basic details of the groundbased optical and infrared observing facilities which accept applications for telescope time from UK astronomers. The list is sorted according to observing type and wavelength domain, and includes basic details on each instrument (resolution, field size, etc). All information on this page is supplied without guarantee of correctness.
Last update: 2008 March 3rd.


WHT   --   INT   --   NOT   --   TNG   --   LT   --   CAHA   3.5m   2.2m   --   UKIRT   --   ESO Paranal   VLT   --   ESO La Silla   3.6m   NTT   2.2m   --   LCO   Baade   Clay   2.5m   1.0m   --   Gemini   North   South   --   CTIO   4.0m   SOAR   1.5m   1.3m   1.0m   0.9m   --   SAAO   SALT   1.9m   1.0m   --   AAT  

Overview of capabilities

Optical imaging

Optical spectroscopy

Optical échelle spectroscopy

Infrared imaging

Infrared spectroscopy

Infrared échelle spectroscopy

Optical wavelengths Infrared wavelengths

Imaging Spectroscopy Échelle spec. Imaging Spectroscopy Échelle spec.
      La Palma
  WHT 4.2m PFIP   Aux Port ISIS   WYFFOS   OASIS
  INT 2.5m WFC IDS


  LT 2.0m RATCam   RINGO


      Calar Alto

      UK Infrared Telescope (Hawaii)
  3.8m UKIRT

      European Southern Observatory (Paranal)


      European Southern Observatory (La Silla)


SofI SofI
  2.2m MPI WFI   GROND

      Las Campanas Observatory (LCO)
  Magellan Baade IMACS   MagIC IMACS

  Magellan Clay LDSS3 LDSS3 MIKE

  2.5m du Pont CCD   WFCCD B & C Échelle WIRC

  1.0m Swope CCD


  Gemini North GMOS GMOS
  Gemini South GMOS GMOS
      Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
  4m Blanco MOSAIC-II R-C   HYDRA


  1.3m ANDICAM


  1.0m Y4KCAM

  0.9m CCD

      South African Astronomical Observatory

  1.9m Radcliffe CCD camera   UCT CCD GratingSpec GIRAFFE

  1.0m CCD camera   UCT CCD

      Anglo-Australian Observatory (Siding Springs)
  4.0m AAT
  2.3m ATT Imager DBS


Optical wavelengths Infrared wavelengths

Imaging Spectroscopy Échelle spec. Imaging Spectroscopy Échelle spec.


Telescope availability and applying for time

Many of the application deadlines are general guidelines only, based on experience from previous years. Anyone wishing to submit an application should confirm these dates (and all other relevant information in this document) directly on the official webpages of the telescope concerned. You have been warned.....

Telescopes Deadlines Semesters Notes
~15 September
~15 March
1 February to 31 July
1 August to 31 January
UK astronomers have ~40% share (but decreasing) on these telescopes.
  AAT ~15 September
~15 March
1 February to 31 July
1 August to 31 January
UK astronomers have a small and decreasing share on this telescope.
  ESO ~31 March
~30 September
1 October to 31 March
1 April to 30 September
The UK is a member of ESO so can apply for all ESO telescopes.
  Gemini ~2 April
~30 September
1 August to 31 January
1 February to 31 July
Your home institute must be in a country which is a member of Gemini.
  LT ~15 September
~15 March
1 February to 31 July
1 August to 31 January
UK astronomers have a share on this telescope through PATT.
  NOT 1st w.d. May
1st w.d. November
1 October to 31 March
1 August to 31 January
All applications considered only on scientific merit.
  TNG (see WHT etc) (see WHT etc) The Italian TAC assigns 75% of the telescope time purely on scientific merit.
  Calar Alto ~15 March
~15 September
1 July to 31 December
1 Jan to 30 June
CAHA is jointly owned by the German and Spanish astronomical communities. It welcomes proposals from astronomers from outside these countries and judges them without bias (probably as long as there are not too many international applications...)

Available only through Carnegie, a few other US institutions, or Chilean time.
  CTIO 31 March
30 September
August to January
February to July
Available through NOAO. Non-US astronomers must justify why they need to use US facilities (i.e. why they cannot use other facilities which are available to them).
  SAAO 1 October
18 December
1 April
1 July
January to March
April to June
July to September
October to December
A "certain percentage" of time goes to astronomers of any nationality. This may not apply to SALT, which is restricted to the members of the SALT consortium.
  ANU ATT 15 February
15 May
15 August
15 November
May to July
August to October
November to January
February to April
Applications are now accepted only from people in institutions which contribute financially to the ANU.


Basic details of telescopes and instruments


Optical imaging

Optical spectroscopy

Optical échelle spectroscopy

Infrared imaging

Infrared spectroscopy

Infrared échelle spectroscopy

La Palma

Isaac Newton Group (ING)

William Herschel Telescope 4.2m (WHT)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
ISIS Long-slit spectroscopy Blue arm: 3500 to 5100 Å
Red arm: 5400 to 10000 Å
Blue: 0.11 to 1.62 Å/px
Red: 0.26 to 1.81 Å/px
Blue: EEV 4k × 2k CCD
Red: REDPLUS 4k × 2k
Either arm: an L3CCD with almost zero readout noise is available.
3.7 arcmin slit length Simultaneous observations in blue and red arms
WYFFOS Multi-object spectroscopy 3700 to 10000 Å 0.06 to 2.9 Å/px Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 20 arcmin unvignetted Uses ISIS gratings (or échelle). Up to 150 fibres available.
OASIS Integral-field spectroscopy 4200 to 9900 Å 0.37 to 35 Å/px MIT/LL3 4k × 2k CCD 3.7 × 2.7 arcsec to 10.3 × 7.4 arcsec Has 1100 lenslets. Can use the NAOMI adaptive optics system. Used to be at the CFHT.
PFIP Wide-ish field imaging U B V R I Z
(other filters available)
0.24 arcsec/px Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 16.2 × 16.2 arcmin Prime focus imaging camera
Aux Port Optical imaging U B V R I Z 0.11 arcsec/px TEK 1k × 1k CCD 1.8 × 1.8 arcmin Mounted when the PFIP is not available (e.g. when using ISIS)
INGRID High-resolution IR imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.04 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 40 × 40 arcsec Uses the NAOMI adaptive optics system
LIRIS IR imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.25 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 4.27 × 4.27 arcmin
LIRIS Low-resolution IR spectroscopy 0.8 to 2.5 micron R = 700 to 2500 HgCdTe 1k × 1k array long slits available

The long-term future of the WHT is not completely secure as its present status is reliant on funding from several Governments, one of which (UK) is becoming increasingly reticent. However, the WHT is an excellent telescope which is also demonstrably cheap to run. Its future lies probably either as part of the Common Northern Observatory, as a support instrument for the new 10m Grantecan, or through selling large amounts of observing time to interested customers. The last of these possibilities is currently the favoured model, and a new high-resolution spectrograph will soon be installed with the main task of following up the transiting extrasolar planet candidates produced by the Kepler satellite.

Isaac Newton Telescope 2.5m (INT)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
IDS Long-slit spectroscopy 3500 to 9000 Å 0.24 to 3.7 Å/px EEV 4k × 2k CCD 3.3 arcmin slit width The 235mm camera is available.
The 500mm camera (higher dispersion) is not offered.
WFC Wide field imaging 3500 to 9000 Å
(many filters available)
0.33 arcsec/px Mosaic of four EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 34.2 × 34.2 arcmin (with one corner missing) Readout time 40s. No binning or windowing possible.

The future of the INT is not secure, and depends on the ING being given sufficient funding for its continued low-level operation. At present (2007) the UK government is actively seeking to minise the funding it give to the ING, which is not a good sign for the INT. The telescope is also coming closer to the end of its economic life.

Nordic Optical Telescope 2.5m (NOT)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
ALFOSC Grism spectroscopy 3200 to 9100 Å R = 190 to 10000 EEV 2k × 2k Roughly 5 arcmin Also has a multi-object spectroscopy mode. Readout time 90s (unbinned) or 32s (2×2). Also does polarimetry.
ALFOSC Optical imaging 3200 to 9100 Å 0.19 arcsec/px EEV 2k × 2k 5 to 7 arcmin depending on the filter Also does polarimetry.
Mosaic Camera
Optical imaging UBVRI ugriz uvbyβ 0.11 arcsec/px Mosaic of four Loral 2k × 2k CCDs 7.7 × 7.7 arcmin Readout time 113s (unbinned) or 37s (2×2 binning).
StanCam Optical imaging U B V R I 0.176 arcsec/px TEK 1k × 1k CCD 3 × 3 arcmin Permanently mounted. Also used as slit viewer for FIES. Readout time 43s (unbinned) or 16s (2×2).
NOTCAM IR imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.23 or 0.08 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 4×4 arcmin or 82×82 arcsec Also does polarimetry.
NOTCAM IR grism spectroscopy 0.8 to 2.5 micron R = 2500 or 5500 HgCdTe 1k × 1k array Slit length 4 arcmin or 80 arcsec
FIES Optical échelle spectroscopy 4000 to 8300 Å R = 25 000, 45 000 or 65 000 EEV 2k × 2k CCD Poor response in the blue due to long fibres. Can do a simultaneous thorium-argon wavelength calibration mode.

The short-term future of the NOT is stable as the Nordic countries are fully aware of its high capability, reliability and low running costs. In the longer term there are indications that it may struggle to attract a high number of applications for observing time, although it would be a valued part of the prospective Common Northern Observatory.

Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 3.58m (TNG)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
SARG Optical échelle spectroscopy 3700 to 10000 Å R = 29 000 to 164 000 Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs Long-slit observations can cover up to 30 arcsec
NICS IR imaging 0.9 to 2.5 micron 0.25 to 0.04 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 4.2×4.2 to 0.7×0.7 arcmin Has two different cameras. Can do polarimetry.
NICS IR grism spectroscopy 0.9 to 2.5 micron 2 to 100 Å/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array Can do spectropolarimetry.
LRS / DOLORES Optical imaging UBVRI and ugriz
plus additional filters
0.275 arcsec/px Loral 2k × 2k CCD 9.4 × 9.4 arcmin Readout time 20s (unbinned) or 6s (2×2 binning).
LRS / DOLORES Optical low-resolution spectroscopy 3700 to 10000 Å R = 300 to 5000 Loral 2k × 2k CCD 9.4 arcmin field for MOS. Can do multi-object spectroscopy. Readout time 20s (unbinned) or 6s (2×2 binning) for full CCD.
OIG Optical imaging UBVRI and ugriz
plus additional filters
0.072 arcsec/px Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 4.9 × 4.9 arcmin Readout time 216s (unbinned) or 66s (2×2) or 37s (3×3).

The future of the TNG must be regarded as uncertain as it is unable to obtain any funding to improve or replace its current (first-generation) instruments. It may find a good home if the Common Northern Observatory is brought to life.

Liverpool Telescope (robotic) 2.0m (LT)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
RATCam Optical imaging ugriz and BV and Hα 0.135 arcsec/px EEV 2k × 2k CCDs 4.6 × 4.6 arcmin Readout time 10s (unbinned) or 5s (2×2). 3×3 and 4×4 binning also available.
SupIRCam IR imaging JHK (K not yet available) 0.4 arcsec/px PICNIC HgCdTe 256×256 array 1.7 × 1.7 arcmin
RINGO Optical imaging polarimetry V+R filer (4600 to 7200 Å) 0.135 arcsec/px EEV CCD 1.7 × 1.7 arcmin Readout <10s when binned 2×2.

An integral-field spectrograph, FRODOspec, is being constructed for the LT. But the future of the telescope is not completely certain at this point, partially due to a history of technical problems.


Calar Alto

3.5m telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
LAICA Wide-field optical imaging 3400 to 10000 Å 0.225 arcsec/px Mosaic of four 4k × 4k CCDs 44.36 × 44.36 arcmin (requires four observations) CCDs are separated by just under one CCD width in each direction, so four observations are needed to fully cover one field.
MOSCA Optical imaging 3300 to 10000 Å 0.33 arcsec/px Normally uses one 4k × 2k CCD 11 × 11 arcmin Also does grism and multi-object spectroscopy.
MOSCA Optical grism spectroscopy with MOS capability 3300 to 10000 Å 1 to 4 Å resolution Normally uses one 4k × 2k CCD 11 × 11 arcmin Also does imaging and multi-object spectroscopy.
OMEGA-2000 Wide-field IR imaging zJHK 0.45 arcsec/px HgCdTe 2k × 2k array 15.4 × 15.4 arcmin Mounted at prime focus.
OMEGA-Cass IR adaptive-optics imaging zJHK 0.3 to 0.04 arcsec/px HgCdTe 2k × 2k array 5×5 arcmin to 40×40 arcsec Mounted at Cassegrain focus and uses the ALFA laser-guided adaptive optics. Also does polarimetry and spectroscopy.
OMEGA-Cass IR grism spectroscopy zJHK R = 420 to 6000 HgCdTe 2k × 2k array 5×5 arcmin to 40×40 arcsec Mounted at Cassegrain focus and uses the ALFA laser-guided adaptive optics. Also does imaging and spectropolarimetry.
PMAS Integral-field spectroscopy 3500 to 9000 Å resolution is 0.5 to 2.7 arcsec; dispersion is 0.35 to 1.7 Å/px 4k × 2k CCD, but a 4k × 4k mosiac is under construction 8×8 to 74×65 arcsec
TWIN Optical spectroscopy blue: 3500 to 5000 Å
red: 5000 to 10000 Å
0.36 to 2.2 Å/px Two SITe 2048×800 CCDs Slit length up to 4 arcmin Blue and red arms can operate simultaneously

2.2m telescope

From the Call for Proposals from 2008 February: "Presumably FOCES will be no longer available from September 2009. Please take this into account when preparing long term proposals."

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
BUSCA Optical imaging (simultaneous in four bands) Optical wavelengths 0.176 arcsec/px Four 4k × 4k CCDs (the bluemost one thinned) 12 × 12 arcmin Dichroics split the light beam with cut-off wavelengths around 4300, 5300 and 7000 Å. Readout time is large (about 2min).
CAFOS Optical imaging Optical wavelengths EEV: 0.53 arcsec/px
Loral: 0.33 arcsec/px
Choice of two 2k × 2k CCDs: EEV (blue-sensitive) or Loral (red-sensitive). EEV: 16 × 16 arcmin
Loral: 10.8 × 10.8 arcmin
Also does polarimetry and spectroscopy.
CAFOS Optical grism spectroscopy Optical wavelengths 2.0 to 9.8 Å/px Choice of two 2k × 2k CCDs: EEV (blue-sensitive) or Loral (red-sensitive). EEV: 16 × 16 arcmin
Loral: 10.8 × 10.8 arcmin
Also does imaging and spectropolarimetry and multi-object spectroscopy.
FOCES Optical échelle spectroscopy 3600 to 9400 Å R = 40 000 to 65 000 Choice of two CCDs: TEK (1k × 1k) or Loral (2k × 2k). Higher resolution needs bigger CCD but causes some light loss.

FOCES is on loan from the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Munich, and will be returned to them in the second half of 2009. There are plans for a replacement échelle spectrograph at Calar Alto, but this will take a while to build if it is given the go-ahead. FOCES will be moved to Wendelstein Observatory

There is a 1.23m telescope at Calar Alto, also operated by CAHA, which is undergoing refurbishment. The site also contains a 0.8m Schmidt telescope which is no longer used, and a 1.5m telescope which is operated by a separate group and used only intermittently.

There is an IR multi-mode instrument, MAGIC, which may be available at all telescopes but is only at the 2.2m at present.


United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
WFCAM Infrared imaging 1 to 5 microns 0.40 arcsec/px Mosaic of four HgCgTe 2k × 2k arrays cover a quarter of a 53×53 arcmin field in one observation 40 × 40 arcmin Four pointing are needed to fully cover each 53×53 arcmin field.
UIST Infrared imaging 1 to 5 microns 0.12 or 0.06 arcsec/px InSb 1k × 1k array 2×2 or 1×1 arcmin Also does long-slit and integral-field spectroscopy
UIST Infrared grism spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 320 to 2000 InSb 1k × 1k array 2×2 or 1×1 arcmin Can do integral-field spectroscopy (field 3.3×6.0 arcsec) and polarimetry.
UFTI Infrared imaging 1 to 2.5 microns 0.091 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 92 × 92 arcsec
CGS4 Infrared grating spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 400 to 4700 InSb 256 × 256 array Also does échelle spectroscopy
CGS4 Infrared échelle spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 37 000 InSb 256 × 256 array Also does grating spectroscopy

The MICHELLE mid-IR imaging and spectrosocpy instrument has been loaned to Gemini-North on a long-term basis. Much of the UKIRT time now goes on large surveys using WFCAM, for example UKIDSS.


European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Paranal observatory (VLT)

VLT Unit Telescope 1 (Antu)

FORS2 will be acquiring polarimetric capabilities soon to replace some of the functionality of FORS1.

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
CRIRES IR échelle spectroscopy 0.94 to 5.4 microns R = 100 000 Mosaic of four InSb arrays giving total size 4096 × 512 pixels Slit length is 46 arcsec at 0.086 arcsec/px Can use the MACAO adaptive optics instrument
FORS2 Optical imaging Optical, but lowish blue sensitivity 0.25 or 0.125 arcsec/px Mosaic of two MIT 2k × 4k CCDs 6.8 × 6.8 arcmin or 4.25 × 4.25 arcmin For better blue response or polarimetry use FORS1.
FORS2 Optical grism spectroscopy Optical, but lowish blue sensitivity Å R = 260 to 2600 Mosaic of two MIT 2k × 4k CCDs 6.8 × 6.8 arcmin Also does multi-object spectroscopy. For better blue response or polarimetry use FORS1.
ISAAC IR imaging 1 to 5 microns 0.148 or 0.071 arcsec/px Choice of two 1k × 1k arrays: HgCdTe (1 to 2.6 micron) or InSb (3 to 5 micron and JHK imaging) 152×152 or 73×73 arcsec Can use the MACAO adaptive optics instrument
ISAAC IR grating spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 500 to 1000 Choice of two 1k × 1k arrays: HgCdTe (1 to 2.6 micron) or InSb (3 to 5 micron and JHK imaging) Slit length 120 arcsec Can use the MACAO adaptive optics instrument

VLT Unit Telescope 2 (Kueyen)

FORS1 will be discontinued during Period 82 (2008 October to 2009 March) and will effectively be replaced by X-SHOOTER. X-SHOOTER and modifications to FORS2.

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
FORS1 Optical imaging Optical, but poor in the red (fringing). 0.25 or 0.125 arcsec/px Mosaic of two EEV 2k × 4k CCDs 6.8 × 6.8 arcmin or 4.25 × 4.25 arcmin Also does polarimetry. For better red response use FORS2.
FORS1 Optical grism spectroscopy Optical, but poor in the red (fringing). R = 260 to 1700 Mosaic of two EEV 2k × 4k CCDs 6.8 × 6.8 arcmin Also does polarimetry and multi-object spectroscopy. For better red response use FORS2.
FLAMES / GIRAFFE Optical multi-object and integral-field spectroscopy 3700 to 9500 Å R = 10 000 or 25 000 EEV 2k × 4k CCD Deployable IFU allows spectroscopy of 15 objects, each with 20 microlenses (totalling 2×3 arcsec).
ARGUS IFU allows spectroscopy of one object using 22×14 microlenses (6.6×4.2 or 11.5×7.3 arcsec).
MEDUSA fibres allow 132 spectra to be obtained in one exposure, covering the 25 arcmin field.
FLAMES / UVES Optical multi-object échelle spectroscopy Red optical wavelengths R = 47 000 See UVES entry (uses red arm only) Up to 8 fibres are available per exposure FLAMES feeds 6 or 8 fibres to the entrance slit of the UVES spectrograph.
UVES Optical échelle spectroscopy 3000 to 5000 (blue) and 4200 to 11 000 (red) Å R = 40 000 to 110 000 Blue arm: EEV 4k × 2k CCD
Red arm: Mosaic containing one EEV 4k × 2k CCD and one Loral 4k × 2k CCD
Long slit maximum is less than 10 arcsec to avoid different orders merging. Has a blue and a red arm, which can either operated separately or simultaneously using a dichroic.

VLT Unit Telescope 3 (Melipal)

VISIR will be replaced during Period 82 (2008 October to 2009 March) by X-SHOOTER. X-SHOOTER is a new single-object échelle spectrograph which will use dichroics to give simultaneous coverage of the full wavelength range from the UV to the near-IR: 300-550 nm (UV-Blue arm), 550-1000 nm (Visual-red arm) and 1.0-2.5 microns (Near-IR arm). There will also be a small integral-field unit.

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
VIMOS Optical wide-field imaging U B V R I z 0.205 arcsec/px Each arm has one EEV 4k × 2k CCD Four arms, each with field of view 7×8 arcmin Also does MOS and IFU spectroscopy.
VIMOS Optical MOS and IFU spectroscopy 3600 to 10000 Å R = 200 to 2500 Each arm has one EEV 4k × 2k CCD MOS: Four arms, each 7×8 arcmin
IFU: 13×13 to 54×54 arcsec.
Also does imaging. The IFU has 6400 fibres.
VISIR Mid-IR imaging 8 to 13 micron (N) and 16.5 to 24.5 micron (Q) N: 0.075 arcsec/px
Q: 0.127 arcsec/px
DRS 256 × 256 BIB detector N: 19.2 × 19.2 arcsec
Q: 32.3 × 32.3 arcsec
Also does spectroscopy.
VISIR Mid-IR spectroscopy 8 to 13 micron (N) and 16.5 to 24.5 micron (Q) R = 350 to 25 000 DRS 256 × 256 BIB detector Slit length 32.3 to 4.1 arcsec Also does imaging.

VLT Unit Telescope 4 (Yepun)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
SINFONI IR integral field spectroscopy 1.1 to 2.45 microns Spatial: 0.025 or 0.1 or 0.25 arcsec per image slice
Spectral: R = 1500 to 4000
2k × 2k Hawaii 2RG detector 8×8 or 3×3 or 0.8×0.8 arcsec Has adaptive optics.
IR imaging 1 to 5 microns 0.0133 to 0.0547 arcsec/px 1k × 1k Aladin InSb array 14×14 to 56×56 arcsec Requires the NAOS adaptive optics. Also does polarimetry.
IR grism spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 400 to 1700 1k × 1k Aladin InSb array 14×14 to 56×56 arcsec Requires the NAOS adaptive optics. Also does polarimetry.
HAWK-I IR imaging 0.85 to 2.55 microns 0.1063 arcsec/px Mosaic of four Hawaii 2k × 2k detectors 7.5×7.5 arcmin

Other facilities at Paranal

The VLT also has a well-developed interferometric capibility, which can either use several of the Unit Telescopes or the dedicated 2m Auxiliary Telescopes. Details of these facilities can be found from the Paranal instruments page.

A 2.6m VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is nearing completion at Paranal and will be equipped with a wide-field optical camera which is a mosaic of 32 CCDs with a field of view of 1×1 degree.

The UK-origin VISTA (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) is also in a fairly advanced stage of construction at Paranal. It is a 4m telescope and will have a wide-field near-IR mosaic of 16 2k × 2k HgCdTe arrays with a field of view of 1.65×1.65 degrees (which requires four observations for full coverage).

La Silla Observatory

The future of La Silla Observatory is not assured in the long term, as ESO seeks to shift its funding (which is already focussed on the VLT) to ALMA and construction of an Extremely Large Telescope. There has been a shift towards minimising the number of instruments, and now the 3.6m has only HARPS and the NTT has only SofI and EFOSC. Information on the retired instruments can be found here: SUSI-2, EMMI, TIMMI2 and CES. There is a possibility that ULTRACAM may find a semi-permanent home at La Silla in the future.

News from the ESO Period 82 Announcement of Opportunity: "Operation of the La Silla site is expected to continue beyond 2010.''

3.6m telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
HARPS Optical échelle spectroscopy 3780 to 6910 Å R = 120 000 (standard). Also has wider fibre for higher throughput and lower resolution. Two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs Fibre opening is 1 arcsec diameter. Probably the world's best spectrograph. Has a simultaneous thorium-argon wavelength calibration mode which allows measurement of radial velocities to 0.5 m/s for sharp-lined late-type stars!

3.6m NTT (New Technology Telescope)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
EFOSC Optical imaging 3500 to 11000 Å 0.13 arcsec/px Loral 2k × 2k CCD 4.4 × 4.4 arcmin Also does long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy and polarimetry.
EFOSC Optical grism spectroscopy 3200 to 11000 Å 0.92 to 6.66 Å/px
plus new VPH grisms with R = 4000
Loral 2k × 2k CCD 4.4 × 4.4 arcmin Also does imaging and multi-object spectroscopy and polarimetry.
SofI IR imaging 0.9 to 2.55 microns 0.144, 0.273 or 0.288 arcsec/px 1k × 1k Hawaii HgCdTe array 2.4×2.4 to 4.9×4.9 arcmin Also does spectroscopy and imaging polarimetry.
SofI IR grism spectroscopy 0.9 to 2.55 microns R = 600 to 2200 1k × 1k Hawaii HgCdTe array Also does imaging and imaging polarimetry.

2.2m MPI telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
WFI Optical imaging 3300 to 10000 Å 0.238 arcsec/px Mosaic of eight 4k×2k CCDs 34 × 33 arcmin Readout time 27s.
FEROS Optical échelle spectroscopy 3500 to 9200 Å R = 48 000 EEV 4k×2k CCD Fibre entrances subtend 2.0 arcsec High-efficiency, fixed-format stable instrument. It has two fibres, allowing simultaneous observation of a science target and either a local sky or a ThAr wavelength calibration.
GROND Simultaneous optical/IR imaging Optical to near-IR in seven passbands Images will be obtained in all seven passbands simultaneously. Instrument is still being commissioned (August 2007).

Only limited time is available on the 2.2m to visiting astronomers, as much of the time is allocated to German and Chilean research.


Las Campanas Observatory (LCO)

UK astronomers have no direct access to these telescopes, but time can be obtained through collaboration with astronomers who are at some American and Chilean institutions. 50% of the time goes to Carnegie, who effectively operate the telescopes, 25% to Harvard and 10% to Chile. The remainder goes to a small number of other American institutions and to NOAO.

6.5m Magellan Baade telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
PANIC IR imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.125 arcsec/px Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 128 × 128 arcsec
IMACS Optical wide-field imaging 3400 to 11000 Å 0.11 or 0.20 arcsec/px Mosaic of eight 4k × 2k SITe CCDs 15.5×15.5 or 27.2×27.2 arcmin Also does long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy.
IMACS Optical grating and grism spectroscopy 3400 to 11000 Å 0.068 to 2.037 Å/px Mosaic of eight 4k × 2k SITe CCDs 15.5×15.5 or 27.2×27.2 arcmin Does multi-object spectroscopy. Also does wide-field imaging.
MagIC Optical imaging ugriz and BVRI 0.069 arcsec/px SITe 2k × 2k CCD 142 × 142 arcsec

6.5m Magellan Clay telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
LDSS3 Optical imaging 3400 to 9500 Å 0.189 arcsec/px Single 4k × 4k STA CCD which is read out by two amplifiers 8.3 × 8.3 arcmin Also does long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy.
LDSS3 Optical grism spectroscopy 3400 to 9500 Å 0.682 to 2.26 Å/px Single 4k × 4k STA CCD which is read out by two amplifiers 8.3 × 8.3 arcmin Does long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy. Also does imaging.
MIKE Optical échelle spectroscopy 3500 to 9500 Å R = 22 000 to 88 000 Two 4k × 2k CCDs; SITe in the blue camera and MIT in the red camera Capable of multi-object spectroscopy

2.5m Irénée du Pont telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
Direct CCD Optical imaging U B V R I 0.259 arcsec/px 2k × 2k TEK CCD 8.85 × 8.85 arcmin
WIRC IR wide-field imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.196 arcsec/px Mosaic of four Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 201×201 arcsec per detector, 12.5×12.5 arcmin for a four-exposure field Full 12.5×12.5 arcmin field requires four exposures to completely cover.
WFCCD Optical wide-field imaging 3600 to 9000 Å 0.77 arcsec/px 2k × 2k TEK CCD 25 × 25 arcmin Can do multi-object spectroscopy
B & C spectrograph Optical grating spectroscopy 3500 to 9000 Å 0.52 to 3.0 Å/px Marconi 2048 × 515 pixel CCD Maximum slit length 271 arcsec
Échelle spectrograph Optical échelle spectroscopy 3700 to 7000 Å R = 45 000 with 1 arcsec slit TEK 2k × 2k CCD

1.0m Henrietta Swope telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
Direct CCD Optical imaging U B V R I 0.435 arcsec/px 2k × 3k SITe CCD 14.8 × 22.8 arcmin
RETROCAM IR imaging 0.8 to 2.5 micron 0.54 arcsec/px Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 9.2 × 9.2 arcmin


Gemini Observatory

Due to the recent funding crisis UK astronomers have limited access to the Gemini telescopes; the exact position is unclear and changing. Up-to-date details can be found here.

Gemini North (Mauna Kea, Hawaii)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
GMOS Optical imaging 3500 to 11000 Å 0.073 arcsec/px Mosaic of three 4k × 2k CCDs 5.5×5.5 arcmin Also does long-slit, multi-object or integral-field spectroscopy. The twin instrument on Gemini South has a better blue response.
GMOS Optical spectroscopy 3500 to 11000 Å 0.2 to 1.7 Å/px Mosaic of three 4k × 2k CCDs IFU has 35×35 arcsec field of view Does long-slit, multi-object, integral-field spectroscopy. Also does imaging. The twin instrument on Gemini South has a better blue response.
NIRI IR imaging 1 to 5 microns 0.022, 0.050 or 0.117 Å/px Aladin InSb 1k × 1k array 22×22, 51×51 or 120×120 arcsec Also does long-slit spectroscopy. Can use the AO system.
NIRI IR grism spectroscopy 1 to 5 microns R = 460 to 1650 Aladin InSb 1k × 1k array 22×22, 51×51 or 120×120 arcsec Also does imaging. Can use the AO system.
NIFS IR integral-field spectroscopy 0.95 to 2.40 microns R = 5000 Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 3×3 arcsec Uses the AO system. Can do spectropolarimetry.
MICHELLE Mid-IR imaging 7 to 26 microns 0.1005 arcsec/px IBC Si:As 320 × 240 pixels array 32×24 arcsec Uses the AO system. Can do polarimetry. Can also do grating spectroscopy.
MICHELLE Mid-IR grating spectroscopy 7 to 26 microns R = 200 to 30 000 IBC Si:As 320 × 240 pixels array 0.201 arcsec/px long slit Uses the AO system. Can also do imaging.

Gemini North also hosts the TEXES high-resolution mid-IR échelle spectrograph, but it is unclear for how long it will be offered. Applications for TEXES must include one of the TEXES team.

Gemini South (Cerro Pachon, Chile)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
GMOS Optical imaging 3500 to 11000 Å 0.073 arcsec/px Mosaic of three 4k × 2k CCDs 5.5×5.5 arcmin Also does long-slit, multi-object or integral-field spectroscopy. The twin instrument on Gemini North has a better red response. Note that fringing in the red is appalling!
GMOS Optical spectroscopy 3500 to 11000 Å 0.2 to 1.7 Å/px Mosaic of three 4k × 2k CCDs IFU has 35×35 arcsec field of view Does long-slit, multi-object, integral-field spectroscopy. Also does imaging. The twin instrument on Gemini North has a better red response. Note that fringing in the red is appalling!
T-ReCS IR imaging 8 to 26 microns 0.09 Å/px Raytheon SiAs 320 × 240 pixel array 28.8×21.6 arcsec Also does long-slit spectroscopy. Can use the AO system.
T-ReCS IR grism spectroscopy 8 to 26 microns Spectral: R = 80 to 1000. Spatial: 0.09 Å/px Raytheon SiAs 320 × 240 pixel array Slit length is 21.6 arcsec Also does imaging. Can use the AO system.

Gemini North also hosts the bHROS high-resolution optical échelle spectrograph, but it was withdrawn from service for semester 2007A on.

The Acquisition Camera is available. It is an optical imager but the Gemini webpage has few details on its scientific capabilities.

The PHOENIX near-IR high-resolution spectrograph may be offered at times (its status is unclear as the Gemini webpage is out of date).

The GNIRS near-IR spectrograph was accidentally damaged in May 2007 by being heated far above room temperature. The instrument is expected to be repaired and return to service, but this may take many months.

The FLAMINGOS near-IR multi-object spectrograph is currently being built and is intended to be offered for service from semester 2008B on.


CTIO: Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

The 1.5m and 1.3m telescopes are operated entirely in service/queue mode. The 1.3m was originally for 2MASS. The 1.0m is classical observing only, whereas the 0.9m is mixed classical/service observing. All four small telescope (1.5m, 1.3m, 1.0m, 0.9m) are owned and operated by the SMARTS Consortium.

4m Blanco telescope (Cerro Tololo)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
MOSAIC II Optical wide-field imaging 3400 to 10000 Å 0.27 arcsec/px Mosaic of eight SITe 4k × 2k CCDs 36 × 36 arcmin Read-out time 2.5 min using 8-channel read mode.
R-C spectrograph Optical grating spectroscopy 3500 to 11000 Å 0.48 to 3.75 Å/px Loral 3k × 1k CCD 328 arcsec slit
HYDRA Optical multi-object spectroscopy 3500 to 10000 Å 0.27 to 1.24 Å/px SITe 4k × 2k CCD 40 × 40 arcmin Also has a higher-resolution échelle grating available.
ISPI IR imaging 1 to 2.5 microns 0.3 arcsec/px Hawaii HgCdTe 2k × 2k pixel array 10.5 × 10.5 arcmin

4.1m SOAR telescope (Cerro Pachon)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
SOI Optical imaging 3100 to 10500 Å 0.077 arcsec/px Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 5.25 × 5.25 arcmin
Goodman HTS Optical imaging 3200 to 8500 Å 0.15 arcsec/px Mosaic of two UL/LL 4k × 2k CCDs 5 × 5 arcmin
Goodman HTS Optical grating spectroscopy R = 1400 to 6000 0.15 arcsec/px Mosaic of two UL/LL 4k × 2k CCDs 5 × 2.5 arcmin Can do multi-object spectroscopy.
OSIRIS IR imaging 1 to 2.2 microns 0.32 or 0.13 arcsec/px Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k pixel array 3.3×3.3 or 1.3×1.3 arcmin
OSIRIS IR spectroscopy 1 to 2.2 microns R = 1400 to 3000 Hawaii HgCdTe 1k × 1k pixel array 3.3×3.3 arcmin Can do multi-object spectroscopy.

1.5m telescope (Cerro Tololo)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
RC spectrograph Optical grating spectroscopy 3500 to 9000 Å resolution 2.2 to 17.2 Å Loral 1200 × 800 CCD
CPAPIR IR wide-field imaging 1.0 to 2.5 micron 1.03 arcsec/px Hawaii HgCdTe 2k × 2k array 35 × 35 arcmin

1.3m telescope (Cerro Tololo)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
ANDICAM Optical/IR imaging UBVRI and YJHK 0.185 and 0.137 arcsec/px Fairchild 2k×2k CCD and Hawaii HgCdTe 1k×1k IR array 6.3×6.3 and 2.4×2.4 arcmin Observes in the optical and IR simultaneously

1.0m telescope (Cerro Tololo)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
Y4KCAM Optical wide-field imaging UBVRI and ugriz 0.289 arcsec/px STA 4k × 4k CCD 20 × 20 arcmin Readout time 51s (unbinned) or 16s (2×2 binning) or <5s (4×4).

0.9m telescope (Cerro Tololo)

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
CCD Optical imaging UBVRI and similar 0.396 arcsec/px 2k × 2k CCD 13.5 × 13.5 arcmin CCD can be read out through 1, 2 or 4 amplifiers.


SAAO: South African Astronomical Observatory

There is also a 0.75m telescope with an IR JHKL photoelectric photometer and the possibility to use the UCT high-speed CCD photometer, and a 0.5m telescope with a UBVRI photoelectric photometer.

SALT: Southern African Large Telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
SALTICAM Optical imaging 3200 to 9500 Å 0.12 arcsec/px Mosaic of two EEV 4k × 2k CCDs 8×8 arcmin Optimised for the blue. Has a high-speed capability.

SALT has only recently been constructed. The Robert Stobie Spectrograph will soon be available for imaging, spectroscopy, and multi-object spectroscopy, and has been designed to have a good UV-blue performance. The High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) is in preparation.

1.9m Radcliffe Telescope

The 1.9m telescope currently has some pointing restrictions, and cannot go north of δ = -10 degrees.

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
GratingSpec Optical grating spectroscopy 3500 to 10000 Å 0.3 to 3.2 Å/px gives 0.5 to 5.0 Å resolution SiTE 266 × 1798 CCD 24 arcsec slit
GIRAFFE Optical échelle spectroscopy 4000 to 10000 Å R = 39 000 TEK 1k × 1k CCD (cosmetic defects) (fibre-fed) Observations can be taken of the blue or red optical wavelength regions (but not simultaneously). A second fibre is available for simultaneous arc or sky spectra, but these options are normally not used.
CCD camera Optical imaging Optical wavelengths 0.12 arcsec/px TEK 1k × 1k CCD 2.5×2.5 arcmin Also used on 1m telescope.
UCT CCD Optical imaging Optical wavelengths 0.13 arcsec/px EEV 576 × 420 CCD 1.2×0.9 arcmin Has high-speed frame transfer capability. Can also be used on 1m and 0.75m telescopes.

1.0m telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
CCD camera Optical imaging Optical wavelengths 0.31 arcsec/px TEK 1k × 1k CCD 5×5 arcmin Also used on 1.9m telescope.
UCT CCD Optical imaging Optical wavelengths 0.30 arcsec/px EEV 576 × 420 CCD 2.7×2.0 arcmin Has high-speed frame transfer capability. Can also be used on 1.9m and 0.75m telescopes.


AAO: Siding Springs Observatory

AAT: Anglo Australian Telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
AAOmega Optical multi-object spectroscopy 3700 to 8500 Å R = 1200 to 10000 Mosaic of two 4k × 2k CCDs Field of view is 2 degrees, fibres have 2 arcsec entrance. Can observe 392 objects simultaneously. Can also do integral-field spectroscopy (512 fibres covering 22×11 arcsec).
IRIS2 IR imaging 0.9 to 2.5 microns 0.45 arcsec/px HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 7 × 7 arcmin Also does imaging. Can use the AO system.
IRIS2 IR grism spectroscopy 0.9 to 2.5 microns R = 2400 HgCdTe 1k × 1k array 7 × 7 arcmin Does multi-object or long-slit spectroscopy.
UCLES Optical échelle spectroscopy Optical wavelengths R = 40 000 to 120 000 Choice of EEV 4k × 2k CCD (blue-sensitive) or MIT-LL 4k × 2k CCD (red-sensitive) Choice of two dispersive gratings.
UHRF Optical échelle spectroscopy Optical wavelengths R = 300 000, 600 000 or 940 000 EEV 4k × 2k CCD Wavelength coverage 4 to 45 Å Red-sensitive MIT-LL CCD is available but its lack of binning means it is not as suitable as the EEV chip (which is normally binned 8×8 for the UHRF).

2.3m ANU Advanced Technology Telescope

Instrument Mode Wavelength coverage Resolution Detector Field of view Details
Imager Optical imaging U B V R I 0.33 arcsec/px EEV 2k × 2k CCD 11.4 × 11.4 arcmin Readout time 30s.
Double Beam Spectrograph Optical spectroscopy 3200 to 9000 Å; a dichroic splits the light at 6000Å 0.3 to 4 Å/px Each arm has an EEV 2048 × 512 CCD 6.7 × 6.7 arcmin in imaging mode Red and blue arms are used simultaneously. Is also capable of multi-object spectroscopy and imaging.

Also has CASPIR, which is an IR imager and spectrograph.

There is also a 40 inch telescope which is equipped with a Wide Field Imager (8 CCDs with a field of view of 52×52 arcmin at 0.38 arcsec/px).
2008: this telescope is no longer available.