Welcome to my homepage. For part of my time I'm the astrophysics computer manager (formally Starlink Site Manager) and currently chair of Astrophysics Computing Managers Group. I am also the Web Administrator for the Astrophysics Group and system adminstrator for the Physics Department within the School of Chemical & Physical Science at Keele University, while during the remaining part I do some research and teaching.
I am a co-investigator with the ASTRA Telescope Project, which is designing and building an automatic spectrophotometer. Further details can be found on my local ASTRA page. If you are interested in possibly using ASTRA data, please contact me.
Click here to see my publications list.
I am the module leader of the PHY-10028: Scientific Programming, PHY-20030: Numerical Methods and PHY-30027: Data Analysis and Model Testing. I also lead the Level 5 Second Semester Physics Laboratory and supervise some Level 6 Physics Projects.
I have developed online Student Evaluation Questionnaires.
Since 2007, I have been the Examinations Officer for the Physics and Astrophysics Undergraduate Courses.
Until its closure, I was the Higher Education Academy representative for Physics and Astrophysics at Keele.
I was the Student Progression and Achievement (SPA) aspect leader during QAA Teaching Quality Audit in 1999, for which we scored a total 22/24 and SPA was scored 4/4. The QAA's full report is available in PDF format.
Barry Smalley (b.smalley@keele.ac.uk)
October 2012